How mch pump for betters erections?

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How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby robbie2073 » Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:43 am

I would like start pumping to improve my erections quality and overall penis health.
I read something on this forum but i'm not totally sure to understood everything so i would like to ask some questions.
When in the protocol you suggest for the first 5 min an 80% erection what do you mean and how you can measure an 80% erection?
When you say hold pumped for 15-20 sec and than release what tou mean?
Pumping and release for how long? 1 or 5 or 10 or 15 or 30 second?
When you say next 5 min session you have ro repeat the same method pump and release but with a 100% full erection how long has to be the pause from the first 5 min at 80% and the second 5 min at 100% with no pressure?You suggest also to add other 5 minutes at 100% with press and release.
So if i didn't understood bad.

5 min at 80%
5 min at 100%
5 min at 100%

With obviusly 15-20 sec hold and release method.
Wich i didn't understood is the time of the release how many seconds?
And between this 3 five minute sessionss?
And you say first of all you should not feel pain while you are pumping.Thats ok but how much would be the max optimal pressure to be sure avoid any type of tissue or blod vessels damage?

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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby middleagenyer » Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:38 am

Like most new experiences in life and with the general guidelines in pumping, there is some degree of trial and error.
Since we are all different and have different tolerance of pain or discomfort, I would think its challenging to answer your questions. I would suggest that you purchase a pump and start out slowly and in moderation. There is nothing better than experience as being your teacher. All the best to you.

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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby robbie2073 » Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:28 pm

So what you think about a 15 min routine
5 days a week divided in 3 part of 5 min
with 20/25 sec keeping an erection than release for 5/10 seconds.
And between the 3 part 1 minutes of rest?
First part working with a 80% erections than second and third part with 100% erections.
Without exceeding 5 hg of pressure or feeling any kind of pain.
Could work this program to improve erections quality in the long term?

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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:19 pm

That sounds like a great routine, actually. i think you will notice improvement within a week. you will learn to listen to your body and not overdo it...and find that balance of pushing just a bit without going too far. Always inspect for tiny dots of broken cappillaries. it should never hurt, but just feel stretched. That kind of routine sounds great. You can always call the "Ask Bill" from Firma Medical on Wednesday nights. check it out at

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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby jackpTenn » Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:03 am


I am the guy that posted the VED routine. It was developed by Old Man of the peyronies society. Peyronies is a sudden bent penis that over time will cause you to loose up to 20% of your penile size. That is what I lost and for us "normal" guys that is about 1.5".

The best thing you can do for your penis is stimulate blood flow. A lot of us go on to develop ED, loss of night time erections, venous leakage and corporal fibrosis. Corporal fibrosis is mostly caused by penile injections of trimix.

The first five minutes is to get the blood flowing. About 80% erect is what you want for the first 5 minutes. You can be the best judge of what 80% is for you. Pump up and hold for 15-20 seconds and then release for about the same time. Keep this routine for about 5 minutes. Keep the same routine for the next 5 minutes but start increasing to 100% erect. The next five minutes keep the same routine at 100% erect.

You only have to do this once a day for about 15 minutes. All it takes a committment to penile health and a determination to help yourself. It not only works for peyronies but for men with PCa, ED and any other problems that cause loss of normal erections.

After you have been using this routine for a few months, if you have lost penile size, most men start to see a slow return.

The problem with pumping up all the way to start with and holding for several minutess is you can cause penile damage. I did and it took a few weeks to heal. On the last cycle you want to feel a good stretch but no pain. If you feel pain back off the pressure.

Hope this helps. If you have any questions let me know. Send me a PM or email to

Peyronies 1995
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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby robbie2073 » Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:33 pm

I recived a vacutech pump this was my first day pumping and i can tell you i'm not really satisfy i couldn't image it was so hard pumping...First of all i had to cut some pubic hair cause if not the suctions was really difficult.And second to is impossible to keep a stable pressure it allways lose some pressure so you need continue pumping tl mantain the same pressure.Than is really hard to follow the 15/20 second on off :(
I'm very disappointed with pumping.By the way at least not pain and i did safe.
I will try for a week if i will not find confortable i will trought to the garbage...

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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby jackpTenn » Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:37 pm


Use plenty of lube on the base of the pump for a better seal. KY works great but the store brand at Walmart works just as well and a lot cheaper. I have not heard of the pump you have. In my olpinion the Osborn and Augusta Medical are the best. For a constriction ring (for sex only) the Osborn is the best.

A lot of men have to trim or shave the hair at the base of there penis for a good seal. The rep that custom fit mine in the doctors office advised to keep my pubic hair short. Even now two years after my implant I keep my pubic hair real short because I like the look.

Let me know how it works out.

Peyronies 1995
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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:14 pm


Firstly, welcome to FT. You will find a lot of support here. I am a PCa victim who only began to pump after I joined this site; which was 3 years after my surgery. It has helped me a GREAT deal!! I would offer 2 thoughts. Don't worry too much about exact timing of the pumping process- it's the process/exercise that matters most. In fact, I tend to pump as I go thru e-mails in the morning so my pump-release is approximate at best. The trick seems to be consistency, moderation, enjoying the moment and longevity of pumping(months of activity). But, it takes time to get use too and the moderation is a great big indicator. I have just returned from a 2 week vacation where pumping was not really practical and I have picked it up again and it seems as if I haven't missed a beat. I think that means I'm making good progress and the tissue/muscle of my shaft are returning to "perfection".

Pump is important. I had a cheap pump to begin with and didn't like it and have moved to one of the 2 "medical" type pumps. Expensive, yes, but boy is it nice and I'm glad I made the move. Now, I think an inexpensive pump is a good beginning step as it did show me that it worked and I could master the process. Don't give up too quickly and it will be a month or 2 before it is really a comfortable process and the results begin to really show off. And, as was suggested; use PLENTY of lube.



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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby robbie2073 » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:38 pm

So what are the best pump considered medical device and covered from medical insurance?
Osborn and Medical Augusta?Wich of two is better for training?
Do you know andromedical pump what do you think about?
Anyway my actual is a vacutech wich is not bad cause it has a gauge.But is not electric so you have to keep pumping with your hand to mantain a stable reccomended pressure.And i don't think is a medical device too...
What about Augusta Medical they are electric? How is the pressure? There is a safe limit?
Fda approved?
I didn't have any surgery i would like to try just for increase penis healt and power of erections.I don't suffer of any serious disease but i suffer of anxiety and depression wich decrease my sex power...
Can i use the pump also without surgery could be useful?

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Re: How mch pump for betters erections?

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:52 pm


Yes, a pump can be used with or without surgery. My insurance may not cover my pump- still fighting that on. My pump is not electric and the pressure holds until you release. I pump until I feel the "full" pressure and release and pump again. My pump does not have a pressure gage so I'm not familiar with those issues.

I don't know that any one is better than the other. I have the Osbon. Sorry, I can't answer you detail questions as I don't have experience with any of them.

Good luck.

PCa-surgery 10/06

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