Length & Girth

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Length & Girth

Postby tankerman » Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:21 pm

Hello Guys,,, can anyone tell me why my Dr keeps telling me that I will lose a little length and girth with the implant when my research tells me that the girth can be easily inhanced?????? Nathan
I am 48 years old have had ED since I was 16, I can get an erection but I can not maintain it, tried pills I dont like the side effects, tried Trimix it has been hit and miss, I think I should get an implant.

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Re: Length & Girth

Postby Steven1111 » Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:54 pm

Hi Nathan,

I'd don't mean to be unkind but I think you're really obsessing about your size way too much. You've posted probably a dozen or more posts on here about your size so far and gotten a whole lot of good answers but your'e still fixated on size. You're missing the big picture. For one thing the average penis size of males across the planet is somewhere between 5 1/2" and 5 3/4". You've posted that you're already 6 1/2" and feel it's not big enough. I think you won't be satisfied with whatever you get if that's how you feel now. I'd really suggest you see a counselor, or better still, a sex therapist and have a discussion with them about this. Please realize that regardless of the size of you cock if it doesn't get hard you can't have sex! So even your 6 1/2" is useless to you right now as a sex toy. You might lose a bit of length and girth but on the other hand it's much more likely that you'll be close to the same size you are now. Have you done a stretch test to see what your likely to be? I came out a little Bigger than my stretch test with an AMS CX which isn't supposed to gain length but mine did. You could have great results if you give it a chance and stop worrying yourself sick. Don't do this to yourself, man. Lighten up a little bit and look at what you'll gain from this instead of what you might lose. I don't mean to be harsh with this but I'm worried about your mental state and think you could help yourself by talking to an expert or just listen to all the posts you've received on here. We're all on your side and wish you the best. We all worry about size but try to keep it in bounds. You'll be OK I'll bet. Just hang in there and relax some. I'm sorry if I've offended you as that wasn't my intent. I just want to you to be OK, alright? I think you will be.

Good luck, and all the best to you,
64 year old gay man. Brachytherapy Radiation for Prostate Cancer Oct. 2010. Permanent ED Nov. 2012. Failed pills, pumps and injections. Happily implanted with AMS CX May 9th, 2013. Sex Rocks again! Thanks to everyone for such caring support.

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Re: Length & Girth

Postby Dave48003 » Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:47 pm

Nathan, remember what I told you my wife says, it is longer and thicker now than it has ever been, even though my measurements say I'm the same. And I'm only 5-1/4" in girth, which is average according to MrAverage.com. But she says if it was thicker it would hurt. As you know, I demo this for those who ask, and everyone, male and female, who has seen and felt its thickness and hardness is impressed. Got skype, I'll video with you if you want!

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: Length & Girth

Postby tankerman » Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:25 pm

Thanks Dave, I have made up my mind and I am going to have the surgery 9-4-13 there is no looking back from here it will be what it will be. I want to ask should I lose some weight I have a really big belly and my balls always inch my wife said I should get as healthy as I can before surgery lose weight better diet ect ect. thanks Nathan
I am 48 years old have had ED since I was 16, I can get an erection but I can not maintain it, tried pills I dont like the side effects, tried Trimix it has been hit and miss, I think I should get an implant.

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Re: Length & Girth

Postby MARKOS2018 » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:25 pm

Get girth with a Titan and that is guaranteed....

It is "Kay sera sera" whatever will be will be --- and you can go on from there with pleasuring your partner. We all want it to be bigger and better but will the wife want it that way?????? Wife will be happy with what ever the outcome!
Titan implanted by Dr Eid Due to Peyronies, Implant was the only option for me.

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Re: Length & Girth

Postby katsboytoy » Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:00 am

Is Nathan talking about length or girth? Haven't followed him in the forum. I've digitally satisfied the 2 best loves of my life over the past 15 years. My digits are 2.5 and 3 inches, and it is not how long or wide your member is, it's how you use it!. Learn the female genetalia and you will surprise yourself with the loudest screams of pleasure from you partner. Learn what your partner needs, it's not always a big long fat dick.
71 yrs young. Widower. Seed implants in 97 (Last Woodie) for Prostate Cancer.
4/20/12 Started PGE-1,20 units. Now using 25.
8/10/12 Started Tri-Mix#9, 30 Units.
Kathie wants it 24/7....

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Re: Length & Girth

Postby bob1138 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:15 am


I was implanted with the Titan in December 2007 and it completely corrected my ED and restored both my sex life and the
emotional intimacy with my wife.
Also, as Hardrod stated, I definitely have increased girth.
I would choose the Titan again in a heart-beat.
That being said, the final choice is yours and yours alone just as it was for me and the other Bionic Brothers!!
Best of Luck,

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Re: Length & Girth

Postby Dave48003 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:05 pm

Nathan & all,

As you know, I'm an AMS guy. I like the fact that it shrinks in length and width when deflated. My penis feels almost normal except for the ends that reside in the glans. They are wide and firm, even with a soft penis. As I pump up, they become less noticable. I, like Bob, would go down the same path again, in my case the LGX. If I were a well endowed guy, I might choose the Titan based on what I've read. I would really like to get a few of us together and do some comparison. Maybe find a couple of "judges" to tell us what they think as far as how it looks, feels, etc. Anybody willing to hang it out with me for the sake of comparison?
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: Length & Girth

Postby tankerman » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:51 pm

Hi Dave its Nathan,,, When is a good time to call you tomorrow?.
I am 48 years old have had ED since I was 16, I can get an erection but I can not maintain it, tried pills I dont like the side effects, tried Trimix it has been hit and miss, I think I should get an implant.

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