Advanced Wave Therapy...

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby lowrider » Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:56 am

Has anyone heard of this clinic? All the information I have found seems to validate this type of treatment, for some folks dealing with ED. However, I called to make an appt. for a consultation and the receptionist would not or could not answer all my questions, ex: how many treatments on average, is the consultation fee applied to treatment fees, and one or two other ones. While this is not an FDA approved treatment and not covered by insurance, I went ahead an scheduled an appt. for a consultation. If anyone has experience with this clinic, please share your thoughts, pm, if necessary, as I would be interested to hear what anyone has to say. As for the appt., I will post my thoughts and experience with same, as the appt. is next wednesday. Thanks, lowrider
67 yrs old. I have been a Viagra user for at least a dozen yrs or so; have been increasing dosage the last few yrs and only experienced diminishing results.

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Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby lowrider » Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:41 am

67 yrs old. I have been a Viagra user for at least a dozen yrs or so; have been increasing dosage the last few yrs and only experienced diminishing results.

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Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby cincinnatus1951 » Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:01 am

Lowrider: I don;t know anything about this clinic; but, there is a lot of flim flam out there. There are a number of posts about wave therapy at various places on this board. Most claim it is either ineffective or short lived. Some suggest it does damage. I would be very careful engaging this outfit. Their less than transparent dealing with your initial questions is a red flag.
Good Luck.
Age 79, Wife 77 Married 52yrs RPP Dr Brian Miles, Houston Methodist, July 2013. Used VED, pills, MUSE, and trimix with no or mixed results. 18cm Titan, one RTE by Dr Mohit Khera, Baylor, Houston, Jan 2016


Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby Larry10625 » Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:52 pm

cincinnatus1951 wrote:Lowrider: I don;t know anything about this clinic; but, there is a lot of flim flam out there. There are a number of posts about wave therapy at various places on this board. Most claim it is either ineffective or short lived. Some suggest it does damage. I would be very careful engaging this outfit. Their less than transparent dealing with your initial questions is a red flag.
Good Luck.

Has anyone heard of this Advanced Wave Therapy working on anyone they knew so it could be verified? :)


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Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:06 pm

External Shock Wave Therapy has been studied and has been shown to improve blood flow in the penis. Not all clinics are equal and even not all shock wave machines are equal. But there are studies that show it can improve penile function.
Don't pay too much for your shopping. And make sure you are a candidate. Not everyone will see improvement.

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Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby ETGuy71 » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:46 pm

My knowledge is first hand because I did the treatments.
Here’s the deal, they worked....KIND OF!
I also did the Priapus injection first then the shockwave therapy.
My penis really plumped up in flaccid state and on erection with just the injection! $1600!
The shockwave treatments actually felt good, like if you take your finger and thump your forearm real fast is the best description I can give. The treatment started with applying the wand to my Crus, the area under scrotum for 1000 pulses. 8 treatments....twice a week for a month...$300 each....$2400! $4000 in penis treatments!
Then the nurse or tech pulls your penis by the head and stretches it. Applies the wand up and down the shaft for 1000 to 2000 pulses on each side hitting all of the corpra.
As they told me it may give you an did on a several occasions! Once even causing an ejaculation. Which was embarrassing but they had seen it before they said!
Yes I got hard erections for months after the treatments. BUT THEY DIDN’T LAST!
Why is because I developed Venous Leak. Did the shockwave therapy cause the venous leak? I don’t know! I can only surmise that probably not since I had very hard erections for all those months. But who knows for sure. The theory behind the shockwave is that it stimulates angiogenesis, or growth of new vasculature in the corpra. Since so much ED is attributed to blood flow because of atherosclerosis in the vessels and the angiogenesis causing new vessels to grow, the penis would fill and get hard because of this!
So, when I started having ED issues again I went back and got a few more treatments ....DID NOT HELP this time.
I went to my urologist and he put me on 5 mg Cialis daily along with VED pumping.
Penis would get real full but never really hard. We tried this for a month and then he did a Doppler ultrasound after injecting Trimix. I didn’t even get very hard with the Trimix! As full and fat as I’ve ever seen my penis but not real hard....and it hurt!
Ultrasound revealed I have VL! But! Urologist was very surprised to see that I had double the inflow numbers in my corpra. He said it was probably from the angiogenesis the shockwave created!
I think a lot more research needs to be done on this therapy. It seems it’s been used for a number of years in Europe .... but as far as blinded research I do not know of any!
So the jury is still out. It’s expensive therapy I do know that much!
That’s my real life journey with shockwave therapy. So I can only say proceed at your own risk and bank account. The hype from these centers is what it is, advertising that gives men hope that they can once again have hard erections and larger flaccid penises. It’s a heck of a sell.....because every man wants a hard full dick!
Would I do it not having experienced it and not getting sustained results!
I hope this helps someone make a good decision. For a long time I thought it was just my bad luck and maybe it was, and I thought and even recommended the shockwave because it did work for me for a while. I’ve just had time to really think this through.
Diagnosed venous leak. Going with injections rather than implant for the time being.

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Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby lowrider » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:30 pm

First of all thanks for everyone's response..I did cancel the appt, as I started to have reservations about this process.

ETGuy: thanks for you response and sharing your personal experience. It seems like how this process played out for you, is similar to some of the results of studies I researched on the web; there not being lasting results and in some cases poor results. The studies I read also made it clear, in my mind, you had better be in pretty good shape before starting this therapy, and stay in shape after getting the treatments. Also, men who have diabetes, and I can't remember all the variables, do not make good candidates.

Regards, lowrider
67 yrs old. I have been a Viagra user for at least a dozen yrs or so; have been increasing dosage the last few yrs and only experienced diminishing results.

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Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby ETGuy71 » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:49 pm

Hey Lowrider ....glad I could help. All the best to you my friend. Keep posting and let all know how you’re doing. Have a great weekend.
Diagnosed venous leak. Going with injections rather than implant for the time being.

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Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby Mazzio » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:00 am

I had shockwave treatment 6 times. There was some improvement for 2-3 weeks but then everything was back to to starting point. It seems that in my country nobody gives this treatment anymore. I theory it is good but they must improve the procedure somehow. Maybe add more power to the treatment. I've also heard that a few mg Cialis before the treatment could help. In general the shockwave treatment nowadays is just waste of money.
65 yrs, had venous leak all my life, sildenafil and other pills don't work anymore properly, using Caverject with pills.

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Re: Advanced Wave Therapy...

Postby WillitWork » Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:32 pm

Thanks for bringing this topic up...just my experience, but no the Wave Therapy does not work. Had the treatments, paid way too much, thought hoped prayed it would make a difference...nada. Save your money.

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