12 days post op. Valve stuck?

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12 days post op. Valve stuck?

Postby Pirate1 » Sun May 04, 2014 8:48 am

Good day all. Had my implant(Coloplast, details below)12 days ago. Before I go further, no matter what, feel it was right decision. All the good stuff:
Pre op, complete turtle. Did the "stretch" test...hoping to push 5" post op with no turtle.
Post op: that's where it was when I reached down & checked. So far so good.
During surgery, difficulty with catheter. Took additional 25 min to get in. Very tight. Somewhat expected that.
Post op, minimal pain, some brushing, nothing significant. Did not need pain meds. Went home next day.
Had to go home with catheter for 6 days. Removed myself. No problem.
On day 6, feeling full of myself, no pain that tylenol would not take care of, minimal brushing, swelling. Easy street.
When sent home, only instructions were to gently pull on pump to keep low. No problem.
On day 7, feeling so good, decided to just play with pump(I know..told not to fool with).
Did a couple of 1/4, 1/2 pumps. Heard/felt squirt, seemed to expand slightly. Ok enough of that.
Next day, junior just did not seem quite as thick, quite as stiff. Ok..let's squeeze pump again.
Pump was rock hard. Would not budge as before. I am strong, put death grip on to no avail.
Called Dr. & left message with what is going on. Nurse called back, said leave alone till visit approx 3 weeks.
Read some where, inflate/deflate valve disc can get stuck. Heavy pressure sure clear. Well it did not.
Also, seems I read on here, if pump is hard, already fully inflated. Hope not, as what I have would not penetrate.
I am sitting here with 2 more weeks to see Dr. Mechanical failure?
Om my sheet sent home, did not check OTR, but under "other"... "Touch"?. Which pump is that?
Again, no pain, incision above, actually, right at base, a work of art. Believe Doc did good job.
I was previously told my surgeon has no bedside manner, but very competent. I have no doubts even after the fact.
Would appreciate any of your thoughts, experiences, etc..with same. I am a realist, if has to be redone, so be it.
Thanks again.
62, RRP Aug 2010. Left with complete ED. Pills no effect. Injections worked but caused peyronies. Had Coloplast Titan implant April 22, 2014. 19 cm(including 1cm RTE). "Touch" pump? Infrapubic.

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Re: 12 days post op. Valve stuck?

Postby billylee » Sun May 04, 2014 9:24 am

Number one, IMO you were early to play with device. Not that it will not work, just surely still some soreness and need for equipment to settle in....but that is my opinion. I am at eight weeks and started I/D exercise at surgeon's office last Monday. I have had a couple of instances where bulb was very hard and with all my squeezing, would not give. I know I am not at least fully inflated so I think it is faulty. Not sure the problem but through several times squeezing deflate pads and trying to keep pump straight (in case a tube is kinked) and squeezing more in a from bottom of bulb up, it has suddenly broken lose. Scary at first but when it gives all goes well. Setting in warm bath water may help you also. Agree this is frustrating but I think we will both figure it out.....took me about quit a while yesterday morning to get my first squeeze and when I was about to give up it started flowing. After leaving inflated a while I then deflate then gave a pump to see that it would work. Last night, maybe because of that one "put it away" pump, it started flowing on first pump.PM me if you need.
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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Re: 12 days post op. Valve stuck?

Postby jryancey44 » Sun May 04, 2014 10:58 am

Sorry to hear you are having all this trouble Billylee, so far I haven't had any problems with my pump.


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Re: 12 days post op. Valve stuck?

Postby billylee » Sun May 04, 2014 2:20 pm

I don't think it is anything to serious because when I get it just right the fluid flows perfect. It seems to free best when I squeeze bulb more at bottom portion. I could also be holding device in a manner where one of the tubes is restricting flow. I got a little worried about it this morning while I made the post so gave it a try and it worked fine. One pump after deflation may be a help sometimes also.

If I inflate pretty tight, I get a ache in glans for a while, but all getting better. Just a time thing I suspect, has not been a week since I stated exercises so got to expect a little discomfort and such. Girth seems to get better day by day, sure pleased with that.
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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Re: 12 days post op. Valve stuck?

Postby Pirate1 » Sat May 10, 2014 10:04 am

Got it loose. Did a twohand pump as suggested...started working. Was convinced something was wrong and would have to get another surgery. Thanks billylee for advice. Right now I am happier than a pig in S#!t. I am 16 days out..no pain..brusing gone. Guys, if you are sitting on the fence about decision whether or not to implant. Do it. Sure glad I did. Those that had "turtle" problems can relate. Thanks to all.
62, RRP Aug 2010. Left with complete ED. Pills no effect. Injections worked but caused peyronies. Had Coloplast Titan implant April 22, 2014. 19 cm(including 1cm RTE). "Touch" pump? Infrapubic.

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Re: 12 days post op. Valve stuck?

Postby billylee » Sat May 10, 2014 12:38 pm

Glad you got that sucker working. Once the activation has been done after surgery seems there is an unexpected part of journey that was not anticipated and/or thought-out. Meaning (at least for me), time for the inflate/deflate exercises, aching in glans, daily discomfort with more in my pants than accustomed to, etc. not to say at all that is not worth it, just seems so much emphasis is placed on surgery, and rightfully so due to infection concern, but the journey is certainly not over on the night of activation day.
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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