WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby WindWizard » Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:40 pm

Greg1956 wrote:Happy you are back at home and on the road to recovery. Isn’t this a great place you can come to to get answers and support? I read a couple things in your update I want to respond to. First, I think many of us were supplied with a jock strap to keep our dicks upright at first. I assume since you wore boxers on your flight home that you did not get one. The jock and sweat pants were my uniform of choice those first days.

You mentioned the pain in your glans. That is completely normal. The cylinder tips are intruding in a place that hasn’t been intruded on before. The pressure in the inside will be noticeable for awhile.

Last, you mentioned you hope you get more girth. Your shaft looks damn thick in the photo. Is it more flat from a side view than the top view in your photo? If that is the case that is also quite normal. If I pump up my penis still has a flat side view but when my wife or I stimulate it it fills out.

Keep us posted on your progress.

Hey Greg thanks for the response. Yes, this place is amazing haha, I don’t know where I’d be without it but a lot more worried that’s for sure. Really appreciate all you guys willing to help me out answering questions. I was supplied with a Jock Strap, but it has a hole cut out for the penis and as a result my penis still hangs downwards just as much with the Jock strap on pretty much as with the boxers on. Also not sure how I could bend it upwards more, when I tried to do so on the plane ride it was very painful and felt like my penis was going to break because I was bending it against its natural curve.

Glad to know about the pain in the glans being normal. Just feels pretty extreme for now haha. I guess I just am more of a baby to pain than most people I think. My girth is looking better due to the swelling I admit hahaha. I’m hoping that when I can cycle and pump it fully I should get a reasonable amount of girth to work with.

Thanks for the response Greg, appreciate you taking the time.
20 years old. Severe ED for the past 5 years due to scar tissue.
Tried shockwave therapy in Greece, and PRP shot from Dr. Goldstein in San Diego. Both with no results.
Implanted with a AMS LGX 18cm + 2 RTEs, performed by Dr. Edward Karpman - 10/8/2019

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby WindWizard » Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:48 pm


Well I made it to morning and to be honest it wasn’t as bad I was fearing. I slept fairly well, I think I got about 7 and half hours of sleep. The only irritating thing was I kept having to wake up to go to the bathroom. Since the damn catheter came out I’ve been left with a sense of urinary frequency. I guess this is a common side effect, but I hope it disappears soon.

Haven’t had a really good bowel movement yet but also don’t have severe stomach pain yet, so we’ll see which one comes first...

Pain wise I’m doing better all around. My abdomen is extremely sore due to the pump, hurts too walk or sit or move due to this. Tips still hurt, incision aches a bit, but nothing as bad as yesterday, and I haven’t even taken any pain meds. I’m gonna take ibuprofen right away once the 48 hours from surgery time wears off.

Biggest thing I’m concerned about now is the pump. The pump is very swollen and I’m having a really hard time trying to distinguish what is what. It also feels like it’s attached to one of my testicles, which I guess is fairly common but can also be a sign of infection so I don’t know what to make of that. I tried pulling it down gently, but that’s difficult when I have no idea what I’m pulling down on and I don’t want to hurt my left testicle which I scarily enough can’t even find. I’m gonna hop in a boiling shower in a few hours and see if I can work things lose gently and see what’s going on down there like the doc recommended.Hopefully everything’s fine. Ultimately one criticism I could level at Karpman is I feel like really glosses over a lot of the problems and issues you might have with surgery and doesn’t really give you info unless you directly ask. Just feel a bit worried that I’m doing something very wrong here, but maybe that’s just my paranoia.
20 years old. Severe ED for the past 5 years due to scar tissue.
Tried shockwave therapy in Greece, and PRP shot from Dr. Goldstein in San Diego. Both with no results.
Implanted with a AMS LGX 18cm + 2 RTEs, performed by Dr. Edward Karpman - 10/8/2019

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby notaes » Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:37 pm

Rooting for you man. Hang in there just thought a lot about having this surgery at nineteen years old. I’m 66 and just have my surgery consult in two weeks. Take care and hang tough!
66 yr old male married 36 yrs use trimix four yrs, cilais and Viagra. trimix work well developed scarring on both sides had implant 1/9/2020 at UT Med Ctr, Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lacy.

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby Snoozdoc » Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:47 pm


This recovery stuff is no easy thing.

I just wanted to mention that regarding the frequent trips to urinate, it is most likely from all the saline you received duting your hospitalization. It’s a type of salt solution that first leaks into to body from your blood vessels, but then your body slowly reequilibrates and you need to pee off all that extra fluid. I had gained about 8 pounds in just 24 hours on hospital, and it was all fluid. Took a few days to get rid of it all.

Hang in there!!!
Developed Type 1 at age 43. ED started about 4 years later (~2013). Pills quit working. Peyronie’s joined the circus. Finally coloplast 18+0 9/12/2019.

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby young_and_impotent » Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:20 pm

congratulations and wish you a speedy recovery!
28 year old with severe lifelong ED.
Implanted in New Delhi on 26/12/19 with AMS CX (15x12) + 4cm RTE
Post op length 4.5 inches from ~ (5.5 to 6) inches. Disappointed!
Wish to have a revision to LGX some day.

