Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.
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Postby clearwatercowboy » Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:24 pm

So here the thing........ I was started on Bimix injections in late October 2009, but the medications are not typical, in that it has Phentalomine and Prostaglandin E with a small amount of Lidocaine for pain. They have been working just fine up until about 8 weeks ago, when I started to notice that my dick is turning slightly to the left when erect, either from the pump or injection, and there is an area of tissue that appears to not engorge on the left side of the penis. Right away, I suspected Peyronnies disease. And with each injection, the serection ize, both length and girth is decreasing, regardless of the dosage that I inject. I have inected up to 0.65 on an insulin syringe. Even when I use the pump, as prescribed by the urologist as part of rehab. therapy post-surgery, I can not seem to acheive full engorgement of the penile tissue, as I could prior to the last two months.

I Called the PA that ordered the injectable for me this past fall. He wants me to cease using the injectable until I can see the Urologist that he works for, which is scheduled for late March 2010. He also told me to start taking 400 IU of Vitamin E three times each day.

I still have not developed any nocturnal erections, despite taking low dose Cialias or Levitra nightly. And my surgery was May 4, 2009

So, any ideas on what you guys think might be going on. Anyway they cut this, it isn't working well.

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Re: HELP !!

Postby franglais » Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:28 pm

Last edited by franglais on Sun May 22, 2011 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 34
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:39 pm

Re: HELP !!

Postby clearwatercowboy » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:17 pm

I saw the Uro Doc. a couple of weeks back. He examined me in the "flaccid" state and claims that he cannot feel a pronounced plaque that would lead him to suspect Peyroine's Disease. If it is there, he claims that we have caught it early. I explained to him my frustration with the "micro dick" situation, wherein I inject with Bimix, and the length and girth that I once had with the initial injections are "no more", and then there is the little turn to the left that persists. So.....he recommended that I increase my dosage of Bimix up to a maximum of .80 cc (80 units on a Insulin syringe), and continue to use the pump daily as part of my rehabilitation from the RRP surgery. So... I went home, maxed out the dosage, and still no change in erectile strength, size of longevity. He then ordered me Trimix, which we have tried now four times, and still no improvement. He did prescribe Verapamil Cream to be applied to my penis twice/each day, and to continue taking orally 1200 units of Vitamin E daily.

I think I'm screwed......and not in the literal sense, as it appears that either the injections and/or the VED bands have damaged the tunica tissues that surround the penis, and most likely will take a long period of time to repair, if at all.

In addition, he won't even consider an implant until 3 years post-surgery, in hopes that my ED issues will resolve spontaneously.

My warning to you all would careful of VED bands, and injectable ED medications..... Trust me guys, you do not want to end up with what I am now dealing with, or the prospect of persistant ED.

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Location: Collierville TN

Re: HELP !!

Postby jackpTenn » Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:38 pm


There is a differance in opinion about getting an implant after prostate surgery. Dr. Milam at Vanderbilt only recommends one year.

He is a Male Sexual Function Specialist and knows more about the penis than the doctors that do prostate surgery, or more than 99% of other urologist. I have not had PCa but I asked him if I had prostate problems would there be any problerms or complications with my implant and he said NO.

Peyronies 1995
Penile Implant 10/08
Dr. Douglas Milam @ Vanderbilt
Normal Again

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