18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

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18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby james847295 » Wed Dec 18, 2019 3:00 pm

Hey all,

First off, a huge thank you to whoever runs this forum. It is so comforting to know there's more guys in their teen's and early 20's with venous leaks. My situation is as follows: I started having sex when I was 15 and everything was completely normal. When I turned 16 and got out of puberty, I started showing the first signs of venous leak. It progressively got worse as I turned 17, which is when I decided to tell my parents. I've seen endocrinologists(prolactin), nephrologists to make sure my kidney's were functioning properly, and of course urologists. I'm getting the doppler ultrasound in a couple weeks, but basically everything points to a mild venous leak. I've been treating the accompanying depression with buproprion(wellbutrin), which I noticed helps my erections slightly. Now, im 18.5 at college in America.

Having sex without Viagra is out of the question for me at this point. With 20mg viagra, I still can't get the greatest erections(I'd say 60-70% and my glans can't get hard); however, they're still enough for sex(it's super unenjoyable and feels like a chore). I'm going to start upping my dose as I'm sure that will provide more temporary relief. Today, I'm switching to daily cialis to see if that makes a difference. From what I gather, a realistic progression for me is going to be riding out viagra/cialis coupled with cock rings as long as possible. After I inevitably build up a tolerance to this treatment, I'm undecided on what I want to do.

Obviously, I think what makes the most sense is getting an implant when I get into my early/mid 20's. However, my issue with this line of treatment is from what I've read, I feel as though a surgery that works will probably come about in my lifetime. I really miss getting spontaneous erections as well as morning wood; I don't know if I'm ready to give up on ever having that again. I'm fortunate that money is no object to my family. I have every resource at my disposal such as unlimited pills and therapy. I know that at least for the near future, my mental health will be good enough that waiting for a possible cure might be worth it. I feel like I'm so young that jumping into an implant this early might be a mistake. Also, if anyone can shed light on this as I haven't been able to find an answer - I am a grower. My penis goes from 1.5-2 inches to 5-5.5. When I stretch my flaccid penis, I don't think it gets any longer than 3-3.5 inches. What does this mean in terms of how much length I lose with an implant?

To summarize,
my questions are: (Given the doppler ultrasound comes back positive for venous leak), When do you think is an appropriate age for me to consider an implant? How is an implant going to work for a grower with a penis on the smaller side? Should I stick out having bad erections now or consider an implant in the very near future?

Thanks for listening. It feels really good to be able to talk about all the specifics with people who understand. To any college age kids reading this, there are tons of kids like us. It sucks now, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I remember some miserable nights crying thinking about how I wouldn't be able to have a family, or having a wife that would leave me because I couldn't keep her happy. Of course, the suicidal ideation is the most scary. All these thoughts are just our inner demons, and they genuinely are not true. There is a lot of comfort to be found in reading about other's experiences as erectile dysfunction in high school/college often feels like a lonely battle. This is our battle together. No man left behind - let's be here for one another.


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Re: 18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby WheezeTheJuice » Sat Dec 21, 2019 2:31 pm

Hey there!

james847295 wrote:I feel as though a surgery that works will probably come about in my lifetime

What if something comes out in the next 30-40 years? You would have lost a good portion of your youth just waiting for medical advancements. I'm 34, I am personally not going to wait around. When I get my diagnosis back and it proves I have a venous leak, I'm gunning for an implant.

BTW, I think the youngest person I have read about getting an implant was a 17 year old.
No Wheezin' The Juice!!!

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Re: 18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby Hunchback » Fri Dec 27, 2019 10:05 am

There's always the injections option too, if things get worse you can try it out and see how it works.

