Tired of my weak erections...

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Tired of my weak erections...

Postby dopeyx » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:27 am

Sorry for the long post, I just really need to vent. Pleas read all of it, would be nice to get some emotional support right now.

I'm 22 years old and I had weak erections ever since I was 12 years old. It happened overnight. One night I was fine and then the next morning when I woke up I noticed my erection got weaker. I can feel my erections getting weaker over the years and I'm really getting tired and sick of it. I'm now on 5 mg of daily cialis and it helps my erection a little bit but my erection is still not as hard as it were when I didn't have this problem. My weak erections still allow me to penetrate during sexual intercourse but it is so weak that when I do have sexual intercourse, I can tell the women that I have sex with barely feels anything. Over these past years, the women that I have sex with barely moans and I can tell that they cannot feel any pleasure because of my weak erection. It is very embarassing and now I'm afraid to get intimate with women.

There is this woman that I'm interested in and she is also interested in me and I'm really afraid of getting closer to her because I am afraid that when she gets intimate with me, I won't be able to pleasure her because of my non functioning penis. This problem has affected my sex life for so many years and I'm just so tired of it...i been to 4 urologists and they said they can only offer me 4 options which was pills, pumps, injections, and rings. I'm currently on cialis right now and it's only helping a little bit and the other 3 options I find very inconvenient. I'm tired of having this problem and it has been affecting my sex life for so many years and I'm only 22 years old...I feel like I'm missing out on a lot. Also with my weak erections, it doesn't feel that good anymore when I have sex because I feel like I lost some sensitivity in my penis since it's not hard enough...I don't even know what's wrong with me but I'm pretty sure I have a good idea. I think I have a venous leak in my penis or peyronies that is causing my venous leak because sometimes I feel pain when my penis gets a little hard and after I masturbate. Before I had this problem, my penis pointed upwards when it was erected and I was able to move it up and down and it just felt so strong. But now my penis points downward even with the cialis and when I try to move my penis up and down, it barely moves. Also, it is hard for me to maintain an erection. Once I stop sexual stimulation, without the cialis, my erection would fully go down in 20 seconds. But with the cialis, it takes about 40 to 50 seconds for my erection to go fully down.

I been seriously thinking about getting an implant but one of the urologist that I saw said that he doesn't recommend getting an implant because I'm still young and I asked him if I get an implant, would my penis be rock hard as a normal healthy erection? and he said that it wouldn't be as hard as a normal healthy erection. Now I feel like all hope is lost...and even if I were to get an implant I don't know if my insurance would cover it..I have Kaiser Permanente. And I'm afraid that if I get an implant from one of the doctors from Kaiser Permanente, I'm afraid that something might go wrong.

Right now I just have so many doubts and worries and feelings of hopelessness. I seriously don't know what to do...my urologist told me to try pumps and rings or injections if the cialis doesn't help me that much but I feel like those options are very inconvenient and embarassing for my age.

I heard about a procedure called embolization that an interventional radiologist can perform where they put coils on the leaking veins in the penis to prevent the blood from escaping the veins. I found an interventional radiologist in Kaiser Permanente but I'm not sure if he can perform that. And I'm not even sure if I do have a venous leak or if it's something else. Even the urologists at Kaiser Permanente can't diagnose me because they don't have the right equipment to diagnose that...

And what bothers me the most is how I got this problem at such a young age and it's still affecting me right now...usually these problems affect much older men and I just feel so angry that I have to go through this at such a young age...my friends and even my family don't know that I been living with this problem for many years..its too embarassing to talk about it so I been keeping this to myself all these years...I'm getting really tired of this problem I just want it fixed...no one deserves to go through this pain that I'm going through...it affects my sex life, my confidence, my relationships...its ruining my life...i don't even know if I'm able to find a wife and start a family of my own because of this problem...after a woman have sex with me I can tell how disappointed they are because they didn't get any pleasure...

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Re: Tired of my weak erections...

Postby ED2013 » Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:12 pm

I understand exactly where you are coming from. I went through it all at a young age like you. I now have an implant, and women love it. I went from zero to hero. And it's not true what the uro said. Implant can get harder than natural. If you have any questions or want to talk, let me know and I'll pm you my number

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Re: Tired of my weak erections...

Postby Newimplant » Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:44 am

Hey there,

I went through the exact same thing as you at the exact same age...about 12 years old. I bounced around to different uros and everyone said the sme exact thing "i dont know about implants...you are s young guy". Dont waste your time with these uros. Go to one of the uros that deal with ED. If you have an arterial problem, you may be a candidate for revascularization which Dr. Irwin Goldstein does in San Diego. I went to him and i was found to have a venous leak which a revasc would not help for. I was told flat out that i need an implant...there is really nothing else that will work. I eventually went to someone on my insurance who is also a pro, Dr. Eid in NYC for the implant and just had it done a little less than two weeks ago. I am still healing but. I have heard amazing things about implants. Go see Dr. Goldstein...he wrote the books on ED. Tell him your financial situation, you are young etc If you need an implant, then shop around for one who does many and takes your insurance. I waited from the time i was 12 until 28 to get an implant. Dont waste away your sex life. While that s a long time, i am glad that i took the plunge and just did it. Dont wait your whole life, if you have any questions, PM me.

