What are your fears? Ideas? Hints? to coping with ED. What helps you with your mental game? How are relationships affected?
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Postby Froggy » Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:24 am

DEFY . . .

-those who say "you're old, get used to it"
-those who say "its natural"
-those who think we are "beyond" sex
-doctors who won't take us seriously
-those who would tell us its "dirty or wrong"

I've read so many success stories on this board and revel in each and every one of them. I also have felt the despair in some posts and weep along with them, BUT, I say NEVER GIVE UP!!! The limits on how far we can go and for how long we can continue are expanding every single day.

Nothing is hopeless unless you quit trying!

Steve in Fort Worth, 61, Trimix and Test injections weekly. Feel better with more energy, alertness, more active, stronger and faster than when I was 50! Bit of a smarta$$ but want to be of help to others in similar situations!! STAY HARD!!

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Postby dg_moore » Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:37 pm

This is all true, but age does catch up with everybody eventually. It has caught up with me, but I have no regrets - I had plenty of good years and now I'm in a different stage. Life goes on until it doesn't.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Postby way1955 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:10 am

Hello All. I am happy that I am on this site there are a lot of good things on here. The guys on here are great to talk to and get some answers. I'm a child of the 50's and my parent never talked about sex or any of the problems. I started having some problems when I was 47. Had a prostate problem which turned out to be a infection. Been have them for 13 year ( Kidney and Prostate ) I also have a heart problem, high blood pressure and I'm a diabetic. At about 54 I started having erections problem could not get hard enough for sex. I can still masturbate but sometimes I will like that old feely again. Was getting there until I ended up in the hospital in 2014 with sepsis. Was very sick and they force a catheter in me without telling me what they were doing just for a urine sample. Peed before I got to the hospital. I peed when I got to my room on my own. They never got it in the bladder. The nurse tried 2 times the 2nd one when he pulled it out I was bleeding. That was a night mare. Ending up going to a urologist and he found out I had a stricture in the urethra. It took me a year to get were I at now because he did damage to the nerves inside. I still enjoy sex when I can get hard with a friend of mine. She's 40 and a great girl. Been divorced 13 year. I am upset with some of the treatments that they have for prostate cancer It unbelievable what they do and tell a man to talk them into surgery. They when you have a problem they say well you don't have cancer anymore. Men please read up on any procedure you are having done and don't let them take your prostate out. There is a doctor in Texas that is doing a direct MIR that zaps the cancer out so it's don't have to be removed. Well enough venting. I will never get rid of my prostate. I will take it to my grave.....Ken

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Postby Jamesbond » Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:55 pm

Why not?

Thier are some here like myself. Sure a few in similar situation.

I have learned more about penile implants here than penile implant Dr I saw.
I think he is a good guy and highly recommended. He is one that many on this site have used.
Maybe he did not want to answer me completely.
Think maybe being honest.

Almost 20 years with ED.
Short version:
The 1 woman I wanted for about 20 years got divorced from jerk.
I wanted more from her than what was between her legs.

I have not seen her in a few yrs. She came looking for me almost 8 yrs ago.
"Best Friend" if 35 yrs lied to me repeatedly about her.
The same guy that I was in his wedding party. Was 1st thier when his kids where born.
Aside for confessing about lying to me about her he admitted it was to get even with me and her.

Years ago he was cheating on his wife. I covered for him. His girlfriend wanted money, new car, big new house.
He had girfriend blame me for things I never did.
When His girlfriend realized that I was not buying her a new car or house. Prove school for her dumb kids.
She complained to his wife. I told his wife something, had she had checked she could have figured out he was lying.
Yes, his wife one of dumbest people I have ever met.
When I was about to tell his wife he made excuses. His wife never found out.

She never found out about the other women. Like the woman he was sleeping with while she was pregnant.

The woman I wanted got divorced and seeing other guys. They sound like dirtbags.
Her hubby left her. I can't go approach her. We all know what happens to divorced women that have been out on market along time.
They get played and kicked around. They become bitter and want payback.

Yes I a, still horny. Have not had GF in 20 years and miss women.
Over the last about 3 years have had 1 woman that wanted me to go back to here hotel. Other wanted to have dinner.
They where all good looking.

I have lost a lot of length. I don't think shock wave therapy if/when made available in US would help me.
To me even if implant would work I would be so much smaller I could not deal with that.

Only implant Dr told me I could not get back any of old length
I can not her.

I have another appointment with implant Dr tomorrow.
I don't want to go.
Seems pointless.

After awhile getting tired of false hope. Whn I first started looking for help I was told buy these herbal pills.
You will be cured and hung like a bull.

Years later I have lost count how many Ur I have seen
My usual UR got me to try injections. It did not work.
He keeps trying to seek me tri-mix.
Does not understand why it does not work on me.

He told me if I got the implant I would be "mutilated". He Urged me not to get implant.
Told me I would be sorry. I have used him for years. I have even referred people to him.
He has taken great care of me and others I have sent.

I feel like make Barnes in the Sun also Rises

No hope, Jake Barnes basically drank his way thru it. Numbed the pain.
Jake was castrated, war injury.
Probably I am worst off.

I will never have the woman I wanted. I have not been trying
but the women I have meet I could live without.

If I go to Dr tomorrow, I might just hit the bar after. Have a drink for old Jake Barnes and E. Hemingway.
See how appointment goes.

What is the point anymore?
Thinking of getting implant. Have not done it because of the length I
have lost.
50, Straight, I miss women

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Postby ShopMan » Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:27 pm

Froggy wrote:DEFY . . .

-those who say "you're old, get used to it"
-those who say "its natural"
-those who think we are "beyond" sex
-doctors who won't take us seriously
-those who would tell us its "dirty or wrong"

I've read so many success stories on this board and revel in each and every one of them. I also have felt the despair in some posts and weep along with them, BUT, I say NEVER GIVE UP!!! The limits on how far we can go and for how long we can continue are expanding every single day.

Nothing is hopeless unless you quit trying!


Well said Froggy. I am 79 and wifey is 78. I got my AMS-LGX in Dec. 2014. I could have quit after Cialis, Viagra and TriMix all quit working for me. My very wise old URO said to me when I inquired about an implant. He said you have two choices, you can quit living or you can go on living and still loving as you have for so many years before. I chose to go on living and the wifey and I could not be happier. Actually sex is more satisfying then it has been at any other time in our lives.

80 yrs. Married 60 years. Hypertension but under control with meds.

ED since 1995. Viagra then switched to Cialis. Both quit working.
Was on Trimix. Tri-Mix quit working. Implanted by Dr. Novak Grand Rapids, Mi 12/16/2014 AMS LGX

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Postby Donnie1954 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:29 pm

You are so right! There is life after ED. :) Either give up roll over and die or get an implant! ;) Happily 'bionic' 100 days. Absolutely no regrets. 8-)
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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