Newly Implanted read My 8 week story

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Newly Implanted read My 8 week story

Postby Mrprime » Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:55 pm

This will be lengthy but your penis deserves all the attention
and time it takes to make a decision that renders you impotent for life.

ME: late late 40s,non diabetic. No medication.but i do have to watch my pressure.
I believe my erection problems came from a back fusion in 2017,as 5 months after i saw rapid decline in erections.

Surgeon Dr Eid..Nov 7 2023. NYC. Implant 24cm titan. Girth 5.5 inches around
( i believe i gained girth,i think my last measurement was 5.25 last i checked)
Im a grower not a shower. Post op,my penis doesnt shrivel up like before.
Its actually nice to be bulging lol..
If i push the fat on top of penis near the base, back as far as possible.I measure 6.5 inches.
If i just hold tape measure above penis looking down and line it up across,im 2 inches exactly
left to right girth. My right side of penis is 6.9 inches base to tip because i have a sweeping curve slightly left.
My left side measured is hair under 6.5. I simply say i have 6.5 inch length.
But ill say a 24cm implant can give you 7 inches depending on your body fat and anatomy.

Dr eid tried to measure me with injection at the office and i did not get a full erection.
I got maybe what felt like 85 to 90% erection.
I didnt want him giving me surgery and comparing a bullshit number to his work so that he could say
"well this is what i measured".
This was my own personal fear.
I had no reason to think dr eid would fail in the dept, but im nervous.
Dr eid said he thought i would be 17cm outside the body and anywhere from 3 to 5 centimeters in the body.
So he said i could be approx 22 to 24 cm total but that he wont know for sure until surgery date.
I trusted him. He eventually proved to be right on the money with sizing.

He reassured me that in the surgery he would stretch me out
to my fullest to give me exactly what my penis can take.
I swallowed my fears because this guy is top notch every where i read.

My fears going into to surgery was primary sizing and in infection.
My secondary was not being able to have orgasm
and not getting engorgement of glands.
But i was willing to take those losses.
I rarely read of lack of orgasm but i did read some people lost engorgement.

The antibiotics in the IV will or will not make your head itch like a motherfucker.
I thought i had bed bugs until the nurse came in and told
me it was normal.That shit got me mad that she didnt tell me
i might start scratching like a crackhead. So

After surgery i was strapped in this tight ass jock strap contraption
and a piss bag tied to my leg.My throat was sore because i was given anesthesia not just propofol.
So tube was down my throat. This was because i have fusion metal parts
l4 l5 and anesthesia decided this was what was needed i guess.

My son drove me home,2 hour ride home. Felt ok mostly.
At home i stood up for a few minutes & had fainting spell. Had to sit down.
Dont let feeling ok fool you. Take it easy. Relax and rest as much as possible.

So im home icing my balls.Keep the ice on your sack area.
I had weird pains all over groin area and i couldnt tell how my penis was orientated in the strap.
I only knew by peeking in and seeing he had me taped up facing belly button..
I needed pain meds. I was sensitive to the pain.
Sitting upright in a chair was uncomfortable.
I needed to lay back in my recliner all day or in bed. I walked very lil the first 3 days.
My wife and son emptied my bag for me the first 3 days because bending was hurting me..
I probably could have done it in pain if i was by myself but they helped me.
Every bit of help was needed for me the first 3 days.
I would have been mad being by myself. You really want help if your sensitive to pain.

ok now the real fucker. Its pump time. I sat in hot water a few minutes.
I could feel the release valve. I had a small area of swelling but nothing crazy at all.
I felt confident to pump. HOLY FUCK. the pain was crazy. I felt like i was pumping razor blades into my shaft.
The area where i was squeezing my testicles began to hurt on the skin.I slipped on the pump and OMG OMG that shit felt like a kick in the groin.
I bit down and moaned. I pumped to what felt like 80 percent to 90%.It was difficult to continue pumping.
I moaned in pain humming for 15 minutes in hot water.
Then i sat there deflating and squeezing in pain. It hurt like hell.
The hot water made my pressure drop,i was weak and in pain.
Time your pain meds 2 hours before your bath.HAVE HEATING PAD ON DECK.
You need the heat. I never ever felt so much pain ,especially after that first cycle.

