James journal with Dr. Eid

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James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby Jamesmj » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:30 pm

Hello all!

1 week after my surgery with the master Dr. Eid and joining the brotherhood with a big smile

First a summary of my story.
I have had ED since I can remember. I noticed it when I was around 15 yo. I am now 38

I have been to, at least, 15 urologists in my life, 5 doppler ultrasounds, a rigiscan and have tried all PDE5 inhibitors pills at maximum doses even in daily dose during some months.
I have been told by most urologists that I had psychogenic ED which to me has always been bullshit. Not a single one of them looked at my erection… Still I have done psychotherapy for years which helped nothing but to reassure me that my issue was not in my head. Undoubtedly this problem messed with my head and self esteem big time.

I have always had erections but just not hard enough to penetrate. My erection will only last as long as I kept on stimulating my dick, otherwise after 3 to 5 seconds it was gone.

The erections were slightly better in my 20’s and got worse throughout my 30’s. I started to develop a narrower base on my shaft and a curve to the left out of the years and years of bad attempts to fuck with rings, bands, and hand pressure.

I tried everything to cure it: diet, vitamins, exercise, healthy life, no alcohol, yoga, acupuncture, hypnosis, books… Nothing worked.

I followed blogs and stories of others for years but didn’t have the courage to go to surgery and I always thought something would happen that would magically cure me.

I am from Spain and no urologist would do the surgery expressing that all was in my head, although all tests confirmed that I had a vascular problem. Years of despair and frustration at every attempt to have sex.

I didn’t try sclerotheraphy, or stem cells or shockwaves because I don’t know enough about these procedures and I don’t really think they work. This is only my personal opinion.

After following similar stories and devouring the content on Frank Talk I decided to consult with Dr. Eid and felt at ease and confident after the 30-minute chat with him

I am young, good looking man, fit, and successful in all other aspects of my life. All this did not make any sense to me.

With a lot of fear, I prepared my trip, put together the money to cover surgery and travel expenses and went to NY with the only certainty and hope that all that is written on this blog was true.

I make so much emphasis on the “in your head” thing because it had me suffering for so long even with my friends, relationships and family. I would like to say, for any person out there in doubt, to follow your gut and instincts and to keep insisting until you get the results and answers that are right for you.
James. 38 yo. Lifetime ED. Tried pills, injections, and therapy.
Implanted 03/29/18 Titan 22cm with Dr. Eid

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Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby Jamesmj » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:31 pm

Met Dr. Eid at his office. All stories I have read here are true. His staff is amazing. They are all very professional and kind and make you feel at ease all the time.
First nurse Sylvie took my blood pressure and performed an ultrasound on my bladder. She chatted with me about my concerns and listened to my story.
Then I met Dr. Eid and he explained again the procedure, showed me the device and let me ask him all questions I had.

We then moved to another room were he injected Caverject on my penis and did a Doppler. He confirmed right away that there was something very wrong and definitely not normal about my penile pressures. Just by looking and touching my poor erection he said that it would be impossible to have sex with that. He told me to forget about thinking there was a problem in my head.

He measured me by stretching my dick flaccid and then when hard. Bone pressed with a hard plastic ruler.

After the test we went back to his office where he gave me all the time I needed for more questions or concerns. I played with the sample implant and was surprised to feel that the material is very soft. I thought it was more like hard plastic and to my surprise it felt more like squishy silicon. When inflated it feels very natural.

I left his office convinced that I was doing the right thing for me.
James. 38 yo. Lifetime ED. Tried pills, injections, and therapy.
Implanted 03/29/18 Titan 22cm with Dr. Eid

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Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby Jamesmj » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:31 pm

I met Dr. Eid at the Midtown Surgery Center a few blocks from the Bentley hotel. At my arrival he was already dressed in surgical gown and received me with a big smile.
I filled up and signed all papers (this is the moment I was most afraid). They moved me to a room where I left my clothes put a robe on and was helped by the nicest personnel. They helped me with everything and made me feel at ease at all times.

I met the anesthesiologist and we discuss my surgery. I was so reassured by the professionalism and security of all the procedure. Everybody was kind and friendly. I felt really good.

