my Peyronies journey

This is for the guys who experience an onset of curving or bending of their penis. PD is a frustrating condition which often creates significant emotional and mental distress. It overlaps several other sexual function conditions.
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Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:05 pm

Re: my Peyronies journey

Postby Cernfan » Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:40 pm

The bottom line is this......

There is no completely effective cure for PD. There just isn't . Injections are painful, costly, and just MARGINALLY effective. Urologists push them because they generate office visits and income and it does offer some small glimmer of hope.

For younger and older men alike, with big curvatures and loss of length, the only sure fire solution is a penile implant. Technology has improved so much and user satisfaction rates are almost 97%! That's amazing. They are almost undetectable.

Younger men who have severe curves should surely consider this option. Even if they fail after 10 years, the surgery to replace them is very simple and takes about 30 minutes. Recovery time varies.

Just floating this out there. Tons of women have breast implants and nobody bats an eye. Men are very affected by penile health and sexual health. It's important to us.

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Joined: Mon May 20, 2024 12:52 pm

Re: my Peyronies journey

Postby lovedavis » Tue May 21, 2024 3:44 am

Sorry to hear about what you're going through. It's good that you've seen a urologist and have a treatment plan.

Assessment of Curvature: It's surprising that your urologist didn't measure the curvature. You might want to discuss this or seek a second opinion.

Verapamil Injections: This is a common and often effective treatment. The process can take several months and requires patience.

Xiaflex: It's unfortunate that it's not available in Canada, but Verapamil is a good alternative.

Changes in Size: The psychological aspect is important. Openly discuss your feelings with your wife. Support from a counselor or group can be helpful. a sex therapist for techniques and positions that might help.

Additional Methods: Consider using traction devices and supplements. Discuss these with your urologist.

Sexual Function: It's good that you can still have sex. Consult a sex therapist for techniques and positions that might help.

With the right treatment and support, your condition can improve. Don't hesitate to seek out the resources and information you need.
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