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby LeftCoaster » Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:03 pm

Hey kid, my new Bionic brother albeit a much younger one, welcome aboard!

Hey I'm about 5 weeks ahead of you and I have to say I'm pretty much pain free so hang in there.

Now let me give you a tip that may help you with urination. It was very difficult for me to pee after the catheter was removed. Here's what helped meet in my first week: as your hovering over the toilet with your dick in one hand, have a roll of toilet paper in your other hand and squeeze it. Not sure why it helped me, and it may or may not help you, but squeezing that roll of toilet paper allowed me an easier time peeing.

I was pretty active, pushing myself to walk. I personally think it helped my healing.

Good luck, you're through the tough part though you'll have a few weeks of pain and discomfort (probably if you're like me). Bags of ice and daily baths (about an hour) helped was the pain.

Good luck and there's a lot of good guys on this board who can give you some pointers.

61; ED caused by VL; Coloplast Titan 22cm Implant August 27, 2019 by Dr Karpman at El Camino Hospital, Los Gatos, CA

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Happy Toy
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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby Happy Toy » Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:57 pm

Sometimes running water in the sink or shower while your trying to pee will also help, it did me.
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 79yrs., married 56 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby Greg1956 » Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:00 pm

Although you may not feel like being active, it does help to get up and move around several times a day between your icing sessions.

Your ballsac has been through a lot so everything you are worried about is pretty much what all of us bionic guys have gone through. I couldn’t feel anything in my scrotum at first. It just seemed like one firm sac. I think it was my third week before I could feel the components of the pump.
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby merrix » Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:59 pm

WindWizard wrote:DAY 2 - MORNING

Well I made it to morning and to be honest it wasn’t as bad I was fearing. I slept fairly well, I think I got about 7 and half hours of sleep. The only irritating thing was I kept having to wake up to go to the bathroom. Since the damn catheter came out I’ve been left with a sense of urinary frequency. I guess this is a common side effect, but I hope it disappears soon.

Haven’t had a really good bowel movement yet but also don’t have severe stomach pain yet, so we’ll see which one comes first...

Pain wise I’m doing better all around. My abdomen is extremely sore due to the pump, hurts too walk or sit or move due to this. Tips still hurt, incision aches a bit, but nothing as bad as yesterday, and I haven’t even taken any pain meds. I’m gonna take ibuprofen right away once the 48 hours from surgery time wears off.

Biggest thing I’m concerned about now is the pump. The pump is very swollen and I’m having a really hard time trying to distinguish what is what. It also feels like it’s attached to one of my testicles, which I guess is fairly common but can also be a sign of infection so I don’t know what to make of that. I tried pulling it down gently, but that’s difficult when I have no idea what I’m pulling down on and I don’t want to hurt my left testicle which I scarily enough can’t even find. I’m gonna hop in a boiling shower in a few hours and see if I can work things lose gently and see what’s going on down there like the doc recommended.Hopefully everything’s fine. Ultimately one criticism I could level at Karpman is I feel like really glosses over a lot of the problems and issues you might have with surgery and doesn’t really give you info unless you directly ask. Just feel a bit worried that I’m doing something very wrong here, but maybe that’s just my paranoia.

Hey there.
Congrats to taking the step to fix your problems. I'm sure you did the right thing, and a year from now you will be delighted with your decision. And your marathon sex sessions.

For now, just take it easy. From what I read, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about. You are two days out...
I ended up getting an amazing result. Everything works perfectly well, there is not a thing more I could have asked for. But after two days--- shit. Nothing was nice. Pain, swelling, shorter length, and regarding feeling the contours of the pump - forget it. All was just one big swollen mess down there. I didn't take a shit for several days, even though I took some pills to help with that. And just like you, I thought my pump placement was crap. My doc was totally calm, and just like you, I felt he didin't care or listen to my worries. I was afraid he was just trying to make me accept his failures. But I could not have been more wrong. His calmness was simply founded in his expereience and knowledge. Everything he told me was right and it all happened exactly the way he said it would.
I am sure it will be the same for you, you have chosen one of the absolutely best. Trust him. just realize that it will take weeks, actually even months, before you start to see the end result. Two days is absolutely nothing. I was in such bad pain that I could barely stand up. I was on strong pain meds for more than a week. But all ended up great.
If you have got nothing else to do in your bed, read "My Journal", my thread here on FT. Especially the early pages. You will see my road through recovery and hopefully get perspectives on your situatioin.

Just relax. You'll be fine.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby LeRoastBeef » Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:23 am

Stay strong, WindWizard!

You'll get through this. Most of the journals detail the first couple of weeks as being very difficult. It's going to be harder for you too given your young age. You're a brave young man, you should be proud of yourself even managing to write a journal in your state.

Have faith in your excellent Dr and do what he tells you!

Thinking about you pal. Keep going.
Implanted with AMS 700 lgx, 2021.

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