I walked to the OR and was asked to lay on the table. I was talking to Dr. Eid and one second later I was drinking apple juice on the recovery area, 3 hours had passed. I was feeling great talking to the nurse and laughing. It was like magic! No nausea, no pain no drowsiness. I was dismissed and left on a cab to the hotel.
I arrived at the center at 6:30 am and was back to my hotel at around 1:00 pm

During all this day and the 2 days after I had absolutely no pain. Didn’t need any of the meds prescribed. Dr. Eid told me I could be in a lot of pain because he found my tissues were very delicate and he had to touch a lot inside plus correcting the curve I had. Not sure whether it was peyronie’s plaque or something different.
I only took regular Tylenol, plus the antibiotics.

The only thing that was annoying as hell was the catheter. It burned day and night and it made me feel like I needed to pee all the time.
James. 38 yo. Lifetime ED. Tried pills, injections, and therapy.
Implanted 03/29/18 Titan 22cm with Dr. Eid

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Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby Jamesmj » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:32 pm

Just annoyed by the catheter. No pain, more like a feeling of fullness in the penis plus the compression of the jock strap. Peeing so much and emptying the catheter bag very often.
Laying in bed watching TV and being careful not to push the new pump up in the scrotum.

I have not seen my dick or balls yet. Dr. Eid told me touch the pump, I did and it is a weird sensation it feels bigger than I thought. All the area feels tender and I have slight discomfort on my left groin where I can feel something like water that moves when I press. The doctor told me it is part of the tubes connecting to the reservoir

Slept really bad because of the sting and itch of the catheter. Bored at the hotel watching TV and answering emails. Looking forward to the 4rd day to remove catheter and being able to start walking and moving around. I have not talked to Dr. Eid about the outcome yet and don’t know anything about my surgery only what my friend told me the doctor said while I was in recovery: “all went great”.
Taking Tylenol every 5 hours + antibiotic

Finally, I jumped out of bed and removed the catheter. No pain or anything, only great relief!! Removed all bandages and looked at my dick. I LOVED IT. No hematoma, no bruises, no edema. All looking great.
Substantially thicker and maybe 1 cm shorter that my best erection for 3 seconds loaded with Viagra. So exactly what Eid promised me.
Happiness! One of my concerns and a repeated theme here is that in this surgery it is common to loose length. Fortunately, not my case.

Went out of the hotel to have breakfast and it felt great. Just a slight pain/soreness. I spend a couple of hours outside walking slowly and enjoying the city.
Whenever I had pain, sitting for a while would calm it right away.

I started with hot baths. Could feel the pump and release valve perfectly. The location, as told by Eid, is great, right behind the balls completely concealed yet easily accessible.

My dick is partially inflated and this makes it uncomfortable specially in the underwear. I covered my glans with toilette paper to avoid touching/rubbing against the fabric
James. 38 yo. Lifetime ED. Tried pills, injections, and therapy.
Implanted 03/29/18 Titan 22cm with Dr. Eid

Posts: 28
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Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby Jamesmj » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:32 pm

Went to Dr. Eid’s office for activation. He activated the device and pumped me up to max. No pain. Then he deflated me and it was funny/creepy to see my dick like this. The limp state is very artificial and it folds strangely. The only pain I felt was more the irritation of pressing the pump through the skin. It is equivalent to pinching strongly your skin in any other part of your body.
Then it was my turn. I pumped up and to my surprise it was very easy. I did not experience the usual complaint of the pump being hard like a rock. In my case just putting some firm sustained pressure on it would make it collapse. You have to be careful because it easily slides away from your fingers and hit the balls: ouch!
I deflated and this was a bit more challenging, I couldn’t collapse it as much as Dr. Eid did.

I said goodbye to the doctor and all the staff and thanked them for the great experience and for changing my life and curing me.
I went out again to visit New York I had slight discomfort all day in my glans and shaft.

I know I might sound like a cheerleader pro implant but I am just so thankful and happy my experience was so so good when they were so many things that could have gone wrong. Specially due to the fact that I am a foreigner and that my insurance would not cover me shall anything go medically wrong for being considered elective surgery.

The cons at this stage are basically the flaccid state. It is always hard and it seems it auto inflates right after you have collapsed it to the max. Again I was warned of this by Eid, and I have read about this problem over and over again by others here on Frank Talk specifically with the Titan. I hope this will improve with time.

I went back to the hotel at night. Took a bath and inflated again. No pain. Happy with the result. It is so amazing to have a hard dick in your hands that will not go down. The feeling is very natural and it is so so hard. The angle is good, around 2:30. To my surprise I like the fact that it still bends slightly like a natural erection down or towards my abdomen. I was afraid I would end up with a broom stick rock hard that will not have a bit of give up or down.