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Re: Tired of my weak erections...

Postby tryfied » Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:58 am

I'm sorry to hear about this mate.

I'm in a similar situation. 23 years old and suffered from ED for four years. I probably have a venous leak as result of a self inflicted injury. In a few months I will get a penile implant. Unfurtunately nothing else worked for me, so this was the option I have.

I have heard of quite a few young guys like us getting a penile implant, who were satisfied with this.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

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Re: Tired of my weak erections...

Postby Canadian_patient » Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:00 am

dopeyx wrote:Sorry for the long post, I just really need to vent. Pleas read all of it, would be nice to get some emotional support right now.

I'm 22 years old and I had weak erections ever since I was 12 years old. It happened overnight. One night I was fine and then the next morning when I woke up I noticed my erection got weaker. I can feel my erections getting weaker over the years and I'm really getting tired and sick of it. I'm now on 5 mg of daily cialis and it helps my erection a little bit but my erection is still not as hard as it were when I didn't have this problem. My weak erections still allow me to penetrate during sexual intercourse but it is so weak that when I do have sexual intercourse, I can tell the women that I have sex with barely feels anything. Over these past years, the women that I have sex with barely moans and I can tell that they cannot feel any pleasure because of my weak erection. It is very embarassing and now I'm afraid to get intimate with women.

There is this woman that I'm interested in and she is also interested in me and I'm really afraid of getting closer to her because I am afraid that when she gets intimate with me, I won't be able to pleasure her because of my non functioning penis. This problem has affected my sex life for so many years and I'm just so tired of it...i been to 4 urologists and they said they can only offer me 4 options which was pills, pumps, injections, and rings. I'm currently on cialis right now and it's only helping a little bit and the other 3 options I find very inconvenient. I'm tired of having this problem and it has been affecting my sex life for so many years and I'm only 22 years old...I feel like I'm missing out on a lot. Also with my weak erections, it doesn't feel that good anymore when I have sex because I feel like I lost some sensitivity in my penis since it's not hard enough...I don't even know what's wrong with me but I'm pretty sure I have a good idea. I think I have a venous leak in my penis or peyronies that is causing my venous leak because sometimes I feel pain when my penis gets a little hard and after I masturbate. Before I had this problem, my penis pointed upwards when it was erected and I was able to move it up and down and it just felt so strong. But now my penis points downward even with the cialis and when I try to move my penis up and down, it barely moves. Also, it is hard for me to maintain an erection. Once I stop sexual stimulation, without the cialis, my erection would fully go down in 20 seconds. But with the cialis, it takes about 40 to 50 seconds for my erection to go fully down.

I been seriously thinking about getting an implant but one of the urologist that I saw said that he doesn't recommend getting an implant because I'm still young and I asked him if I get an implant, would my penis be rock hard as a normal healthy erection? and he said that it wouldn't be as hard as a normal healthy erection. Now I feel like all hope is lost...and even if I were to get an implant I don't know if my insurance would cover it..I have Kaiser Permanente. And I'm afraid that if I get an implant from one of the doctors from Kaiser Permanente, I'm afraid that something might go wrong.

Right now I just have so many doubts and worries and feelings of hopelessness. I seriously don't know what to do...my urologist told me to try pumps and rings or injections if the cialis doesn't help me that much but I feel like those options are very inconvenient and embarassing for my age.

I heard about a procedure called embolization that an interventional radiologist can perform where they put coils on the leaking veins in the penis to prevent the blood from escaping the veins. I found an interventional radiologist in Kaiser Permanente but I'm not sure if he can perform that. And I'm not even sure if I do have a venous leak or if it's something else. Even the urologists at Kaiser Permanente can't diagnose me because they don't have the right equipment to diagnose that...

And what bothers me the most is how I got this problem at such a young age and it's still affecting me right now...usually these problems affect much older men and I just feel so angry that I have to go through this at such a young age...my friends and even my family don't know that I been living with this problem for many years..its too embarassing to talk about it so I been keeping this to myself all these years...I'm getting really tired of this problem I just want it fixed...no one deserves to go through this pain that I'm going through...it affects my sex life, my confidence, my relationships...its ruining my life...i don't even know if I'm able to find a wife and start a family of my own because of this problem...after a woman have sex with me I can tell how disappointed they are because they didn't get any pleasure...

