my first injection was today, not good

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Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby bldoink » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:51 pm

I really don't think it's helpful to strongly encourage people to skip the less invasive steps prior to going for an implant. At this time there are no alternatives once getting implanted. It's a permanent rather serious invasive from which there is no return.

Peyronie’s from injections is a risk but from my research is actually rare. Many people are satisfied with pills or injections long term. ED sufferers should take the opportunity to discover if those options are for them, if there are no conditions making such trials ill advised.

Allergies to the meds or conflict with other meds (like some BP drugs) can make pills off limits. Pre-existing peyronie's disease excludes injections from being an option. Otherwise I see no downside and little risk to experimenting with the less invasive options before moving on to that very final frontier.

As for VEDs, IMHO, if you aren't getting regular daily full erections you should definitely be using a VED , at least while you determine what other treatment is appropriate for you. That said, a VED may be ill advised with pre-existing peyronie's or some other diseases. That I don't know.

Don't misunderstand me and think I'm dissing implants. I think they're a wonderful thing and I may even get one some day. Currently the ED solutions I use are satisfying for both me and my wife so I see no point in rushing it.

I do realize youthful ED sufferers have other social, psychological or even physical issues, or at least issues that are different by degrees. I empathize with those youthful ED sufferers but I have no answers for them. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone else does either, at least at this point in time. I certainly don't think encouraging them to rush into the final frontier is wise. Maybe that will be the best option for them but it's a big step that shouldn't be rushed. Yes I realize the concept of time generally changes throughout ones life as does ones capacity for patience and deferred gratification.

Take the above with a cup of salt as I'm no medical professional and I'm likely full of poo.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby rahod1 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:50 am

I inject with 100% success and zero problems. There are many others that do as well..they just don't post on blogs . ;)

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Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby caninoespacial » Sun Nov 05, 2017 7:37 pm

Guys, thanks for all the replies I got so far. Well, I'm dealing with a strange thing here. My first try, with 5-6 mcg of caverject was able to almost produce an erection, but it lasted 10 minutes. The next day I have tried 12 mcg and it worked wonderfully. But them, for some God forsaken reason, the last four tries after that, with 12, 15, 12 and 20 mcg, all went wrong, with erection ranging from 5 minutes to 10 minutes, very puffy. I don't get it. I thought it was the techinique, but I am doing the same thing i did when it worked. I tried going all the way in with the needle, living a little out, near base, more in the middle. Everything. My girlfriend is losing her patience, i don't know what to do.

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Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby bldoink » Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:01 pm

I'm sorry you're having such difficulties. If it worked once but is otherwise inconsistent I have to suspect technique. Unfortunately I don't have any other technique suggestions I or others haven't already given in fairly recent posts you likely have already read. I hope you have a decent uro that can help with technique. I'd suggest getting back with the uro and hopefully be able to have him/her help with an in office injection. If the doctor sees it's done correctly but doesn't have a satisfactory effect he/she can look for other issues.
I pray you get this issue resolved.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby Flannigan » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:54 pm


I have recently started using injections myself. It's been about 4 months now. I am on a very very low dose of Trimix as I seem to be very sensitive to the stuff. I use an Autoject and I can tell you it took me a while to find my sweet spot. I tried doses from about 6 - 10 units. There were times that I got no erection at all on 10 units and then times that I had an erection that lasted 8 hours on just 7 units. It's been a painful learning process. Now I use about 5 units at 10 or 2 o'clock about an inch away from the base and I have excellent results. Rock hard erection for at least an hour sometimes 2 or 3. I found that the needle needs to stick out of the end of the Autoject at least 3/8 inch. I press it into my penis a little and then inject. I also found that you really need to work the medication into your penis after injecting. Ya got massage it in for about a minute. This is what I have found works for me but no 2 dicks are alike. It's a trial and error process and you will find that you might need to change your medication and dosage. A good Uro should be willing to help you but some are not that great. I would suggest finding one that knows a lot about injections. They can be tricky and sometimes very painful.

Also, please create a signature like Larry has suggested. It helps all of us get a better understanding of you and your situation.

Good luck
53 years old. Suffering from ED since I was 45. Side effects from Viagra now too much to take. Started Trimix injections July 2017. Very low dose. 6 units @ 8.8/.29/2.9.

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Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby jelquinginjury » Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:21 am

Canino there is people, even young, to whom the injections dont produce an erection, only a bigger penis but without being an erection usable for sex. Its my case.
My advice is that if the injections arent working you think about implants seriously, dont lose more money and think about saving little by little money, so if finally nothing works and you think that the implant is the only option you can go for it.
I lost a lot of money in pills and injections and it was a shit, if i know it wasnt going to work I wouldnt have spent the money that I need now

And the most important thing if you take this decision dont go with any surgeon, go with one that has a lot of experience, dont risk it
Injury that caused venous leak.
In my 20s thinking about implant


Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:33 pm

jelquinginjury wrote:Canino there is people, even young, to whom the injections dont produce an erection, only a bigger penis but without being an erection usable for sex. Its my case.
My advice is that if the injections arent working you think about implants seriously, dont lose more money and think about saving little by little money, so if finally nothing works and you think that the implant is the only option you can go for it.
I lost a lot of money in pills and injections and it was a shit, if i know it wasnt going to work I wouldnt have spent the money that I need now

And the most important thing if you take this decision dont go with any surgeon, go with one that has a lot of experience, dont risk it

Please create a signature. It makes things much easier to answer your questions without asking a lot of questions. Here's how you do it
Click on your name in the top right corner and select "user control panel"

Then under the big letters "User Control Panel" there is a row of words... select "Profile"

Then down the left had side of the "User Control Panel" select "Edit Signature" (You might have Create Signature or something. I don't know exactly what you'll get because I already have a signature to edit)

Most guys put something like what I have, but you can put whatever you want. Here is mine -
"AMS 700 (18 + 2 rte's). Implanted March 30, 2017 by Dr. Brock of London, Ont, CANADA. Great surgeon. Went in to septic shock and had to have implant removed April 29, 2017. I'm from Belleville, Ontario, CANADA. Appt. for consult for second attempt is on November 6, 2017... I can't wait."

