Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

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Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby confused95 » Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:46 am

Hey guys,
I'd like to share my super weird story and get some hints to see things positively.

I am 25 yo, and never had ED and I have never had any psychological problems. ED didn't even cross my mind, my penis was ready whenever I needed and I had a good libido.
In dec 2019 I started dating a new girl and the second time we met we had sex, the first two times were pretty good, the third time (in three hours :evil: ) my penis decided to quit the game (there is a specific reason for that, a weird sexual request from the girl I tried to satisfy...). It was the first time this happened and I felt so bad...
After that day, we tried to have sex many times but my erection dropped during the penetration.
Covid has arrived and I haven't had the chance to meet that girl again.
Meanwhile, my masturbatory life proceeded pretty good: strong erections and no worries (once a day, most of the times watching porn) but I constantly had the attention on the quality of my erections (e.g. morning woods, change in the erection depending on the position, ecc..)
In january 2021 during a masturbation I suddenly lost my erection and I couldn't get it back.. I got really frightened: couldn't sleep and couldn't get erections for almost 2 weeks.
I decided to go to an urologist that visited me and told me I had no physical problem, thus my ED was 100% psychogenic.
Knowing this, things improved a little bit and I started having strong morning woods and sometimes (when I had no anxiety), also very good erections during masturbation.
By the way I now suffer from a tremendous performance anxiety (also during masturbation) and most of the times whenever I start getting an erection my anxiety inexplicabily increases and of course, my penis goes down.
I tried with a psychological teraphy but it just made things worse (I had just four meetings, but I was in a mood for which theraphy was just not helping), so three weeks ago I was so close to committing suicide that my parents brought me to a psychiatrist that prescribed me two antidepressants (Trintellix and Mirtazapine). I'm now feeling much better now and the suicidal thoughts are far now, but I still have a crazy performance anxiety that doesn't let me have or keep erection.
What kills me is that I have no physical problems at all as now I have very strong morning woods and when I soflty touch my penis and I think at something not sexual I get a valid erection, and as my anxiety level is high and I have very poor libido I do not think inibitors would help.
I'm just afraid I will never be able to have sex again as sex, erections and masturbation are giving me so much anxiety right now....
26yo from Italy. Psychogenic ed since dec 2019, got worse in Jan 2021. On Cialis 5mg every 24hrs, it works! But masturbation and sex bring me a lot of anxiety. On talk-therapy.
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that

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Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby Flavio » Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:30 am

You are not sick and this is not ED, anxiety is a perfectly normal biological reaction.

Anxiety is, however, a major erection killer.

This is hardly surprising: the last thing you need when you're facing danger or a stressful situation is an erection (fight or flight response).

The good news: sexual performance anxiety is easily treatable. All you need to do is find ways to control your anxiety levels.

Seeing a doctor (urologist) is the first step to take. Even if this is just psychogenic, a doctor will be able to help you.

Doing some research on this subject is step #2. Read books, talk to doctors, consult good websites: the more you know about sex, the less stressful it will be.

I battled this curse for more than 20 years but back then there was no internet, no Frank Talk and very little information on this subject.

Today I have a perfectly normal sex life and if I could do it, so can you.

I always take two Seredyn tablets 1 hour before sex and it works. Seredyn is a natural supplement for the treatment of anxiety, it does not cause sedation and some of its ingredients may even improve sexual performance (e.g. l-theanine, niacinamide).

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby Flavio » Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:33 am

confused95 wrote: [...] I'm just afraid I will never be able to have sex again as sex, erections and masturbation are giving me so much anxiety right now....

Yes, we know the feeling. I used to think this all the time when I was your age.

Today I'm 44 y.o. and I'm having the best sex ever.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby confused95 » Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:46 am

Thanks Flavio;
Good to know I’m not alone!
I’m continuing my anti depressant treatment and last Sunday I tried for the first time Cialis.
Urologist suggested me to take it for 6 months, 5mg every two days.
God, this is powerful, I take it and my dick seems to on steroids! Even after I cum it stays hard for 3/4 minutes, like when I was 13 :D . That has given me some confidence back because I’m pretty sure that if I take 20mg and some anti-anxiety pills like Xanax I’m pretty sure I could have some good sex.
Btw I think that overall my situation is improving, I don’t know if it is thanks to anti-depressants, Cialis or what, last week was very good and I thought very little about my ed. Yesterday and today things go a little bit worse but I think it is part of the healing process.
Thanks god we live in an epoch in which we can count on Cialis, Viagra, and other amazing stuff:

I promise I’ll keep my healing journey up-to-date, I bet there are many other poor young guys in this awful situation.
26yo from Italy. Psychogenic ed since dec 2019, got worse in Jan 2021. On Cialis 5mg every 24hrs, it works! But masturbation and sex bring me a lot of anxiety. On talk-therapy.
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that

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Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby Mike_b » Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:13 am

I suffered from all the stress a penile fracture could cause, started hearing voices, they are gone now. The fracture is still withstanding.

