Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby Donnie1954 » Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:58 am

An implant 'will' bring it back. 8-) Talk to younger 'bionics' here on FT. Get that dick fixed! :)
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Nov 26, 2016 7:44 am

ddbryan1972 wrote:David,
An implant 'will' bring it back. 8-) Talk to younger 'bionics' here on FT. Get that dick fixed! :)

You must have missed some DD, he had it fixed.

Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby Donnie1954 » Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:31 pm

Glad to hear that. Would love to hear from him. Thanks
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:01 pm

ddbryan1972 wrote:Boy. did my bionic dick change me, :o
Because I was no longer able to get or keep an erection suitable for intercourse (without help) I didn't feel complete as a man. :? I was very critical and not a pleasant person (around my family). :x I didn't want to be like that, but ability to 'perform' was, and still is, very important to me.

Thanks, Rev Donnie and the others who have expresed their emotional reactions. Especially helpful illuminating my own.

My experience with E.D. over the years changed me also.  
The change for the better did not happen right away, though. I am not so evolved that I did not pass through a callow and calous period.

It took time, but eventually I became more attuned to my lovers' feelings.  At first, I simply accepted that I could not be responsible for their orgasm (relieving my guilt but doing little for her).  Eventually I became more sensitive to her frustrations at not having coital "good feelings", much less coital orgasms (which are rare even with fully functioning men).  Ultimately, I realized that my lack of erections was similar many women's (common) difficulty in becoming sexually aroused and climaxing.  
As I became less potent and ultimately less orgasmic, I became more sympathetic, both in and out of bed to what many women experience with anorgasmia.  I also learned alternate methods of stimulating her.  Tongue, toys and hands among the techniques.  Note also that Washing dishes, vacuuming, folding clothes, etc are also conducive to (if not supplemental to) foreplay.
Ultimately, I discovered that women are attracted to (and often turned on by) men who possess skills other than sexual.  Being reliable in bed is secondary to being reliable as a partner.  Stimulating her sexually is nice, but stimulating her mentally and emotionally is a necessary adjunct.  While the sexual stimulation is important, it does not have to be penile if you have established a connection of trust, intimacy and caring.  Also, My lover understands that I get pleasure from her orgasms and whether I have one or not is now secondary to our love-making satisfaction.   Non-penile sexual skills can substitute quite well for the penile.
Some women do object to cunnilingus, fellatio and letting you masturbate them, but understanding and trust can go a long way toward overcoming such discomfort and counselling may help, but there are multitudes of ways of getting closer if you TALK sincerely and LISTEN sensitively.  Every human (I think) longs for intimate connection and such longing can overwhelm learned objections if only everyone feels safe and loved.  This is my heartfelt opinion and hope.  Life is too short to miss the joys of sex and too long to endure its absence.
All this is to say that every life experience, both the triumphs and the tribulations can produce within us changes in attitude.  How we choose to deal with these is somewhat under our control.  Hence, my question in the original post.  I want this change in my life to make me a better man.  Hearing the experiences of others may educate me on dealing with myself and my relationships.
I hope this post better explains my original post.  I really do want my improved penis to make me a better man rather than the other way around.  I don't want to lose the wisdom my E.D. has taught me, even as it gets cured.
Thanks for your thoughts so far.
Lost Sheep
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby hypogonadal » Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:48 pm

It boosted my confidence and made me feel normal. As someone who suffered ED since 15 until 30 (well 32 now I should really say), my life was pretty rough at times. I could never stop thinking about ED, it effected me in so many ways.

It was nice to find out I had an actual medical problem and explanation for an otherwise unknown variable that destroyed years of my life.

I still suffer ED from time to time while I adjust and find the right dose of hormone meds.

But overal, I can say my life has changed for the better and my personality has grown bolder and more confidence since going on testosterone replacement therapy and "curing" my ED (sometimes).
31 Years old. ED since I was 15/16. Diagnosed with hypogonadism/venous leak at 31. On Clomid/Arimidex mix for HRT. Cured for a week then it stopped. In process to find a solution. Lifelong nightmare but I waited a decade + to get help.