In regards to the package it has not been problem for me. Nothing looks weird on my jeans or even in underwear. I don’t have a big dick but neither a small one.
I did not loose any feelings and cannot really tell if there are numb areas yet. Maybe a little bit near the incision but nothing that bothers me. The top of the penis has exactly the same “nice” feelings as before.

Again lucky, I think I still have a bit of a spontaneous erection or blood filling thing going on. If I get turned on the dick will fill up slightly and engorge.
Also so many of you have asked about the PC muscle. It is all there, I can flex it and my dick will move slightly upwards and the glans will engorge just like before the surgery.

I was cleared to masturbate so I gave it a try very softly basically by touching it. No problems to orgasm although it cost me a little longer than usual to get there. No difference in ejaculation or sensations. Maybe a bit more intense?? Not sure yet.

It is true that the dick looks a bit more oval shaped. But the good out of this is that it is because it’s thicker and when I get turned on, the blood getting in makes it rounder.
James. 38 yo. Lifetime ED. Tried pills, injections, and therapy.
Implanted 03/29/18 Titan 22cm with Dr. Eid

Posts: 28
Joined: Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:49 am

Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby Jamesmj » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:33 pm

Got ready to fly back to Spain. A bit concerned about the 8-hour flight plus connection and second flight to my city.

I had no problems whatsoever. No security issues at the airport and no more discomfort than usual during the flight. It is true that it is bit uncomfortable at all times. And yes the kinks of the tubes are an annoyance constantly.

Arrived home very tired and sore for being sit for so many hours but I never felt that it was not manageable.

I was only tired and looking forward to my bed. Now time for start cycling and go on with my new dick and life.

I can only say that I am extremely satisfied with my procedure and so thankful that I got to the hands of Dr Eid that is virtuous at his work. Him, his staff and the staff at the surgery center have been humane, kind and exceptional professionals.

Finally, just want to thank you all Frank Talk friends and brothers who have shared your experiences. You are always out there for others. You gave me the courage to go ahead with my procedure.
Thanks to all of you who answered my questions, those who answered my PM’s, those who ask tons of questions from where I got a lot of my answers, and thanks to the one who took the time to call me from the other side of the world and spend one hour in the phone with me helping with my concerns.

I want to give back to all of you who are doing your research or who are in doubt. Feel free to PM me. You can also write to me in Spanish or French if you need to.

I will update you in this thread when I have news!

James. 38 yo. Lifetime ED. Tried pills, injections, and therapy.
Implanted 03/29/18 Titan 22cm with Dr. Eid

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Location: Atlanta, GA USA

Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby Greg1956 » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:47 pm

Congratulations on your implant and a successful result. Like you I was told my problem was in my head. I suffered the frustration of ED for 30 years. It amazed me how many Urologists I had to go through to finally find one who wanted a Penile Doppler test performed. I have had my implant now for 6.5 months and have my life back. I love it. Best wishes on the rest of your recovery.

I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby warrenw » Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:25 pm

jmontesco wrote:DAY 5
The cons at this stage are basically the flaccid state. It is always hard and it seems it auto inflates right after you have collapsed it to the max. Again I was warned of this by Eid, and I have read about this problem over and over again by others here on Frank Talk specifically with the Titan. I hope this will improve with time.

Hi James,

Sounds good! My experience with Dr Eid was similar to yours.

Early on I had exactly the same concerns as you about the flaccid state and auto-inflation. The flaccid just keeps improving with time, now hangs at 5:30 and easily points to navel if I'm lying on my back. IMO what feels like auto-inflation right after collapsing to the max is just blood returning to the penis, it's not the implant cylinders filling.
Implant - Dr Eid 12/2017, Titan Touch 20/21cm no RTE, 125cc reservoir

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Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby FreddyFree » Thu Apr 05, 2018 2:25 pm

Congratulations! I'm happy things have worked out so well for you.
AMS 700 CX 18cm. x 12mm. With 3cm. RTEs. 10/10/18

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Re: James journal with Dr. Eid

Postby Tryin2hard » Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:19 pm

Thank you. What a timely post! I am sitting here thinking about my surgery with Dr.Eid scheduled for next Friday. Your post has reinforced what I already knew, this was the right decision. Will be a bionic brother in exactly 8 days. Thank you so much for sharing.
68 yrs old. Peyronies diagnosed 3 years ago. tried pills and Trimix injections. Implanted April 13 2018. 18 cm ams lgx with 1 cm rte by Dr. Eid.

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