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Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby confused95 » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:21 am

4 months on Vortioxetine 10mg and Mirtazapine 15mg
2 months on Citalopram 40mg
Mood is not better.. I still feel very depressed.
I’ve talked to a new psychiatrist and he suggested to stop taking so many meds and we’ll start psychotherapy… meanwhile I’ve started dating a new girl and I hope that Cialis or Viagra will help me in case we’ll have sex.
26yo from Italy. Psychogenic ed since dec 2019, got worse in Jan 2021. On Cialis 5mg every 24hrs, it works! But masturbation and sex bring me a lot of anxiety. On talk-therapy.
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that

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Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby EveningWood » Wed Jul 28, 2021 2:49 pm

Hi Confused95,

Perhaps a huge part of the depression problem is focusing too much on the ED issue.

You can pick up a new hobby/focus on your job and it will not occupy your mind as much.

Also, we have had some discussions via PM, but not sure if you take only 5mg Cialis/every two days or 5mg Cialis every two days + additional 15-20 mg before sex?

Best regards,

Lost Sheep
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Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby Lost Sheep » Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:30 pm

confused95 wrote:Update:
4 months on Vortioxetine 10mg and Mirtazapine 15mg
2 months on Citalopram 40mg
Mood is not better.. I still feel very depressed.
I’ve talked to a new psychiatrist and he suggested to stop taking so many meds and we’ll start psychotherapy… meanwhile I’ve started dating a new girl and I hope that Cialis or Viagra will help me in case we’ll have sex.

My perennial advice with a partner you want to have a relationship with (even a temporary one longer than one single encounter) is to level with them. Telling a partner that you have an erectile problem makes them feel included as part of your efforts to effect a solution. This reduces potential disappointment and increases their participation in the sex act. Win-win.

Just my opinion. This is my advice.
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby confused95 » Tue Aug 24, 2021 3:27 am

EveningWood wrote:Hi Confused95,

Perhaps a huge part of the depression problem is focusing too much on the ED issue.

You can pick up a new hobby/focus on your job and it will not occupy your mind as much.

Also, we have had some discussions via PM, but not sure if you take only 5mg Cialis/every two days or 5mg Cialis every two days + additional 15-20 mg before sex?

Best regards,

I take Cialis every 36 hours. No sex unfortunately… too afraid to fail to try to have sex. I’ve now reduced antidepressants as my doc recommended and I’m seeing a therapist every week. Masturbation is fine, I masturbate once/two times a day and most of the times I have no anxiety. It looks like things are slowly improving.
26yo from Italy. Psychogenic ed since dec 2019, got worse in Jan 2021. On Cialis 5mg every 24hrs, it works! But masturbation and sex bring me a lot of anxiety. On talk-therapy.
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that

Posts: 220
Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:25 am

Re: Crazy Psychogenic ED, on anti-depressants now

Postby confused95 » Tue Sep 07, 2021 6:51 am

A quick update:
I have started a talk therapy, once a week. Friday it is going to be my fifth time. The therapist is a psychiatrist, thus he is also managing my antidepressants.
I have gradually reduced them in the last month and a half and honestly I'm feeling much better.

Now I am just taking:
15mg Mirtazapine (it does not cause sexual side effects and it is good to sleep, I will stop it in two weeks if everything goes as it should)
10mg Citalopram (in one week I should stop taking it according to my doc, I'm reducing it gradually)
1mg Pasaden (Z-drug, to manage my anxiety).

I'm feeling much better! A little bit of anxiety but my depression is almost gone.
Masturbation is fine also most of the times, but these months have brought me into a very stressful mood when it comes to masturbation (or sex), for this reason I feel like my problem has become worse, sexually speaking.
My therapist wants me to reduce the number of times I masturbate because he thinks (and he is indeed right), that I do not masturbate because I feel the need, but because I want to test my erection and check if I'll be able to do it and keep the erection or not. Until 3 weeks ago, I masturbated 2/3 times a day. Now I am trying to do it every other day. Weird fact: I can only masturbate in the evening as I am more relaxed.

He has also asked me to spend less time on forums like franktalk, I'm working on that also trying to limit the time I spend on these websites to one hour each day, but that's freaking hard ahahha.
Lastly, he asked me to stop taking daily Cialis, I do not fully agree with his decision, as when I tried to stop I felt very anxious and I could not masturbate, but it is something I'm working on. I feel like the last thing to stop taking btw, antidepressants are much worse than Cialis.

I'm also dating a new girl, she is very nice and it does not look like she is super interested in sex, that could be good!
26yo from Italy. Psychogenic ed since dec 2019, got worse in Jan 2021. On Cialis 5mg every 24hrs, it works! But masturbation and sex bring me a lot of anxiety. On talk-therapy.
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that

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