Hey man, having a 20 second erection fading without stimulation is not really cause for concern. According to my Dr, that's normal. You need to stimulate it. So with the cialis, I think you're good. But if you're not sure, you should request a doppler exam.

Posts: 49
Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:27 pm

Re: Tired of my weak erections...

Postby Bjones » Sun Feb 12, 2017 5:04 am

Just be thankful OP that you started to tackle the problem at such a young age! I had similar problems at your age but didn't seek help at all..I didjnt know what to do as I was ashamed of it and didn't even know who to talk to ...fast forward many years and im just starting to tackle the problem..ugh so much time wasted, experiences lost..

It's absolutely brutal to have ED at such a young age..it kills your self exteem

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Re: Tired of my weak erections...

Postby moreorless » Sun Feb 12, 2017 6:13 am

Canadian_patient wrote:
dopeyx wrote:Sorry for the long post, I just really need to vent. Pleas read all of it, would be nice to get some emotional support right now.

I'm 22 years old and I had weak erections ever since I was 12 years old. It happened overnight. One night I was fine and then the next morning when I woke up I noticed my erection got weaker. I can feel my erections getting weaker over the years and I'm really getting tired and sick of it. I'm now on 5 mg of daily cialis and it helps my erection a little bit but my erection is still not as hard as it were when I didn't have this problem. My weak erections still allow me to penetrate during sexual intercourse but it is so weak that when I do have sexual intercourse, I can tell the women that I have sex with barely feels anything. Over these past years, the women that I have sex with barely moans and I can tell that they cannot feel any pleasure because of my weak erection. It is very embarassing and now I'm afraid to get intimate with women.

There is this woman that I'm interested in and she is also interested in me and I'm really afraid of getting closer to her because I am afraid that when she gets intimate with me, I won't be able to pleasure her because of my non functioning penis. This problem has affected my sex life for so many years and I'm just so tired of it...i been to 4 urologists and they said they can only offer me 4 options which was pills, pumps, injections, and rings. I'm currently on cialis right now and it's only helping a little bit and the other 3 options I find very inconvenient. I'm tired of having this problem and it has been affecting my sex life for so many years and I'm only 22 years old...I feel like I'm missing out on a lot. Also with my weak erections, it doesn't feel that good anymore when I have sex because I feel like I lost some sensitivity in my penis since it's not hard enough...I don't even know what's wrong with me but I'm pretty sure I have a good idea. I think I have a venous leak in my penis or peyronies that is causing my venous leak because sometimes I feel pain when my penis gets a little hard and after I masturbate. Before I had this problem, my penis pointed upwards when it was erected and I was able to move it up and down and it just felt so strong. But now my penis points downward even with the cialis and when I try to move my penis up and down, it barely moves. Also, it is hard for me to maintain an erection. Once I stop sexual stimulation, without the cialis, my erection would fully go down in 20 seconds. But with the cialis, it takes about 40 to 50 seconds for my erection to go fully down.

I been seriously thinking about getting an implant but one of the urologist that I saw said that he doesn't recommend getting an implant because I'm still young and I asked him if I get an implant, would my penis be rock hard as a normal healthy erection? and he said that it wouldn't be as hard as a normal healthy erection. Now I feel like all hope is lost...and even if I were to get an implant I don't know if my insurance would cover it..I have Kaiser Permanente. And I'm afraid that if I get an implant from one of the doctors from Kaiser Permanente, I'm afraid that something might go wrong.

Right now I just have so many doubts and worries and feelings of hopelessness. I seriously don't know what to do...my urologist told me to try pumps and rings or injections if the cialis doesn't help me that much but I feel like those options are very inconvenient and embarassing for my age.

I heard about a procedure called embolization that an interventional radiologist can perform where they put coils on the leaking veins in the penis to prevent the blood from escaping the veins. I found an interventional radiologist in Kaiser Permanente but I'm not sure if he can perform that. And I'm not even sure if I do have a venous leak or if it's something else. Even the urologists at Kaiser Permanente can't diagnose me because they don't have the right equipment to diagnose that...

And what bothers me the most is how I got this problem at such a young age and it's still affecting me right now...usually these problems affect much older men and I just feel so angry that I have to go through this at such a young age...my friends and even my family don't know that I been living with this problem for many years..its too embarassing to talk about it so I been keeping this to myself all these years...I'm getting really tired of this problem I just want it fixed...no one deserves to go through this pain that I'm going through...it affects my sex life, my confidence, my relationships...its ruining my life...i don't even know if I'm able to find a wife and start a family of my own because of this problem...after a woman have sex with me I can tell how disappointed they are because they didn't get any pleasure...

