"Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

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"Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby Hunchback » Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:39 pm

Hello all, first post here. I've been looking for a forum like that for quite a while and yet somehow Google has managed to finally bring here after a search on... cock and balls ring tutorials. Anyways, as i said it's been a while since i started looking for a place to get feedback on medication, application methods and what not...

So first some background, then i'll get to point - I am a 32 years old paraplegic, been so all my life. Reason - kidney cancer that spread to my spine at the age of 1. Result - nerve damage, paraplegia and in terms of sexual activity - symptoms probably similar to people with removed prostate. Also, i am based in Europe, so i don't have access to all the "alchemy" i see people in the US have (bimix, trimix, quadmix, custom-made dosage...). I mostly use standard 20mg Edex, 3 times a week.

I've been on Edex for some 12 or so years now, ever since i started having a sexual life. I recently tried CaverJect but didn't find any significant difference. Also tried Vitaros, which was a complete hoax (at least for me).
So, during this time, since i started, i've always had quite random results - sometimes i'd get a perfect quality erection that will last 2+ hours and allow multiple intercourses, sometimes it's "ok" and sometimes it's almost as if i haven't used any medication. We've really pondered this a lot with my wife and came up with two possible options:

1) It's all because of the application procedure - not hitting the right spot, wrong angle, etc... - Not impossible, but i've been using these injections all my adult life, i've tried practically every possible angle, depth and site i can and yet i can't get consistent results.

2) There are "bad" batches of medication that simply don't work that well - Again, not impossible but seems improbable.

As of late we've decided to change the routing and it's my wife who's performing the injection, so far it seems to give slightly better results but it's still too early to say, only done it 5-6 times. An important factor might be my apprehension and general phobia of needles (spent my childhood in hospitals, been pricked countless times and i can't for the life of my stand to get my blood drawn, etc) that i have mostly came over with during the years, at least for what concerns sexual activities.

So i've scoured the internet looking for tips, guides etc on injection techniques etc, i believe i am and have been doing everything as it should be done. Still the problem remains and my doctors can't provide any meaningful answer other than "Neurological problems are very complex".

I guess what i am asking is - have any of you people who are using ED injections regularly experienced similar problems, and if so - have you found a solution to obtaining consistent, positive results?

P.S. Yes, we use all kinds of cock rings that do help (as i mentioned that's how i ended up here), but what bothers me is that sometimes the medication works perfectly well and there's no need for any other "aid", and sometimes i can't even finish because it doesn't work at all... I hope there's a way to counter this.
39 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby tomas1 » Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:03 pm

Welcome aboard. The only recommendation I would make would be to try to withdraw a little blood when you think the needle is in the cavernosa. Some guys don't need to do this, but I do. Good luck to you, and I wish tri-mix and other exotic formulas were available universally.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby Hunchback » Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:42 pm

tomas1 wrote:Welcome aboard. The only recommendation I would make would be to try to withdraw a little blood when you think the needle is in the cavernosa. Some guys don't need to do this, but I do. Good luck to you, and I wish tri-mix and other exotic formulas were available universally.

Thanks for the suggestion but with the edex/caverject syringes you can't do that because the plunger can't go back. Guess it's for security reasons.
39 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby fordman44 » Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:44 pm

Hunchback wrote: As of late we've decided to change the routing and it's my wife who's performing the injection, so far it seems to give slightly better results but it's still too early to say, only done it 5-6 times. An important factor might be my apprehension and general phobia of needles (spent my childhood in hospitals, been pricked countless times and i can't for the life of my stand to get my blood drawn, etc) that i have mostly came over with during the years, at least for what concerns sexual activities

First Hunchback welcome to FrankTalk where you will find lots of great advise from guys that have years of experience with ED issues and can relate to any area of concern you may have. I read your post with interest and may just throw out a suggestion that you consider using an auto injector for your injections as it does away with the phobia of needles and is very consistant in that the needle depth is pre set so you get the same results every time.

You don't see the syringe and it is so easy to use and there is absolutely no pain since it is so quick. Here is a link to the injector I use:

https://www.4mdmedical.com/index.php/ca ... 6&utm_sour

I have been using this unit for 6 mos and never had a failure so I highly recommend it. Good luck and welcome aboard!
Born 7/10/1944, Married, started ED issues in late 50's. Used Viagra, Cialis with some success but unreliable, expensive and side effects not acceptable. Started using Trimix 11/2016 and having very good results now.