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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby retexan599 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:36 pm

To cut a longish story short....I am 79, divorced many years, prostate radiation many years ago, steady decline in sexual ability, to the point of E.D. Also treated for depression many years, took various antidepressants. About a year ago, my psych and I weaned me off of paroxetine, since we decided I did not need it any more. Bang. My libido came back like a freight train. But the E.D. is still there. I use a vacuum pump and cock ring(s) to get and maintain an erection. Have had some experience being with a woman since then, but mostly doing the self-service route. I now think of myself as so much more sexualized than I used to be that it feels like a personality change.

I troll various erotic sites (like Literotica, Adult Friend Finder, various Tumblr blogs) for sources of inspiration and possible new connections. I live alone, so spending a lot of time on line with sexual matters is not a 'problem' affecting relationships. But I think about it a lot. My age militates against me in finding a new partner(s), but still trying. I really want a sexual connection with a willing lady.

I often find myself striking up conversations with ladies at the super market, with an eye towards making a connection. I never used to (or wanted to ) do that. So, it has been a big change for me. And I am not complaining, I like feeling this way! As long as my health holds out, I will likely continue in this mode.
Age 86, divorced, single.
Prostate seed implant radiation (brachytherapy) 1999.
Like a ship without sailors: 'No seaman'. ;)
No implant.
Use electric Encore Impo-Aid vacuum system. #4 & 5 size cock rings.
Generic water based lube.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby Lost Sheep » Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:49 pm

With the recent spate of introspective posts and threads (in the "Implants" section, primarily,starting around the time of the "Signing Off" thread by DaveKell), I thought I would revive this one I started a while ago.
Addressing how relationships change with the (sometimes slow) onset of ED and then change when ED is treated ("cured?") suddenly may cause all sorts of disruption to a relationship. How we address those changes are just as important .
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby Smetro » Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:08 pm

This a great question Lost.
I have changed that's for sure. I am more confident and am a much better sex partner than I was. I have been lucky to be with Miss H for the last 15 months. She loves sex and has travelled with me on a journey that has seen both of us develop our repertoire. I can now concentrate on bringing her hitherto unknown pleasure and that makes me feel very, very special.
But on another note we are having a pause in our relationship and my mind is definitely on locating another woman to try my new found skills and abilities with......see if I can transfer the pleasure giving ability afforded me by my implant.
I have always had high libido.....but now it's channelled into seeking regular sex. Why? Because I can perform at whim.
I imagine, for any of the other single guys on here it's similar. Not too sure how it would be with a wife.
68,Titan Touch 22cm+1.5cm rte's op done in Melbourne Aust by Dr Chris Love-Feb 2017 Venous leakage over a 2 year period, did pills and Caverject. Length@ 3 1/2years is: 7+” erect, 6.5” flaccid and almost 6” girth. REZUM Feb 21 ejaculation now normal.

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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby David_R » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:16 am

jonbaldbg wrote:I have wondered what it would be like to have a large trouser monkey

I had a friend in college who had an enormous "trouser monkey," and he hated it: Most girls when they saw it wouldn't do anything with him, and with those who would, he always had to be very, very careful not to hurt them. (He said that my guy looked much more normal.) :)

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Re: Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability?

Postby newtoed » Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:43 am

A single guy’s opinion here.
I’m 52, married and divorced twice. Second divorce had a lot to do with ED.

I love to be sexual and busy. It add so much value to my well being. I am a hundred times happier when I have women in my life. I do everything with them: shopping, cooking, trips etc. I usually date 3-4 girls, because I don’t want to get serious with anyone. I am in relationship with each of them, but they don’t know about the others. That’s my choice and I like it this way.

I feel much more confident and productive since I fixed my ED with Trimix so far. If time comes I won’t hasitate to get an implant thanks to you guys’assurance.

Sexuality is the strongest life force, stringer than individual survival. Every single ancestor of us was successful before us, none of them failed. We are the proof to carry on.
Age 54, Single, Los Angeles. Stage 2 rectal cancer in 2013. Radiation, surgery, chemo. In remission for 5 years. Some ED before cancer, complete since. 2-3 units of Trimix 40/30/2 2-3 times a week since Feb/2017 with great success!

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