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New Member Intro

Postby RecandED » Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:54 am

Just a brief new member intro. I ran into this forum a few weeks ago as I contemplated a change in my approach to ED. I am been on Viagra and later Cialis and both in conjunction for about 20 years but this seems to have diminishing effectiveness. So I was contemplating different approach. I found this forum very useful in providing real user input. So I thank all contributors.

I am trying the injection route. I had my first shot in doctor's office just this morning. This was very low dose and had little effect. But nurse (it was a little strange dealing with female on this subject but she was both pleasant and very professional) seemed to think this was expected and said take it home and try it out increasing dosage until desired effect reached. It was relatively painless but I have yet to stick myself. So I will have a bit of a journey to get used to the idea and find my sweet spot hopefully. I go back to see nurse in six weeks for progress report.

I do not have particular question yet. But that might come in the weeks ahead. Again thanks to all with getting me comfortable for taking this route. Thanks to all for sharing their experiences. Always good to know you are not alone.

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Re: New Member Intro

Postby bldoink » Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:10 am

Welcome to the forum.

Don't expect immediate success. It may take some time to learn a successful technique and to find your proper dose and strength of injection drug. I think an important first lesson is after inserting the needle don't depress the plunger if depressing it hurts. That's generally an indication that the needle depth is incorrect. You're either too deep or too shallow. Did you actually get any injection training by the nurse or doctor?
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: New Member Intro

Postby Old Guy » Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:16 pm

Welcome! Isn't this the greatest site for learning about ED?
I believe your doc/nurse was right, try small increased dose every time until you're satisfied with the results. It doesn't take much of an increase to go from a chubby to a solid shaft.
Not sure if it was mentioned but Sudafed can work if you end up with an erection that won't go down. Take 5-6 Sudafed's all at once if that should happen. It's worth trying instead of an ER visit to get your erection drained.
Good Luck
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Re: New Member Intro

Postby RecandED » Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:01 pm

Thanks for replies/advice. Nurse covered most of the things I read here and I found in various Youtube videos on the subject. She did not provide any particular guidance or advice as to the depth of the needle other than to insert fully at correct angle. Nothing was said about feeling of resistance in plunger. Since I have yet to actually try it myself I guess I will have to get the feel of it. She did cover the sudafed issue and suggested I buy them before taking the plunge. So most of my experience was much as I had expected from my research here and elsewhere. But agree this is best source of info.

If I was surprised at anything it was advice to take it home and experiment. I guess I thought the nurse (hard to get too much time with an actual doctor in US) would help dial in the right dosage. Obviously I want it to work but maybe I am a little gun shy about taking too much and having to go to ER to be drained. Quite frankly the idea of having a 2 hour boner looks pretty attractive when I have been struggling lately to keep it up. But I understand it is not something to play around with. So for now I am in experiment mode.

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