New Member... Starting to think I have an issue.

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New Member... Starting to think I have an issue.

Postby Definedfitness » Fri Jun 17, 2022 4:27 pm

50 yr old male .. Cancer took both my bladder and Prostate. Needless to say my hopes of having any kind of sex life were shattered when the blue pills didn't work, pumps did nothing at all. Depression and questioning why am I even here anymore really started to take over my thoughts. Here comes the problem.. 6 months after my surgery I had a visit with an ED Dr. and started testosterone and Trimix. Boom the combination put me back in my teens again! I had a few bad injections( where I missed because I wasn't deep enough) which I worked through and figured out what works for me. First real solid hard on was amazing.. Was really excited because I felt that things were going to be okay.. Way having an amazing sex session with my wife and might of been going a bit crazy due to the relief of actually being able to perform again and having an overwhelming sense of well being. Boom popped out and trusted in and holly S it bent and was like hitting it with a hammer. Didn't care still kept going. I know the recommendation is every other day.. I was going everyday! Wait what happened? Now my penis bends downwards? And is painful in certain areas? Didn't care .. I just kept pushing forward and loving every min of it. 4-6 hours a night were and are still very common. 4 -5 days a week. Taking multiple shots a night depending on if it is needed or not. The scare tissue where the bend starts seems to keep growing. Wait what happened. My unit is getting smaller? Put my pump on to see where I was because I use to reach the top of the cylinder after just a few mins. I'm a solid 3" smaller now.. The scar tissue is preventing me from fully extending and girth is smaller in that area as well. So I'm not a quitter. I put a shot in the bottom of my shaft then another one on the top side to get as much fullness as I can. Been on this cycle for the past 5 months and now when I look down at my penius .. I don't even recognize it anymore. Should I talk to my Dr. about it? You bet your ass I should but I don't want him to take my script away. I might have a problem!

P.S. just a little information that I don't think a lot of men know. You can actually orgasm without a prostate. BOOM who knew? You get all of the feeling with no clean up! I had absolutely no idea that was possible.

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Re: New Member... Starting to think I have an issue.

Postby Martin6469 » Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:14 pm

What an example of determination! You are/will be encouraging a lot of guys to keep trying. (I had no idea either that a guy could orgasm lacking a prostate. Very good to know.)

If you think you have a case of Peyronie's, recent "Popular Mechanics" issues have an ad for a new injection treatment which is supposed to break up scar tissue. It has some caveats and references
Age 79 in 2024. On testosterone replacement due to hypothalamus malfunction. (Attention depressed guys: low testosterone is a cause.) Healthy health nut but ED due to getting old. Like to keep enough cardiovascular ability to thrust for 30 min.

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Re: New Member... Starting to think I have an issue.

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:36 am

I wouldn't mind trying the injectable types to see my max but I'm no good with vials and needles.

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Re: New Member... Starting to think I have an issue.

Postby GoodWood » Sun Jul 03, 2022 2:25 am

If you have a bend you didn’t have before and pain you are likely developing Peyronies.

PLEASE, go see a good ED doc before you go any further.

Where are you located? Other guys here will be able to recommend docs nearby.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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Re: New Member... Starting to think I have an issue.

Postby Definedfitness » Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:59 pm

Honestly that would be a SMART move! I'm just to stupid and afraid that they will cancel my script. The bend and pain as gone away? Don't know how or why as I can feel the scare tissue and it really does effect the size. I need to learn this site more as I wanted to reply to your post not be private as ... I want people to know that they are not the only ones out there dealing with this.

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Re: New Member... Starting to think I have an issue.

Postby Definedfitness » Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:00 am

Martin6469 wrote:What an example of determination! You are/will be encouraging a lot of guys to keep trying. (I had no idea either that a guy could orgasm lacking a prostate. Very good to know.)

If you think you have a case of Peyronie's, recent "Popular Mechanics" issues have an ad for a new injection treatment which is supposed to break up scar tissue. It has some caveats and references

Thank you for this information! I'm going to look into it asap.

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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2022 9:42 am

Re: New Member... Starting to think I have an issue.

Postby Definedfitness » Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:05 am

Honestly guys ... Sometimes the orgasm can keep going a lot longer than before.. If my wife keeps going it keeps going so much it starts cramping! ( a good kind of hurt if you know what I mean) ! There are some hallow strap-ons that give me enough "attention" that I have been able to orgasm with them alone. I would of never of guessed it was possible! The things you might of been afraid of seem so little when your life changes this much!

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