My first pump,i AM NOT MY FULL ERECTED LENGTH. Im short by an inch or less.
Im a lil upset and freaked out but i remain patient. I no longer have a curve going left,im just straight up
Ive always had a slight curve left.

Fast forward. Day 4 and day 5, i try to go longer than 15 min and i cant..
the pain is unbearable. I only cycled 2 times each day for the first 3 days of cycling and i refused to go over 15 min.
I decided im only doing 2 cycles a day but i will be in hot water 40 or more minutes..
Thats it..At this point i refuse to wear boxer briefs as i feel ALL the compression from the briefs much more magnified.
Im now wearing just shorts that are smooth soft material.or sweats without any underwear.
It feels so much more comfy. Im not wearing any straps after day 3.
I just make sure to constantly shift my penis up when sitting and laying down,
never really letting it stay in one position too many hours.
The piss bag was easy to remove just follow instructions.
It hurt very lil removing,,just a long sting feeling that ends when its out.

Im realizing im pumping way to much right away on my cycling sessions,
so i start slowly in the tub.
I pump enough to get most wrinkles out and then i exercise it.
Hold the base and bend in all directions and twist all directions,,
Not crazy.
Each bend and twist makes it easier to add more pumps.
Eventually im maxing out feeling less and less pressure but the razor blade feeling is still there..
The difference now is that the razor blade pain goes from
level 10 pain at full pump to level 6 or 8 pain deflated.
So im seeing very slight reduction in pain after cycling.
The bath and the heating pad are crucial in reducing my pain.

Now for the crazy part of week 2. I get a fever and chills and slight swelling in my sack.
I can feel meaty feeling around the pump,swelling around the pump.Its not as defined as before.
I got shivers and aches..I call dr eid cell, he tells me to go to urgicare and get tested.
I go to urgicare get tested for strep covid and flu,,all negative.
He then tells me next day on sunday to get blood panel done to see
white blood cell count.He then has me come in the office mon.
I have no major swelling in the area no puss no bleeding.
He says he can still feel the valve..
My stitches get removed as well..Ps the nurses there are so helpful and wonderful,,they really make u feel comfy..
[ At this point dr eid tells me i have 24cm implant. So i know im not shortened and i know he didnt mess up my size.
But visually my erected penis is not looking as long as it was pre implant,
but this situation has me more worried than size.}

He then sends me back same day to get another white cell count.
It was elevated sunday at 14 or 15 and drops to 11 or 12 mon in 24 hours.
He stated that my count could be up cause im sick but that there is possibility
i have infection but that he sees no signs of infection in the area.
So now its waiting game. He maintains the notion that i must see decrease in pain over time.
That this is what determines if im healing appropriately.
By tues im fever free. No more sick feeling and now just taking one day at a time.
No follow up appts,just waiting game. Swelling going down.
That meaty puffy feeling gone,,i feel pump as clear as i did day after implant.

Any slight testicle swelling from when i got sick is gone. Im getting better at not slipping during pump.
Im exercising the penis more often at 60% 70% 80% 90% than i am at full pump.
Im still in massive pain at full pump but now the pain is level 1 or 2 immediately after deflating, just an aching feeling upon deflation,and sensitivity.
I probably spend 15 minutes just bending and twisting as i intermittently pump until i get to mostly maxed out.
Full max is very painful. But im reaching full max with less pain regardless. I really dont leave it pumped more than 20 min full pump...
but as i deflate,,i deflate slowly and work it and bend and twist.
So im still getting at least 30 minutes at 60% 70% 80% pump with lots of exercise..
walking is more comfortable more comfortable. I use to really feel pain where i squeeze the pump but thats going away or gone now.
I previously could feel sore where im pinching the pump. The skin was sore.

Im beginning to notice a slight curve to the left at full pump.
Its not exactly the same curve i had before but its a curve.
So my length is coming back. I believe the tubes in the shaft are extending from being worked.
I think that despite the titan only gaining girth by design and maintaining a fixed length pre and post pump,
that its still a new piece of material being stretched and broken in
which is leading to elongation to some degree.