Everyone has to make their own decisions, but i am personally against implants. At least for me that is. The procedure is irreversible and quite invasive, the results don't seem convincing enough for me and the risks of infections and other complications are non-negligible. And finally, i am a bit in your shoes with "waiting for a better option", even tho i am about twice your age... i still consider myself to be pretty young and hopefully have a bit of time before i croak.
Still, many people on this forum swear by their implants and i can see how a "sure-fire" solution can be a life-changer, supposing everything goes as planned. Having to deal with medication that might or might not work for various reasons IS super annoying and sometimes depressing. But yeah, i am personally not going for an implant, not with the current generation of tech at least.
40 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: 18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby wolfpacker » Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:33 am

Hunchback- off topic but I saw in your signature that you have been using edex for 15 years. Is it still working well for you after all this time? Another random question, I have heard people say that they have noticed their penis got larger in both length and girth due to the edex over time. Have you noticed this?
Early 30s with ED for years from penis enlargement stretching and jelqing. Implant by Dr Eid on 24 June 2021 with a Titan 24cm with +1cm RTE on one side and -1cm cut off on the other side

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Re: 18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby bldoink » Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:55 pm

james847295 wrote:Hey all,
.... From what I gather, a realistic progression for me is going to be riding out viagra/cialis coupled with cock rings as long as possible. After I inevitably build up a tolerance to this treatment, I'm undecided on what I want to do.

Welcome to the forum. Yes, obviously ride the pills as long as possible. Go for the novelty cock rings early rather than later. A lot of guys who don't have ED use them just for the enhancement. Just don't get carried away with constriction so you don't enter wear time limited territory. No one knows when or if you will build up tolerance or a VL will get too bad for them to be effective. I think your course of action, in the short term at least, is to simply stay the course and use the least invasive options.

james847295 wrote:Obviously, I think what makes the most sense is getting an implant when I get into my early/mid 20's. However, my issue with this line of treatment is from what I've read, I feel as though a surgery that works will probably come about in my lifetime.........

I wouldn't rush into an implant. At your age, with current technology, you would likely endure numerous revisions over your life. A prospect to be avoided if possible.

james847295 wrote:.... waiting for a possible cure might be worth it. I feel like I'm so young that jumping into an implant this early might be a mistake.

Yep, I agree.

james847295 wrote: Also, if anyone can shed light on this as I haven't been able to find an answer - I am a grower. My penis goes from 1.5-2 inches to 5-5.5. When I stretch my flaccid penis, I don't think it gets any longer than 3-3.5 inches. What does this mean in terms of how much length I lose with an implant?

Yeah well I don't know.

james847295 wrote:To summarize,
my questions are: (Given the doppler ultrasound comes back positive for venous leak), When do you think is an appropriate age for me to consider an implant?

Yeah, that's the ole cost benefit analysis. And I'm not speaking of money with the cost part although that can figure in. Only you and your doctor can figure that analysis.

james847295 wrote:How is an implant going to work for a grower with a penis on the smaller side? Should I stick out having bad erections now or consider an implant in the very near future?

Your dick sounds to be average and not smaller. Get some cock rings and experiment with a few or in your case, as you claim to be flush, experiment with a lot of them until you find ones that work. You don't sound to be in all that bad of shape, at least comparatively. Stressing over it will undoubtedly make it worse. Don't stress or over think. High school and college is very stressful socially and otherwise for many people. It's rarely as happy and care free as people like to envision it was when later in life.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: 18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby 544kenmatt » Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:10 pm

An implant is definitely a last resort. I opted for one ten weeks ago but prior to that, I was still able to masturbate and got spontaneous erections. So yes--I can tell you I miss that now and its a big adjustment. I was about 5.5 with a good girth and came out of surgery shorter and skinnier; this is somewhat improving with twice daily cycling. An inflated implant can feel cold, especially if im not sexually stimulated. It doesn't get the warm rush of blood into the shaft and head like I did with a real hard on. im told Cialis or viagra may help with glans engorgement. Some things to think about.

I suppose you will eventually make your decision based on how much your ED is affecting your quality of life.
AMS 700 LGX 10/31/2019. age 63

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Re: 18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby Hunchback » Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:42 am

wolfpacker wrote:Hunchback- off topic but I saw in your signature that you have been using edex for 15 years. Is it still working well for you after all this time? Another random question, I have heard people say that they have noticed their penis got larger in both length and girth due to the edex over time. Have you noticed this?

