New guy in Michigan

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New guy in Michigan

Postby JerGeezer » Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:28 pm

Hello. After being embarrassed and feeling humiliated for many years (felt like I wasn't really a man), I finally got the nerve to admit my impotence to my doctor. That was in 1995. He set me up with a urologist. After undergoing a variety of tests, the urologist installed an AMS Ultrex. How stupid of me to have not told my primary doctor of the problem many years earlier.

The first implant worked perfectly for about three and a half years - and changed my life in a most positive way - and I'm positive it broke because of my being so active. I plain wore it out. This second one lasted over fourteen years, but that is primarily because of its not being used much during the last eight years or so. Even with this lack of frequent activity right now, a third one will be implanted in the near future simply because I know how great it feels just knowing I'll be ready when the opportunities once again present themselves.

Guess I'm one of the fortunate ones who never did experience much post-operative pain. Uncomfortable for awhile? Sure. But painful? No.

FYI: Be sure to not use a riding mower during the first several weeks of getting a penile implant, as the vibration can cause the pump to migrate upwards. It may not happen with you, but it sure did with me.

Young guys need to know that implants do not last forever and will probably eventually need to be replaced. But as those of you who already have one know, it's well worth having it. Admitting my impotence to my physician, as it turns out, is one of the best decisions I ever made.

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Location: Almont, Michigan USA

Re: New guy in Michigan

Postby Dave48003 » Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:31 am


It would be good if you posted this in implants also. But, welcome to FT! I'm in Almont Michigan, so glad to have another guy from the state on here.

I became a patient advocate for AMS about 5 months ago. I've been very busy going to men's health seminars adding a personal side to E D solutions to the men and their wives that attend. I really enjoy it. During these events, I have met regular employees of AMS and get some information that isn't generally known. One tidbit is the story of a replacement surgery that was done recently. The original implant lasted 30 years!

Generally the figure put out there is 10 years, but obviously as they say on TV, your results may vary! Good luck trying to wear out this one!
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: New guy in Michigan

Postby bob1138 » Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:30 am


I was implanted with the Coloplast Titan in December 2007 after developing ED Post-Prostatectomy in 2004 and became a
member of Dave's "Brotherhood of Bionic Boners" a few years ago.
I became a Straight Talk Patient Educator for Coloplast in January 2008 and have since shared my Implant experiences
with hundreds of men at ED Seminars, Health Fairs and in private "Straight Talk Sessions" held at the offices of
numerous Penile Implant Surgeons.
Having the opportunity to speak with 2 men who had the Titan Implant gave me the courage and resolve to have
my Implant done and I enjoy being able to pass this forward to men who are still suffering with ED and its many
negative side-effects.
Some Post-Implant discomfort and swelling was a small price for the pleasure it has given to my wife and myself for
the past 5+ years. I would do it again in a heart-beat!!
Thanks for your Post and I wish you a lifetime of enjoyment with your Implant.

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