Don't get too carried away with the doctor like his name, address, phone number, etc (anything that looks like advertising for him).. you can certainly say Dr. Jones (great Dr.)

If you need further help, please ask, that's what I'm here for.


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Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby DP5689 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:04 pm

geophd wrote:
Iluvatar wrote:
geophd wrote:Fuck injections dude! Why aren't you pursuing an implant ASAP? If pills aren't working, a lifetime of injections will only injure your penis and develop scarring. Pursue the best surgeon available for an implant.

Because they have to permanently damage your penis to give you one, they don't last forever, and if medical improvements for ED are made decades from now you are still stuck with one for life. It's a very personal decision and more power to people that have one, but I just can't stomach one at this point in my life.

You do not have to permanently damage your penis for them to give you one. You have to have permanent ED. The treatments for that are pills and injections. Pills can be ineffective or produce unacceptable side effects and injections can be considered unacceptable, especially if you already have an injury and scarring, as the injections will make it worse. As good implant surgeon can work with you to establish medical necessity.

They don't last forever no. One's used today are projected to last 10-15 years and the risk of infection with high volume surgeons is exceedingly low. Future implants will likely last longer.

I don't need a medical improvement for ED decades from now, I need improvement today. To think that somehow I'll just suffer through 2 or more decades with ED until I'm 50 or so and then maybe something will come out that will help me doesn't seem logical to me. You won't be able to go back and use your medical improvement for the previous decades. You also might not live a few more decades....

It is a personal decision but it really comes down to living with ED or living with an implant. If you don't see the implant as an improvement of your quality of life then fine.

Most thorough young woman's perspective I've found: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6513
The above post was validated by her boyfriend ldnboy: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6441&p=41066#p41066

Other thorough journals:


Are you trying to convince me to get an implant or trying to convince yourself? I'm not ready to permanently alter my penis. If you want to go for the implant, more power to you, but it doesn't appeal to me at this time.
Mid 30's. I have had ED for years after a couple of injuries. Suspected venous leak.


Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby Larry10625 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:08 pm

jelquinginjury wrote:Canino there is people, even young, to whom the injections dont produce an erection, only a bigger penis but without being an erection usable for sex. Its my case.
My advice is that if the injections arent working you think about implants seriously, dont lose more money and think about saving little by little money, so if finally nothing works and you think that the implant is the only option you can go for it.
I lost a lot of money in pills and injections and it was a shit, if i know it wasnt going to work I wouldnt have spent the money that I need now

And the most important thing if you take this decision dont go with any surgeon, go with one that has a lot of experience, dont risk it

Please create a signature. It makes things much easier to answer your questions without asking a lot of questions. Here's how you do it
Click on your name in the top right corner and select "user control panel"

Then under the big letters "User Control Panel" there is a row of words... select "Profile"

Then down the left had side of the "User Control Panel" select "Edit Signature" (You might have Create Signature or something. I don't know exactly what you'll get because I already have a signature to edit)

Most guys put something like what I have, but you can put whatever you want. Here is mine -
"AMS 700 (18 + 2 rte's). Implanted March 30, 2017 by Dr. Brock of London, Ont, CANADA. Great surgeon. Went in to septic shock and had to have implant removed April 29, 2017. I'm from Belleville, Ontario, CANADA. Appt. for consult for second attempt is on November 6, 2017... I can't wait."

Don't get too carried away with the doctor like his name, address, phone number, etc (anything that looks like advertising for him).. you can certainly say Dr. Jones (great Dr.)

If you need further help, please ask, that's what I'm here for.



Re: my first injection was today, not good

Postby Larry10625 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:08 pm

caninoespacial wrote:Guys, thanks for all the replies I got so far. Well, I'm dealing with a strange thing here. My first try, with 5-6 mcg of caverject was able to almost produce an erection, but it lasted 10 minutes. The next day I have tried 12 mcg and it worked wonderfully. But them, for some God forsaken reason, the last four tries after that, with 12, 15, 12 and 20 mcg, all went wrong, with erection ranging from 5 minutes to 10 minutes, very puffy. I don't get it. I thought it was the techinique, but I am doing the same thing i did when it worked. I tried going all the way in with the needle, living a little out, near base, more in the middle. Everything. My girlfriend is losing her patience, i don't know what to do.

Please create a signature. It makes things much easier to answer your questions without asking a lot of questions. Here's how you do it
Click on your name in the top right corner and select "user control panel"

Then under the big letters "User Control Panel" there is a row of words... select "Profile"

Then down the left had side of the "User Control Panel" select "Edit Signature" (You might have Create Signature or something. I don't know exactly what you'll get because I already have a signature to edit)

Most guys put something like what I have, but you can put whatever you want. Here is mine -
"AMS 700 (18 + 2 rte's). Implanted March 30, 2017 by Dr. Brock of London, Ont, CANADA. Great surgeon. Went in to septic shock and had to have implant removed April 29, 2017. I'm from Belleville, Ontario, CANADA. Appt. for consult for second attempt is on November 6, 2017... I can't wait."

Don't get too carried away with the doctor like his name, address, phone number, etc (anything that looks like advertising for him).. you can certainly say Dr. Jones (great Dr.)

If you need further help, please ask, that's what I'm here for.


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