I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby JohnathanPC » Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:11 am

Hi -

I had a terrible time struggling with ED. I zapped me of life, it gave me times of depression and it made sex into something negative and stressful. I have read many of your posts on this forum and I know very well what its like to have ED. The good news is that I found a solution that was able to solve my problems. Maybe my experiences can also help other men out there.

I had my first encounter with erectile dysfunction when I was in my late 20's. It was so frustrating I pretty much lost all my energy in life. But I refused to just accept that I couldn't have a normal and natural sexlife.

To deal with it, I first tried some herbal supplements, but it just didn't work. I then started researching my condition to try to figure out what was wrong with me. I tried lots of different things, but nothing worked.

I then tried pharmaceutical drugs (viagra, etc.) and it worked really well. But hated taking a pill every time I had sex. And my face got flushed, my vision got messed up and I got a stuffy nose. And after a while, the pills started having less effect. And then they stopped working. My body had built tolerance to them

So I decided to make it my quest in life to find a way to overcome ED naturally and permanently. I experimented with all kinds of lifestyle changes (different diets, different exercise, sleeping more, spoke to doctors, had blood tests and testosterone measured, tried lots of different herbal supplements, etc.). I researched, read, investigated -- I wanted to find out exactly why I - a healthy young male should have to deal with this. And I found the answer in the end.

Believe it or not, it did take me a little more than 10 years to figure all this out. Which is the unfortunate part, because the answer was actually quite simple and simply common sense.

To make a long story short, the solution was to be nice to my body. Without knowing, I was not particularly nice to my own body (and mind). I would not eat what I should, I would not exercise enough, I would overexpose myself to porn, get bad sleep, etc. As a result, my body was almost always out of balance in one way or another.

And for me, one of the first functions to stop working when my body is out of balance is the ability to get erections / have sex.

Only when I learned to listen to my body and give it what it needs, and also remove from it what it shouldn't have, was my body back in balance. And what happened then was remarkable. I was able to get hard and persistent erections again. I regained my libido. I was again able to have sex!

I know first hand how frustrating it can be to deal with ED (and a low libido), and I think what I have learned could benefit lots of other men.

There are probably many men out there who struggle with ED, but who simply don't know why, and who therefore don't know how to overcome this.

To try to be of help, I have taken what I have learned and all my major experiences and put it into a website. You are more than welcome to visit and learn from my experiences. The website is free to use for anyone. I dont think I am allowed to include a link with this post, but you find it if you search for Truelibido. Hope my experiences can be of help to some of you


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Re: I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby regal1945 » Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:03 pm



Re: I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby PFracture » Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:05 pm

Nice covert marketing you got here hey?

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Re: I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby JohnathanPC » Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:48 am

Regal1945 and Pfracture:

I am trying to be of help.

I have overcome ED by changing several of the ways I live my life, and I think what I have learned could help many men who are in a similar situation to what I was in.

To do this - to be of help - I have created a website where I have shared these experiences and things I have learned. If I were to put it all in a book, it would be more than 200 pages long. I couldn't possible put all that in this forum in a format that would make much sense or be of as much help as I wanted.

So to try to help as many men as efficiently as possible, I think organizing the information on a website is the most helpful. I hope you see my point of view.

Btw, the website is free to use for anyone, has no ads, no affiliate links and make no income. It is just information.

Kind regards

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Re: I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby regal1945 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:33 pm

:( You are selling Libido-4 . Same as a million other scams!

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Re: I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby regal1945 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:36 pm

We have a bottle of colored jelly beans, want to try them lol! :lol:

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Re: I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby JohnathanPC » Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:57 am

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I am keen to help other men who go through the pains I went through myself.

I know how suffocating and depressing it can be to deal with ED.

And I think a lot of ED situations can be solved if one has the right knowledge about what is going on in the body and why this is happening. If one person has obtained considerable amounts of this knowledge, it would be a shame to not pass it on to other people who want it.

Anyone up for a fun little experiment? I have learned some cool things about home remedies and supplements while I tried to figure out this ED problem. Some simple remedies can be amazing. You wouldn't think that kiwi and garlic could do much for you, would you? But if you want to try something fun, you can try this: put two-three cloves of garlic and two kiwis in a blender, blend it up, drink the mixture about an hour before sex and see if you feel any different :)

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Re: I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby dg_moore » Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:01 am

Three cloves of garlic is just the thing to make her eager to get close.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: I have overcome my ED permanently - maybe you can as well

Postby alterr » Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:39 pm

dg_moore wrote:Three cloves of garlic is just the thing to make her eager to get close.

LOL.. Yeah ok sure dude
ED since 1996. Peyronies in 2012. PRP in 2013 and 2017. Dr. Brock, urology, NC, USA. Cialis and Viagra stopped working since 10/2017. Haven't been on Trimix since 3/2016. Will consider injecting it again. Will be prescribed testosterone injections soon.

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