If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

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If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Rufian » Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:52 pm

I have no problem getting hard with porn and I get morning erections a few times a week, today I got one and it last for 5 minutes after I woke up

If I had a venous leak, this wouldn't be possible?

Similarly, then time I tested viagra with porn, it would produce very hard boners that were slightly painful at times.

I did have a some difficulty with a lady recently where I was semi hard despite taking viagra. The weird part, is 2 hour later I got home. I tested with porn and produced a very hard erection very quickly. I tested again 2 hours after that and the same.

This tells me my issue is my brain, my arousal. Ive become desensitized from watching porn and masturbating for many years. I deleted everything and put blockers, threw away password, I still find it difficult.

Is it worth going to a urologist to get a doppler just in case?

My fear is getting priapism, since they will probably inject me with something, so I'd have to make the they inject a reversal before I leave.

Anonymous FT Member
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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:19 pm

Yes you could have a praipism with the test. Also there is the injection site in which a needle pierces the internal structures of the penis. You already know and have clearly observed that you are getting erect and aroused with porn. There is nothing wrong with you, but for whatever reason you're not quite as aroused by the female you have been with. Perhaps she is not as exciting as what you view in hardcore porn.

What kind of porn blockers do you use on your computer? I'd be interested in knowing. I get by without any right now, and for the most part I don't view porn anymore. For me it seems to get easier to avoid as I get older. I barely masturbate.

You might be able to negotiate or talk to your doctor that does doppler testing and see if they can use something topical as opposed to an injection. Topical alprostadil or something might be less risky for priapism. I don't know if this is possible or not as I have never been offered a doppler test in all my adult life and I'm 39. In your particular case I do not see the need for this test, because you have erections. The viagra is a vasodilator, so that is likely why you felt more intensity with it in your system.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Rufian » Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:27 pm

PSSDorAmINormal wrote:Yes you could have a praipism with the test. Also there is the injection site in which a needle pierces the internal structures of the penis. You already know and have clearly observed that you are getting erect and aroused with porn. There is nothing wrong with you, but for whatever reason you're not quite as aroused by the female you have been with. Perhaps she is not as exciting as what you view in hardcore porn.

What kind of porn blockers do you use on your computer? I'd be interested in knowing. I get by without any right now, and for the most part I don't view porn anymore. For me it seems to get easier to avoid as I get older. I barely masturbate.

You might be able to negotiate or talk to your doctor that does doppler testing and see if they can use something topical as opposed to an injection. Topical alprostadil or something might be less risky for priapism. I don't know if this is possible or not as I have never been offered a doppler test in all my adult life and I'm 39. In your particular case I do not see the need for this test, because you have erections. The viagra is a vasodilator, so that is likely why you felt more intensity with it in your system.

That's my fear. I mean if I can get hard ons with porn alone and then viagra with porn results in super hard ons, I would probably have priapism with trimix as it induces an erection without arousal.

Yes, I've been having sex with the same lady many times over the years, she is a sex buddy so to speak. She is very attractive tho. I haven't had sex with another lady in a long time.

My point is viagra always worked great, but last time I used it with her not so much, once I got it in semi hard, it got harder tho, but right before the act, I wasn't aroused at all like I was numb, that's why when I got home I checked with porn and the erection happened instantly and very hard, even though I had ejaculated with her 2 hours prior.

So when I tested with porn, not only it had been around 4 hours after I took the viagra, but also after ejaculated with her 2 hours prior. This is what leads me to believe the issue is not viagra or my physical penis, but my arousal. I'm desensitized.

If the issue was viagra, then it wouldn't have worked better with porn than with her, it wouldn't have worked at all with porn

It makes sense as viagra depends on arousal, it doesn't work on it owns on, so my only solution for improvement is quitting porn and masturbation for as long as possible to give my brain a break

In theory, it should make the pills work good again once my arousal sensitizes again

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Rufian » Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:35 pm

PSSDorAmINormal wrote:Yes you could have a praipism with the test. Also there is the injection site in which a needle pierces the internal structures of the penis. You already know and have clearly observed that you are getting erect and aroused with porn. There is nothing wrong with you, but for whatever reason you're not quite as aroused by the female you have been with. Perhaps she is not as exciting as what you view in hardcore porn.

What kind of porn blockers do you use on your computer? I'd be interested in knowing. I get by without any right now, and for the most part I don't view porn anymore. For me it seems to get easier to avoid as I get older. I barely masturbate.

You might be able to negotiate or talk to your doctor that does doppler testing and see if they can use something topical as opposed to an injection. Topical alprostadil or something might be less risky for priapism. I don't know if this is possible or not as I have never been offered a doppler test in all my adult life and I'm 39. In your particular case I do not see the need for this test, because you have erections. The viagra is a vasodilator, so that is likely why you felt more intensity with it in your system.