And this is why i recommend titan.Like anything new,it gets broken in and lengthens.
I never lost erectile size before surgery.
I only lost pressure of blood to fill my penis max length.
So dont panic if after surgery your not your full length. (assuming your seeing Dr Eid)
A benefit of the titan im noticing is that lets suppose your at full pump and your 6 inches.
Lets suppose that you just need to reduce pressure a lil bit because of pain.
You can tap that release valve quick and drop pressure but keep full length and thickness.
The titan is not a length expanding tube per say..
so it mostly reaches full length at lets say 90% pump (getting wrinkles out)
after that your just expanding it in width...
You can deflate from 100% to 90% keep length inside your ladies
vagina and without feeling like you shrunk too much to not please her as usual.
I truly feel if my penis could get a lil thicker in girth,that the titan would fill it more.
I dont know how much more, but i feel like my titan can get thicker than i can hence the pain at full pump.
So im thinking if you guys are thicker than 5.5 inches girth around this should help u max out thickness.

I masturbated and i tried intercourse..ITS EXTREMELY PAINFUL but its decreasing with time.
It was easier to masturbate than have sex. Coming felt weird because i still feel all the tubing and weirdness of the implant.
Even the muscles contracting felt weird. But as time goes.It feels more and more normal like before.
I asked for more meds to take the edge off..Im only taking tramadol because i cant take other pain meds,,they cause massive panic attacks.
Anywho...the pain from sex was all in the tip and the testicle areas...
The grinding of the skin on the tube that exits the cylinders was causing me serious pain..level 9...
I tested an idea. I slid my ballskin to the left and right and rubbed the same area where those tubing exits are,,,
the tubing exits werent enough to cause pain while rubbing on the skin that is left and right of tubing..
So i realized its the skin where the stitches were that are still sensitive to the grinding against the tube..
SO my journey is going to be a bit longer in dropping pain..
But i will say its always slightly decreasing week to week. Your first couple orgasms are gonna feel weird.
I feel the cylinders but that cylinder feeling is going away..Your always going to know and feel cylinders but it becomes a normal feeling.
My gland does engorge as i get aroused and have sex. It doesnt get as fully pumped as before but it gets 80 to 90% pumped as i was used to.
It could be 100%. Its close enough that it isnt a concern. I think i gain half inch from the gland as i get excited.

I was never a porn star ejaculation guy. Had more to do with my angle than inability.
In past time i could ejaculate far by angling my penis up on booty while finishing doggy and
hit the wife in the back of the head like a sniper....
I havent tried that again so now i just ooz and shoot a lil out when i orgasm..
but this is what im used to..Your mileage may vary..Its still very painful and dr eid gave me one last script for pain that i only will use on sex days going into
weeks 8 9 10..currently as i write,,im week 7 day 5 going into new year. very happy with my decision. It was worth the risk.
My size is back. My thickness is now 5.5 inches girth.
So i think i gained just a lil..Im still hitting the wifes cervix.
I guess if i slim down ill show more penis hahahah...

Cycle up slowly,exercisng your penis. Rub the lines between the tubes.massage it.
Pump some more,taking your time bending and flexing. Grabbing the base when you do this bending.
Just listen to your body but know you may have to fight thru some pain.
If your a grower,,get a titan. If thickness is important, get a titan.
Tell your doctor which hand your dominant in..Because my pump happens to lean to the right where im righty..
That may mean something if your lefty...maybe you want it to lean left.
TIP: dont get surgery around sept thru winter...why get sick and scared for no reason..Man i was terrified. If i could do it again,,
i would schedule away from flu season. My journey is still on going...
I still have a lil pain at full pump and during sex...i know im going to have to give it time..
The nurses said i can expect to go as far as 3 months..
Ive seen people from other doctors with same incision site say 6 months...
Bionic on Nov 7 2023 24cm coloplast titan
48yr old. Pills & Injections barely & stopped working.
Implanted by DR who uses NO touch TECHNIQUE.

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