Sadly it never has worked consistently with me. Even the first time we tried it in the doctor's office, i was asked to stay at the hospital for 3 hours just in case i get priapism, the injection didn't do anything. The doc gave me the prescription anyway and when i tried it a few times alone it did work fine. That was 2006. Today i still have the same kinda results and no one can tell me why - sometimes it works just fine, i get 1h+ decent erection, sometimes just nothing at all. We've tried a ton of techniques, injection spots, etc...

As for size - not really, no. I'm fairly small and haven't noticed any change in size before and after that's impressed me.
40 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: 18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby adamwalker2019 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:41 pm

I wouldn’t be so worried if you were only 18 years old and at your age your body begins to enter a new period of development. So it seems to me that over time it will pass and you will not have any problems. However, if I were you, I would consult a doctor instead of asking for advice on the forum. When I was 17 years old, I realized that I had ED. I was very scared and did not know then that the reason could be the release of hormones ... I decided to find pills and started reading articles on the Internet. In the end, I decided that Vardenafil is the best solution and ordered about 20 tablets. These were wonderful pills and by the way they were inexpensive. At that moment, they helped me a lot and I was lucky that in the future this did not affect my sexual health, because many people are faced with this. So better talk to your doctor!

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Re: 18 years old venous leak seeking advice on the future

Postby Charlie2019 » Tue May 19, 2020 10:04 am

bldoink wrote:
james847295 wrote:Hey all,
.... From what I gather, a realistic progression for me is going to be riding out viagra/cialis coupled with cock rings as long as possible. After I inevitably build up a tolerance to this treatment, I'm undecided on what I want to do.

Welcome to the forum. Yes, obviously ride the pills as long as possible. Go for the novelty cock rings early rather than later. A lot of guys who don't have ED use them just for the enhancement. Just don't get carried away with constriction so you don't enter wear time limited territory. No one knows when or if you will build up tolerance or a VL will get too bad for them to be effective. I think your course of action, in the short term at least, is to simply stay the course and use the least invasive options.

james847295 wrote:Obviously, I think what makes the most sense is getting an implant when I get into my early/mid 20's. However, my issue with this line of treatment is from what I've read, I feel as though a surgery that works will probably come about in my lifetime.........

I wouldn't rush into an implant. At your age, with current technology, you would likely endure numerous revisions over your life. A prospect to be avoided if possible.

james847295 wrote:.... waiting for a possible cure might be worth it. I feel like I'm so young that jumping into an implant this early might be a mistake.

Yep, I agree.

james847295 wrote: Also, if anyone can shed light on this as I haven't been able to find an answer - I am a grower. My penis goes from 1.5-2 inches to 5-5.5. When I stretch my flaccid penis, I don't think it gets any longer than 3-3.5 inches. What does this mean in terms of how much length I lose with an implant?

Yeah well I don't know.

james847295 wrote:To summarize,
my questions are: (Given the doppler ultrasound comes back positive for venous leak), When do you think is an appropriate age for me to consider an implant?

Yeah, that's the ole cost benefit analysis. And I'm not speaking of money with the cost part although that can figure in. Only you and your doctor can figure that analysis.

james847295 wrote:How is an implant going to work for a grower with a penis on the smaller side? Should I stick out having bad erections now or consider an implant in the very near future?

Your dick sounds to be average and not smaller. Get some cock rings and experiment with a few or in your case, as you claim to be flush, experiment with a lot of them until you find ones that work. You don't sound to be in all that bad of shape, at least comparatively. Stressing over it will undoubtedly make it worse. Don't stress or over think. High school and college is very stressful socially and otherwise for many people. It's rarely as happy and care free as people like to envision it was when later in life.

Didn't I read somewhere that you can only wear the rings for 30 minutes maximum??
53 years old. 3 botched circumcisions starting at 3 years old. 2 botched reconstructive attempts, finally got the AMS LGX on Dec 14, 2017 in London Ontario by Dr. Gerry Brock. Great Dr. Love my implant

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