26yo, sudden ED, persistent for 1 year, any insight appreciated.

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26yo, sudden ED, persistent for 1 year, any insight appreciated.

Postby anjoehler » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:03 pm

I'm getting fairly desperate at this point as I've had persistent ED for over a year now and have had no leads or information given to me on the reason.

About a year ago, I suddenly developed ED after a sexual interaction. It was perfectly vanilla, and there was no injury sustained. I was fine before and during, but the SECOND I climaxed, it was like an "off" switch was flipped. Initially, I didn't think anything of it, but I woke up the following day and my penis still felt desensitized. Cut to April, and I finally go to the doctor because I also notice my testicles have shrunk. Got blood work done, my T levels were normal, normal cholesterol, absolutely no irregularities. I then went to 3 different urologists whom essentially talked to me like it wasn't that big a deal and didn't take me too seriously. I got penile and testicular ultrasounds done and they both showed nothing wrong. They were quick to prescribe me Tadalafil (which did nothing) and send me on my way.

Cut to present. My testicles are easily half the size they used to be, if not smaller, and my erections are an inch shorter. I'm going to a different doctor now and have an EMG scheduled to check for nerve damage, as I noticed my toes and feet have been going numb lately.

Am I wrong to think this is a circulatory issue? The atrophy combined with circulation problems in my feet leads me to believe maybe I'm having a pelvic floor issue. 2 weeks prior to the issues beginning, I was taken to the ER after vomiting on a plane for 2 hours so intensely that I was blacking out. Following that, however, I could still masturbate normally without any loss of feeling. The sexual encounter 2 weeks later was the first time I'd had penetrative sex in about 2 years, but the actual act of having an orgasm during sex is the impetus for this entire issue. I was relatively unbothered by it before, but the amount of shrinkage I've experienced makes it hard for me to not spend a significant portion of my day mildly perturbed.

To describe the feeling specifically, that tingling, "full" feeling you get when you get an erection is gone, and my penis isn't very sensitive to touch anymore. I can get an erection, but it is much more difficult and ever since my issues started, no matter how hard my erection is, it's never the full length. It's like, that "full" feeling vanished and I can't get a full erection now.

TLDR 26, healthy, non-smoker, non-drinker. I've had ED for over a year brought on suddenly after climaxing during sex. Significant atrophy of my testicles and penis over that time. All medical testing thus far (blood work, penile and testicular ultrasounds, palpation) show that there is nothing wrong. Could this be a pelvic floor or circulation issue? I'm getting increasingly more desperate as more doctors are unable (or unwilling) to find the solution.

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Re: 26yo, sudden ED, persistent for 1 year, any insight appreciated.

Postby bldoink » Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:22 pm

I don't really have a clue. But how's your sugar?
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: 26yo, sudden ED, persistent for 1 year, any insight appreciated.

Postby anjoehler » Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:00 am

Normal. No diabetes.

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Re: 26yo, sudden ED, persistent for 1 year, any insight appreciated.

Postby Bambino09 » Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:38 pm

Apúntate a un kinesiologo que se especialice en suelo pelvico. La contractura no deja relajar tu musculo liso del pene. Has perdidon1 año ya podrías estar sano.

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Re: 26yo, sudden ED, persistent for 1 year, any insight appreciated.

Postby anjoehler » Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:04 am

Would that cause testicular atrophy?

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