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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby rahod1 » Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:51 pm


I'm 95% successful. I would suggest REINJECTING 1/4---1/2 amount nearby if your results are so so.
If ZERO results and you're still *game*, reinject the full amount again...close to first injection.
I've had very few failures, but have done BOTH described above with great success and no adverse
It's impossible to determine WHY some injections aren't up to snuff...but missing the target (cavernosa)
is the obvious answer. Having said this, I find better success HIGHER UP (away from the base) and 1:00-2:00/10:00-11:00.......vs 3:00/9:00.


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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby Hunchback » Mon May 01, 2017 4:37 am

Hey radoh,

We do use a 2nd injection if the results are horrible, but the problem with how it works here in EU is that Edex/Caverject is a prescription drug which you can only get according to your prescription - in my case, 3 doses per week. So if we use 2 doses for 1 go, that's 1 sexy time less later on. On the bright side, the medication is 100% free, so there's that.

However, we always go for the opposite site to avoid scarring.
And yes, high up the shaft seems to work better for some reason.
39 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby rahod1 » Mon May 01, 2017 5:41 pm

Hunchback wrote:
And yes, high up the shaft seems to work better for some reason.

Great...what about angle of injecting? Do you use 10:00-11:00/1:00-2:00 vs 3:00/9:00? If not, try that too.

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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby JimStars » Mon May 01, 2017 7:15 pm


Reporting in from about 6 years of injections -- well over a thousand shots and never had one fail.

The two things I do are these:

1) Really plump up the shaft before attempting inject. I get mine almost as big as full soft erect when I am ready to inject. It takes a few minutes of precision squeeze and waggle to do that so maybe not so good for someone who is stopping in the middle of foreplay. I always just inject first and worry about playing later.

2) I never JAB the needle in. I just search out the spot press it on the skin where I want it to go and then DIG it in -- in a few little jabs. Maybe not for the faint of heart or needlephobic -- i dunno.

I can feel when it goes thru the sheath of the cavernosa. Also, as mentioned elsewhere I lay the shaft across leg/hip (to left or to right) to really see what you are doing ... not holding straight out.

One question -- can you get MUSE in Europe? I kinda thought it was available. If you can, you can dissolve it and make your own solution for shots. That comes out to 50 shots of 20mcg each from one pellet. Plus of course you can make the shot stronger by sucking in more. Just an idea if you are up to it...

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby ohohiakane » Sun May 07, 2017 12:35 pm

Welcome to the site that we all wish was un-needed.

But, in response to your post, I will tell you my story.

I am 78, in Michigan, and have been using trimix for over 5 years, with nearly 100% success.

I have post a "Show and Tell" with details and pictures on my practice.

You can check it out at:


I hope you may find something there that helps...

Good luck and have a great sex life !!!

Ohohiakane (Bill)
75 Year Old guy in Michigan, married in 1958, ED since late '90s, then surgery in 2008 (not prostate or other genital) damaged some nerves making the ED worse. Now on trimix

Personal email Ohohiakane@yahoo.com
am always willing to discuss stuff and help

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Re: "Random" injection results after ~12 years of use

Postby qcswral » Thu May 11, 2017 4:07 pm

I am a 62 year old man with cardio vascular disease and ED for about the last 10 years. Pills worked great up until about 5 years ago when I switched over to injections. I also take 5mgs of Cialis daily for BPH which my Doc says is ok while injecting. I too at times have had consistent amazing results with dosages from 12 to now about 24units. I found I do better on the lower potent formula than the super Trimix I was on up until last year. But I hear what you're saying about the inconsistency...I think to a certain degree the way the Trimix is actually mixed at the pharmacy has something to do with it..I've had batches where I had 100% success and other batches not so much...no matter what I did, some batches were just not "there".I'm sure some is due to injection error, not quite hitting the sweet spot, anxiety etc..and other reasons maybe the meds themselves were just not right..
I tell you, when it works it's fantastic. I like the lower grade formula because I do not get an ache after or during sex. It's all an adventure that's for sure..
69 year old legally separated retired health-care professional. ED began in my early 50's. Viagra worked great for about 5 years, then had cardiac by-pass surgery and eventually moved to injections about 10 years ago.

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