peyronie's, implant - post surgery pain.

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peyronie's, implant - post surgery pain.

Postby steven » Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:31 pm

i'm 48, had a radical prostatectomy jan. 2010 for prostate cancer, recovered from that well with no sign of cancer since, but quickly developed severe pd.

this past monday i had implant surgery, the ams 700 ms. because the pd was severe the surgeons did a lot of manipulation, molding. i've had such severe pain since surgery the pain meds don't even take the edge off. the penis pain finally lessened yesterday but now the pump seems to be dropping in the scrotum as swelling goes down and my scrotum is so sore i can't sit, can hardly walk...

i've talked my dr. and don't have infection or any other obvious abnormalities.

is this amount of pain normal?

Last edited by steven on Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby antelope » Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:57 pm


I have not implant surgery (nor PCa surgery), so I cannot speak to your post-op challenges. I can tell you that there are a bunch of guys on this site who have had both surgeries and who have had a wide range of experiences in that realm. I'm a little surprised that no one with more creds that I has not answered your post. Everybody must be mowing their grass and/or watching the Masters. Be assured that they will reply. You have found a group of caring guys who are willing to share their own war stories. In the meantime be patient, keep reading, get some rest, and know that all of us care about what's going on with you.

Come see us in the Chat Room when you feel better. If nothing else, you'll get a chuckle out of our banter.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby Dave48003 » Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:32 pm

Steven - I had an implant on 3-17, so I'm just over 3 weeks. I have had nothing like what you describe. I'm sure the workover your penis received would cause additional bruising, swelling, etc., but what you describe is pretty severe. I was back to work on Tuesday after a Thursday surgery. Are you icing? That should help. I think I would be pushing my doctor very hard for some pain meds that are effective.

One thing I might suggest, a technique I learned long ago for natural pain management. Get in a comfortable position. Focus on a spot on your forehead between your eyes, I usually put my thumb there and press. Now conciously release all tension from the top of your head, working downward imagining it draining out your feet. You should literally begin to feel like a wet rag. Clear your mind, savoring the lack of tension. This should allow endorphins in your system to release. I once shattered a finger tip between a dumbell and the rack. I did this and resumed my workout about 15 minutes later with no pain. Good luck.

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby knotreel » Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:37 am

Steven, you didn't mention ice pacs, I found they were very helpful and I used them a lot in the first two weeks, I migth mention, two weeks was the time before I feel mostly pain free. Stay on the pain pills every 4-6 hours
even if you don't need them. I was told that and where I usually don't take pain pills like that, I figured given the location of the pain, humm , I think I'll take them. So unfortunatly you will just have to wait it out will pain pills and ice pacs. Oh, one more thing, stay off your feet. Standing seemed to increase pressure and pain in my scrotum. And one more thing. Some suport type underwear like Jockey brand pouch briefs. Other have used compression briefs and jock straps.
So, to sum up, pain pills on regular schedule, ice pacs, don't stand, suport underware.
Well, I should have started off to stay I am sorry ot hear you are having a bad time. Why did they use the 700 MS and not the LGX, actually they may have as I think the designation 700MS is just the pump. Oh, about the pump, everybody said don't worry about the pump fitting it will become comfortable, well I was very sceptical as mine big and definately uncomfortable. Quess what, "they" were right I can still feel the pump but it has become a part of me an is very comfortable. The only thing is you will have to be carefull getting out of car seats and the like, as that tends to drag the pump onto my testicles with some pressure. But, my pump is on my left side since my AUS pump is on the right and if it were on the right, it would be much less and issue I think. Anyway keep us posted on how yo are doing.
age 74 married, Robotic RP Dec.2009. Implanted Jan 2011 with AMS 700LGX and AMS 800 AUS. (AMS 1500). IPP failed March 2018 , leak. Planning an AUS revision (total replacement) in 2018, now I need the IPP too.

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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby steven » Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:09 pm

thanks for the replies. and yes i've been icing and did get stronger pain meds. still, i couldn't do it anymore sun. night - went to the er. they gave me a catheter - even though retention wasn't a problem - but because i felt the urge to go every 15 min. or so and it was extreme pain to go. i went home with the cath. and took a couple percosets and slept for two hours - more than i have at a time for a week.

today i saw my surgeon. he feels the implants , incisions (i had a scrotal for cylinders and pump, and abdominal for reservoir due to previous hernia repair), and bladder are good. i did have quite a lot of edema - especially in scrotum. he displaced the edema and deflated the cylinders some (wow - more severe pain). he's not sure but thinks the peeing thing may have been because of the fullness of cylinders. the cath stays in until Thur., my regular day for staple removal.

to those who haven't had implants, i don't want to scare you off. mine is the exception. i still believe it will be worth it . but holy cow - i've had a bad week. this makes my prostatectomy seem easy.

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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby knotreel » Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:53 pm

good to hear you got some relief, if just partial. Mine hurt too at times, not my penis so much but at the penis base and scrotum was sensitive due to it being balloned out. I also felt mine was over inflated but that seems to be a common conplaint. Now that I have got to be familiar with the way the thing works, it was not inflated at all, I think mine and maybe others were left with just enough fluid in the cylinders to keep them round while healing. After about a month when things were not sore at all, I could squeeze all the fluid out and presto, a nice flacid hanging penis. I did not like the stick out penis look or feel of that wearing underware.
Well I hope you get better next week. My inplant was 1/11/11 and my RRP was 12/15/09, seems you and I are running about a month so apart, lots of fun? Ever think, will things ever get back to normal again.
age 74 married, Robotic RP Dec.2009. Implanted Jan 2011 with AMS 700LGX and AMS 800 AUS. (AMS 1500). IPP failed March 2018 , leak. Planning an AUS revision (total replacement) in 2018, now I need the IPP too.

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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby tukusmax » Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:31 pm

Knot, remember, things are not supposed to be normal again. (if things are going back to normal, I don't want to do it).


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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby knotreel » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:46 am

Ron, you know what I meant, I should have said "feeling normal" and that I do. During the time Steven is going through right now, I know that i had seroius doubts about ever feeling normal again. Suddenly there were two pumps and what looked like a goodly amont of tubing running all over in my scrotum, yikes! not to mention a fairly stiff penis that had to be stored carefully. Until the pumps settled in and got comfortable I was not comfortable.
age 74 married, Robotic RP Dec.2009. Implanted Jan 2011 with AMS 700LGX and AMS 800 AUS. (AMS 1500). IPP failed March 2018 , leak. Planning an AUS revision (total replacement) in 2018, now I need the IPP too.

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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby tukusmax » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:17 pm

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make light of this. It's just that sometimes these comments jump out and grab my sad sense of humor. No disrespect intended.


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Re: peronie's, implant - post surgery pain,

Postby steven » Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:15 pm

has anyone with severe peyronie's received an implant?

how long did you need pain meds?

how long before you could sit in a chair for more than a few minutes?

how long before you could be on your feet for more than a few minutes?

thanks, steve

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