2nd failed attempt with caverject

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2nd failed attempt with caverject

Postby kbota53 » Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:51 pm

Hey everyone; Well, I met with my uro doc this afternoon for another shot at caverject. (pun intended) A week ago, he gave me a .5 something dose (the needle was calibrated 0 to 1. I had a noticeable enlargement, but not even close to an erection. Okay, try again in a week.
So today he gave me a .7 something shot of caverject. Exact same response. Nothing workable, and what little response I had didn't last but just a couple of minutes. Within 5 minutes, I was totally flacid. And I mean cold day flacid after your team lost.

Doc was surprised, and commented that I should have had a better reaction than that. Prior to the prostate surgery, I could get a decent erection, although I was occasionally experiencing trouble sustaining it. Usually the little guy performed quite well, and we were both happy at the end.

My surgery was two months ago - July 21.

So, I'm a little down tonight. This was two disappointing attempts in a row, and daddy was hoping for a little action today. Didn't happen.

I know most everyone's experience is with trimix, but if anyone has used caverject, I would sure be interested in how things went for you. Cajun Jeff and I have discussed it, but our experiences were very different.

I'm 6' 2" and weigh in at 200.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.


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Re: 2nd failed attempt with caverject

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:08 pm


Bummer for you. Perhaps the fact you are only 2 months post surgery is a part of the issue. I didn't have much response for 9 - 12 months. But have not tried the caverject. I still struggle a bit/a lot/sometimes/maybe.

Don't know where you are located, but if this persists you might try to find a urologist, NO disrespect to your doc, for whom this ed stuff is a speciality. It may help. I just wanted to write and say hang in there. Really understand why you're down but the healing from this surgery does take time even if we appear to be doing well. My surgery was robotic and recovery was amazing- except for the ed. If it helps; at least your doc is trying things; my doc wanted me to wait a year before we did anything- gave him a firm no on that one! However, he is a brilliant surgeon- just not overly concerned about hard.

Please keep trying even without an erection- the "activity" will assist in recovery and the "therapy" feels good!! Our nerves awaken in strange ways and at strange timings.


PCa-surgery 10/06

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Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:28 pm

Re: 2nd failed attempt with caverject

Postby Julios » Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:12 am


All that I've read and heard suggests cav and other such drugs should work as soon as you are healed enough for sexual activity. Most likely you just need to get the dosage right. Everyone needs a different dose, and it's important to start low so you don't over do it. You just need to keep trying. My Dr let me try on my own, and had me start with 0.1ml of Trimix, then add 0.05ml at a time as needed, but always waiting at least 24 hours between tries. As you probably know, cav uses just one of the drugs (alprostadil) that makes up Trimix. If you get to a high dose and cav still does not worh, perhaps you should ask your Dr if you could try that.

Hang in there. It's worth it!!
Age 54
RP July 2010. All nerves spared on right, 25% on left
Pathology: T3b, Gleas 9, Pos Margins, EPE
Currently on ADT
Using Trimix successfully: 0.08ml; 20MCG Alprostadil 1MG Phentolamine 30MG/ML Papaverine

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