Hey man, having a 20 second erection fading without stimulation is not really cause for concern. According to my Dr, that's normal. You need to stimulate it. So with the cialis, I think you're good. But if you're not sure, you should request a doppler exam.

That isnt normal, it is venous leak
Many doctors dont think that exist venous leak really (many urologist havent any idea) and if you are young they will tell you that it is only psychological but the person knows it isnt psychological

Posts: 49
Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:27 pm

Re: Tired of my weak erections...

Postby Bjones » Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:04 pm

moreorless wrote:
Canadian_patient wrote:
dopeyx wrote:Sorry for the long post, I just really need to vent. Pleas read all of it, would be nice to get some emotional support right now.

I'm 22 years old and I had weak erections ever since I was 12 years old. It happened overnight. One night I was fine and then the next morning when I woke up I noticed my erection got weaker. I can feel my erections getting weaker over the years and I'm really getting tired and sick of it. I'm now on 5 mg of daily cialis and it helps my erection a little bit but my erection is still not as hard as it were when I didn't have this problem. My weak erections still allow me to penetrate during sexual intercourse but it is so weak that when I do have sexual intercourse, I can tell the women that I have sex with barely feels anything. Over these past years, the women that I have sex with barely moans and I can tell that they cannot feel any pleasure because of my weak erection. It is very embarassing and now I'm afraid to get intimate with women.

There is this woman that I'm interested in and she is also interested in me and I'm really afraid of getting closer to her because I am afraid that when she gets intimate with me, I won't be able to pleasure her because of my non functioning penis. This problem has affected my sex life for so many years and I'm just so tired of it...i been to 4 urologists and they said they can only offer me 4 options which was pills, pumps, injections, and rings. I'm currently on cialis right now and it's only helping a little bit and the other 3 options I find very inconvenient. I'm tired of having this problem and it has been affecting my sex life for so many years and I'm only 22 years old...I feel like I'm missing out on a lot. Also with my weak erections, it doesn't feel that good anymore when I have sex because I feel like I lost some sensitivity in my penis since it's not hard enough...I don't even know what's wrong with me but I'm pretty sure I have a good idea. I think I have a venous leak in my penis or peyronies that is causing my venous leak because sometimes I feel pain when my penis gets a little hard and after I masturbate. Before I had this problem, my penis pointed upwards when it was erected and I was able to move it up and down and it just felt so strong. But now my penis points downward even with the cialis and when I try to move my penis up and down, it barely moves. Also, it is hard for me to maintain an erection. Once I stop sexual stimulation, without the cialis, my erection would fully go down in 20 seconds. But with the cialis, it takes about 40 to 50 seconds for my erection to go fully down.

I been seriously thinking about getting an implant but one of the urologist that I saw said that he doesn't recommend getting an implant because I'm still young and I asked him if I get an implant, would my penis be rock hard as a normal healthy erection? and he said that it wouldn't be as hard as a normal healthy erection. Now I feel like all hope is lost...and even if I were to get an implant I don't know if my insurance would cover it..I have Kaiser Permanente. And I'm afraid that if I get an implant from one of the doctors from Kaiser Permanente, I'm afraid that something might go wrong.

Right now I just have so many doubts and worries and feelings of hopelessness. I seriously don't know what to do...my urologist told me to try pumps and rings or injections if the cialis doesn't help me that much but I feel like those options are very inconvenient and embarassing for my age.

I heard about a procedure called embolization that an interventional radiologist can perform where they put coils on the leaking veins in the penis to prevent the blood from escaping the veins. I found an interventional radiologist in Kaiser Permanente but I'm not sure if he can perform that. And I'm not even sure if I do have a venous leak or if it's something else. Even the urologists at Kaiser Permanente can't diagnose me because they don't have the right equipment to diagnose that...

And what bothers me the most is how I got this problem at such a young age and it's still affecting me right now...usually these problems affect much older men and I just feel so angry that I have to go through this at such a young age...my friends and even my family don't know that I been living with this problem for many years..its too embarassing to talk about it so I been keeping this to myself all these years...I'm getting really tired of this problem I just want it fixed...no one deserves to go through this pain that I'm going through...it affects my sex life, my confidence, my relationships...its ruining my life...i don't even know if I'm able to find a wife and start a family of my own because of this problem...after a woman have sex with me I can tell how disappointed they are because they didn't get any pleasure...

Hey man, having a 20 second erection fading without stimulation is not really cause for concern. According to my Dr, that's normal. You need to stimulate it. So with the cialis, I think you're good. But if you're not sure, you should request a doppler exam.

That isnt normal, it is venous leak
Many doctors dont think that exist venous leak really (many urologist havent any idea) and if you are young they will tell you that it is only psychological but the person knows it isnt psychological

Venous leaks really can't be treated either can they? Basically most need to do injections or penis implants right?

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