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Hello all

Postby Chunkymonkey » Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:26 am

I'm a 40-something, type 2 diabetic, on a cocktail of blood pressure medication as well as cholesterol meds and gout meds. I also take insulin daily. I have read tons of topics on FT and have educated myself as much as possible.

I have so many questions, I'm not sure where to start.......... :lol:

I guess I'll start by saying I have been on meds for about 10 years now. My ED started about 4 years before that, and I was successful using Viagra. After Viagra no longer worked (about 5 years ago), I was hit with low testosterone numbers, loss of libido and couldn't get any bloodflow to my genital area. My only health insurance is through the VA, and they honestly weren't equipped to deal with my problem. My VA urologist was clueless. After some research I found out about trimix and the VA wrote a prescription and I began using that.

That is where my problems began. The trimix wasn't successful (after several dosage changes) and it seemed to have caused peyronies issues. Before trimix, I couldn't obtain an erection, but when I could get bloodflow, I had a very specific girth and length. Trimix caused me to go from a downward curve to an upward curve and a massive shrinkage of the penis. I would estimate 3 to 4 inches in loss of length and a significant loss of girth. My penis is now thin at the base, it feels fibrous in the shaft and curves upward like a banana. And, it's only about 2 inches long.

The VA can't help and I'm wondering if I can get the money together, can a regular Urologist find out what's wrong? I've read that type 2 diabetics can suffer from shrinkage. And the other day I woke up with the feeling of morning wood, but it won't grow more than 2 inches or so. Like something is holding it back, like something is restricting the tissue to expand. I've also done the stretch test and it won't stretch more than 3 inches when completely flaccid.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Re: Hello all

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:12 am

Hi And welcome mate, Boy you do have some problems, meds your on are your down fall, HBP , Statins, and what you take for your diabetes are all erection killers, so erection drugs are fighting a battle and not winning.

Your diabetes could be controlled by diet, I worked with a guy who did that, said drugs was the easy way out but diet was far better, as he was in control of his life and not drugs, I know its been a long time on drugs but still could be worth trying.

Now your HBP and cholesterol could be controlled but taking a mix I take its a mix of cayenne pepper, Turmeric with black pepper and Garlic and how to and take is below.

The way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric with black pepper and garlic, take this each morning and see how you go.

For each heaped teaspoon of turmeric you add a ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper, this helps the turmeric to get absorbed into your system better.

The whole mix its all very healthy for you.

You just mix CP and Turmeric and BP 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil, at first you just mix this to a heat ( this the heat that CP gives off) that suits you, and over time you can slowly increase the CP and Turmeric.

You take 3 teaspoonful’s each morning first thing, you wash each spoonful down with water, before anything else just after you get up, one thing it will warm you up with this mix, which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic, just do a whole head, chopped fine, and keep in olive oil, with this you add dried parsley, a couple of good desert spoonful’s and mix, you just add a teaspoonful on top of the CP an turmeric mix, just mix into the top take as said.

The Parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your Cholesterol down.

Please do keep both jars in the fridge, keeps a lot better that way.

Now if you google and read up about all three, there very good for ED, your cholesterol, heart and it clears blocked arteries and veins, good at lowering HBP, prostate, prostitutes, clearing plague of a venous leak and RA, garlic is also very good for your blood, so along with the CP and turmeric with BP, your be doing your body the world of good.

Turmeric is a great way of fighting and lowering your triglyceride numbers when you have high cholesterol, and turmeric is also a way of fighting certain cancers.
Sauce for info is, http://www.turmericforhealth.com
New link for turmeric and HBP, http://www.turmericforhealth.com/turmer ... d-pressure

At first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals, for 2 weeks, then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings, great way to start the day.

And yes have had ED now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone.

Good blood flow is necessary for harder erections and a healthy body.

Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric with BP and Garlic, is the way to help good blood flow for erections and lots of other ailment’s.

So do hope this helps you.


PS This really needs a 12 week trail, to see if its going to work for you, if its for RA do increase it up, the stronger it is the better it works for you.

Don’t forget to up the amount of CP and turmeric as you go on.

One last thing doe chunkymonkey relate to you perhaps being overweight? if so you really do need to get your weight down, getting your weight down will improve the length of your penis, they say for each 10 pounds we lose your penis gains 1/2 an inch, its all because of the fat pad we carry behind our penis's, as it melts away you see more of your penis, gives you a goal to aim for. OK
Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

Posts: 625
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Re: Hello all

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:17 am

Hi CM, Been doing some research about gout and cayenne pepper, its good for inside and out Google and read through the links in the below.

Just google this, gout remedies cayenne pepper. OK

Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Hello all

Postby tomas1 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:02 am

I wonder if the OP has tried a pump?
I would try that to see if any lost length can be regained.
I used it when I first noticed loss of length from ED, prior to injections.
When I went to the VA for ED, they wanted me to attend pumping class.
I skipped it and paid for pills back then.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: Hello all

Postby JimStars » Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:38 pm


Like Tomas said... maybe get on the Pump for a while and see what you can regain.

I have used Trimix for about 5 yrs with no loss of length and have been pumping for 7 years (and pumped length is around 8" - about an inch beyond regular erection length).

But your having diabetes probably complicated your Trimix injections somehow -- who knows how.

A relatively inexpensive Encore pump might be all you need for starters to see how much you can pump back up.

Have at it ...

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Hello all

Postby ED2013 » Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:07 am

I definitely recommend pumping as well. You need to see a urologist that specializes in sexual medicine and surgery. I'd also recommend getting more than one opinion. Good luck to you.

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