Wit and Wisdom

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.

Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:10 pm

justanotherdrumber wrote:
DougAnd wrote:I guess I've finally graduated into the bionic club. I'm the guy in the locker room who changes in the bathroom. Yesterday my Uro #7 says let's have a look. down they go without hesitation and standing right behind him is a 20 some year old intern. And she's the one who blushed. Go figure. :roll: :roll: :o :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's not just the visuals that make them blush.

In talking with some receptionists and insurance adjustors, having to describe what I needed or "exactly" what an IPP is in laymens terms you can hear the "redness" in their voices as they stammer; "" Let me get you someone who can help you better than I can" !

Hearing words can have an equal effects as seeing. You cannot always tell who it is youre talking with on the phone by the sound of their voice.

In talking with one especially sweet sounding insurance person I explained if she was uncomfortable discussing the topic , I respected that; she could feel free to pass me off to someone else because I have talked about IT so much its second nature to me.

To which she responded as she chuckled, that she was married for 48 years, ..had 5 sons and 27 grandchildren and there wasnt much she wasnt comfortable discussing.

That lightened the mood.

This is especially true as you gain more & more comfortable talking about implants and showing your junk off to different doctors, nurses, technicians etc.

Absolutely... I'm afraid that the check-out girl at the grocery store is going to ask me if I want bags to which I will reply no... and drop my drawers to show her mine. :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby David_R » Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:37 pm

Larry10625 wrote:I'm afraid that the check-out girl at the grocery store is going to ask me if I want bags to which I will reply no... and drop my drawers to show her mine.

I've always wanted to buy some Magnum condoms just to see the reaction of the clerk when I check out (either male or female would be impressed, I would imagine). :D

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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Donnie1954 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:39 pm

I would just smile and say are these the largest you have? 8-)
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.


Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:02 pm

Donnie1954 wrote:I would just smile and say are these the largest you have? 8-)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Location: Erie, PA

Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby justanotherdrumber » Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:36 pm

Larry10625 wrote:
Donnie1954 wrote:I would just smile and say are these the largest you have? 8-)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Geeze, I'd have to ask IF they had anything smaller.

Excuse me ma'am, do these come in "Shorts" ?

To which she might reply, "have you tried not rolling them down all the way ?" .....
..... or, she might say:
" What ? YOU came in your shorts ?? Right here ??? , Just now ????" .
Age 64 - g/f 34
Implanted ams700 lgx, 18cm+1cm RTE
March 2018

Posts: 2518
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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Donnie1954 » Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:01 am

I began this tread in 2016 after my implant. I also have several other very interesting threads. I have a question to ask my implanted brothers. Did your orgasms increase with maturity? I am divorced (happily) now and masturbate quite often. My orgasms are always screaming intense. Sometimes I pump up and sometimes I don't. Has anyone else experienced this. This is old joke and some will get it. I love my new dick!
Donnie (now Joseph)
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

Posts: 523
Joined: Sat Mar 23, 2019 8:54 am

Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby notaes » Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:31 am

My orgasms increased in intensity as I grew older. It seems my wife and I are more relaxed and our children are grown leaving us with an empty nest. We love our privacy! We can fuck whenever we want for as long as we want making our orgasms long and intense. I think our new found freedom has definetly had a positive effect on our lovemaking. We are free to experiment and it feels great.
66 yr old male married 36 yrs use trimix four yrs, cilais and Viagra. trimix work well developed scarring on both sides had implant 1/9/2020 at UT Med Ctr, Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lacy.

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