In my computer I'm using two porn blockers, I still have the password on a piece of paper that I plan on throwing away as Im still testing i haven't blocked anything unrelated to porn that i use everyday

- cleanbrowsing
- cold turkey blocker

without the password, i literally cannot watch any porn or even uninstall cold turkey blocker, i also blocked several apps, microsoft store, etc

maybe is possible but who knows, is very helpful

for my phone im using the restrictions on iphone for adult content, i still have the password, but im still tweaking, then ill use the password to type another one blindly without apple account recovery

that way the only way for me to deactivate those restrictions is by formatting the phone, thats troublesome and annoying so it can be a deterrent

there is also an option to block app installation, but i haven't set that yet as you wont be able to install any app ever again, but there are way to watch porn through installing certain apps

the only wa to not watch anything at all is simply not to have internet and use flip phones tbh thats very drastic

Anonymous FT Member
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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:41 pm

Sounds like you may not even need the pills. You were able to penetrate your partner. I wouldn't over think it and worry about slight changes in firmness or hardness. For whatever reason your timing may have been off with the pill you took beforehand. Or maybe it had to do with the rate at which it moved through your digestive system.

Since you have this sex buddy, I wonder why you really need any porn at all. I mean you have a real live woman that is willing to have sexual fun with you. Surely you must like it, and surely she must like it or this would not go on for as long as it has.

Anonymous FT Member
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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:48 pm

Rufian wrote:
In my computer I'm using two porn blockers, I still have the password on a piece of paper that I plan on throwing away as Im still testing i haven't blocked anything unrelated to porn that i use everyday

- cleanbrowsing
- cold turkey blocker

I'll have to look into those things for the computer. That's where my porn exposure started was when I got my first computer back in the day.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Rufian » Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:47 am

PSSDorAmINormal wrote:Sounds like you may not even need the pills. You were able to penetrate your partner. I wouldn't over think it and worry about slight changes in firmness or hardness. For whatever reason your timing may have been off with the pill you took beforehand. Or maybe it had to do with the rate at which it moved through your digestive system.

Since you have this sex buddy, I wonder why you really need any porn at all. I mean you have a real live woman that is willing to have sexual fun with you. Surely you must like it, and surely she must like it or this would not go on for as long as it has.

I started taking pills like 9 years ago when i failed one time with a lady. I believe this happened because of porn but also at the time i was taking propanolol a betablocker for anxiety which can cause ed

I did a month no fap and tried cialis for the first time i think 20mg and it was super erection

Eventually i started with viagra as is more potent

Every time ive been with her intimately the current lady ive used viagra tho but ive been using the pill for encounters for years as i havent had a partner in many years so for hookups which are rare

So in all these years I wasn’t even using the pills that much maybe every 3 months or even 6 months i would go without sex

I think my issue is porn has desensitized me

I started using pills to make sure i dont have an issue again as i never knew what caused it many years ago if the betablocker or porn or both

But i believe porn has a lot to do with it as back then i was watching a lot snd masturbating 3 times a day and i was already having difficulty getting hard even with porn

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby GoodWood » Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:45 pm

Yes, this could still be venous leak.

Having venous leak does NOT mean you never get morning wood or erections. It just means that blood has an easier time getting out of your penis than it should. An erection just means more blood going in than coming out until erect and then staying that way.

Porn and masturbation are way more stimulating (mentally - picking your favorite turn ons, and physically- touching yourself in your favorite way) than regular sex with a partner.

So it’s entirely possible to have venous leak that is bad enough to make sex with a partner difficult yet still be able to get morning wood and masturbate.

Talk to a good urologist that has experience with men’s sexual health.

If you are watching porn so much it’s getting in the way of going to work and spending time with friends, sure, do something to curtail that. But otherwise be gentle with yourself. We are visual creatures and looking at porn is nearly universal among men. There is an awful lot of puritanical shaming around porn and the notion of “porn addiction”. Be gentle with yourself.

See a good urologist and let them guide you.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

Anonymous FT Member
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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:55 pm

GoodWood wrote:Yes, this could still be venous leak.

Having venous leak does NOT mean you never get morning wood or erections. It just means that blood has an easier time getting out of your penis than it should. An erection just means more blood going in than coming out until erect and then staying that way.

Porn and masturbation are way more stimulating (mentally - picking your favorite turn ons, and physically- touching yourself in your favorite way) than regular sex with a partner.

Your first statement seems to contradict itself. The OP has erections and penetrates his female sex partner so I can't see this as VL. I can't see a physical problem with veins coming and going.

As for porn, it does not have to be more stimulating. However if you make it that way, then that is your own conditioning or habit. With porn you can easily fall down a rabbit hole and keep finding something more and more new or exciting. Meanwhile maybe in real life sex you find it boring now. Maybe spice it up in the bedroom or just lay off everything and focus on something else for awhile.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby GoodWood » Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:35 pm

PSSDorAmINormal wrote:
GoodWood wrote:Yes, this could still be venous leak.

Having venous leak does NOT mean you never get morning wood or erections. It just means that blood has an easier time getting out of your penis than it should. An erection just means more blood going in than coming out until erect and then staying that way.

Porn and masturbation are way more stimulating (mentally - picking your favorite turn ons, and physically- touching yourself in your favorite way) than regular sex with a partner.

Your first statement seems to contradict itself. The OP has erections and penetrates his female sex partner so I can't see this as VL. I can't see a physical problem with veins coming and going.

The OP says he’s having problems having sex with his partner.

Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough. My point is that venous leak is not all or nothing. It is often progressive and there can be a middle ground where some more intense stimulation can still produce erections but in less stimulating situations are more difficult.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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