Anti-Depressants for ED

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Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby conway_96 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:59 pm

Hi everyone,

Background: I'm 28-years-old. Been basically impotent for about 10 years now. Cause has never been identified. Tried everything - pills, injections, VED, with little to no success. I don't even attempt relationships anymore because of my mental and physical state.

I've been unhappy for years, but recently the symptoms have turned physical (scared, anxiety). The thought of living another 40-60 years is terrifying.

I'm 100% certain that my depression is situational. If I was cured today, I'd be the happiest person alive.

So my question is, can anti-depressants help with situational depression? Going to work is becoming increasingly difficult.

I'm also scared that anti-depressants can lead to suicidal behaviour. I don't want to do that to my family. They would be shattered.

Any advice is helpful.

Potent erectile function until mid-teens. Pelvic fracture at 15.
Tried everything - pills, injections, shockwave, PRP injections, stem cell injection.
Life has been completely destroyed as a result.
Implant is the only remaining option.

Frank Talk Admin
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Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:47 pm

Yes! Talk to your doctor or make an appointment with a psychiatrist. There are tons of medicines out there to get you feeling better. Many, many people use mood elevators to help them get through rough patches. Don't wast anymore time.

Also...Have you talked to one of the implant specialists? Please read the implant section. the vast majority of guys wish they had not waited so long. You are FAR from the youngest guy who gets an implant. Don't waste any more time. It sounds like an implant is the next thing you should explore.

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Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby Jamesbond » Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:30 pm

I agre with admistration talk to someone, a shrink.

Counseling or someone to talk to is better than anti-depressants. They have side effect plus whn you get off the, it would be hard. Try talking it out to a good profesional that can help you. Give talking it out a chance first.

Also explore going to another urologist. See a Dr that specializes in implants.
Recently I have learned about the implants. Luckily big difference is we can look at more and different things online. Learn about others. Option really not as available 20 years ago.

Been like this longer than you. It not the end of the world.
Otherwise I have been happy.

They are coming up with new pills and treatments all the time.
Thier is a lot of money to be made if they can solve the problem of ED.
You know how many billions have been made selling Viagra. They don't want to let patents expire and allow others to
sell lower priced alternative.

New procedure that might be FDA approved in the US. It might be coming this year.
Much less invasive than implant. No surgery.
No side effects. I have been researching into it.
Thinking of getting implant. Have not done it because of the length I
have lost.
50, Straight, I miss women

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Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby conway_96 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:56 pm

Thanks for the advice guys.

I've been reading the implant section daily.

One of my problems is that I'm from Canada, so I would have to wait years for an implant. Plus, the guys that do them here only do a small amount per year, so I'm not too keen on the idea of an inexperienced doctor performing the most invasive and important procedure of my life. If I go with one of the top American guys, I would be in debt, especially if there are complications with the procedure and it needs to be repeated.

Given my young age, I'm also hoping that something stem cell/tissue engineering related will appears in the next few years. If I get the implant, there is no going back.

A lot to consider.

Jamesbond, can you send me a link to the procedure you're referencing?

Potent erectile function until mid-teens. Pelvic fracture at 15.
Tried everything - pills, injections, shockwave, PRP injections, stem cell injection.
Life has been completely destroyed as a result.
Implant is the only remaining option.

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Location: NYC, sometimes NJ

Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby Jamesbond » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:11 pm

shock wave therapy erectile dysfunction

Hard to link
A few different sources of info online about it

Thank you
Thinking of getting implant. Have not done it because of the length I
have lost.
50, Straight, I miss women

Frank Talk Admin
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Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:18 pm

Take a look at they have packages for implants and even financing. Is that something you could afford?

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Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby hypogonadal » Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:35 pm

Hey Conway, I am also in Canada and my ED started at 16 as well. I am 31 now.

Have you ever had your testosterone levels checked? Do you know what your results are? Mine were 199 ng/dl and they told me I was normal.

At this age the most common causes seem to be: hypogonadism (perhaps linked to Kalmann Syndrome of Klinefelters), pitutary or hypothalmus tumors, or injury.

I strongly believe that my ED has been due to a hormonol condition, cause yet to be identified. I have had promising improvements when I started Clomid that I never experienced since the problem started- at the same age as yours. Everything from sensitivity to nocturnal erections briefly came back. Most likely stopped due to estrogen which was too high.

I am now being treated for hypogonadism and the tests continue. Please, get your numbers and see them for yourself. Normal doesnt mean normal! Most docs seem uneducated on testosterone ranges, even when young and crying about the symptoms.

If I can be to your avail, please contact me. I will be happy to tell you more about what I've done and I can give you a good urologist who specializes in sex if your interested.
31 Years old. ED since I was 15/16. Diagnosed with hypogonadism/venous leak at 31. On Clomid/Arimidex mix for HRT. Cured for a week then it stopped. In process to find a solution. Lifelong nightmare but I waited a decade + to get help.

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Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby conway_96 » Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:01 pm

Thanks for the reply hypogonadal.

I've had all the blood work done many times. All tests come back perfect. My condition is definitely physical. The only option left at this point is the implant. I'm saving up money now and will try to get it done before the end of the summer.

I have an appointment in two weeks with a center for mental health. I'm skeptical that it will help my depression, but worth a shot.

Potent erectile function until mid-teens. Pelvic fracture at 15.
Tried everything - pills, injections, shockwave, PRP injections, stem cell injection.
Life has been completely destroyed as a result.
Implant is the only remaining option.

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Location: Toronto, Ontario

Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby conway_96 » Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:04 pm

Frank Talk Admin wrote:Take a look at they have packages for implants and even financing. Is that something you could afford?

Thanks Paul,

It's something I could afford at the end of the summer. The Canadian dollar is really hurting me. I plan on getting this done in the US. I'll have to save up all summer just to make up the difference in the exchange rate!

Potent erectile function until mid-teens. Pelvic fracture at 15.
Tried everything - pills, injections, shockwave, PRP injections, stem cell injection.
Life has been completely destroyed as a result.
Implant is the only remaining option.

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Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:44 pm

Re: Anti-Depressants for ED

Postby Anonymous2 » Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:38 pm

Hi Conway Just try this you google natural ways out of depression, there all drug free ways for help, and one is meditation, which if you read up is said to be very good.

As most of us know and you should by now the anti-depression drugs are sex killers, if that's what your on, if your want to try the meditation trail do see your doctor about coming off them, its takes a couple of moths or could be longer depending how long you have been on them.

Two of the things it teaches you is breathing and how to focus, two important things in the fight to overcome depression, have a read of this link. ... ENMAN.html

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