WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby David_R » Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:40 am

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby radioradio » Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:51 pm

Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby Toronto67 » Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:32 pm

Welcome to the club, I have been in this journey for over three months now and I can tell you things will change down there very fast, donot push it, do not worry about the pump placement right now, just relax and concentrate on healing, once the inflammation is completely gone ( in my case was more than a month ) you will be able to properly assess the placement of the pump and your new look, but be aware things change a lot very fast, one month after my surgery and my penis was super skinny, In fact, the first time I had sex with my wife she wasn’t too impressed, but now things are so different, most of my original lenght is back and my girth has improved a lot too, plus the placement of my pump is just perfect.
Born 1967, diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2016, prostatectomy performed in 2018, current PSA 0.10, implanted with LGX 700 on Jul 2019.

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby WindWizard » Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:33 pm


Figured it was time for an update! All in all, I think things are going well and I feel much better about the future. Thank you to all who have advocated I remain patient, I think that’s the hardest but also most important thing to do following implant surgery. Also thank you so much guys for sharing your various tips and tricks to managing pain and urination. I feel like I have both these things well under control, and thank you for all the encouragement and hope. It’s really helped me get thru the moments of doubt and fear.

Pain is very minimal now. I haven’t needed any more narcotics and have simply been using ibuprofen as recommended by Dr. Karpman to aid in reducing inflammation. In terms of appearance, my penis is very swollen, but there is virtually no bruising on my penis. The curvature downwards is still there and dramatic, and my head still is pointing more leftwards, but until I start cycling I don’t really know what to do about that. My scrotum is a lot more purple. But it’s not terribly bruised or swollen. I’ve seen worse haha. Hoping this swelling will begin to die down soon, Karpman said Friday and Saturday should be the worst of it.

Feeling much better about the pump as well. Again, Karpman was right, once I hopped into a hot bath, I was able to identify all the components of my pump on day 3. I’ve done it again today and I can feel everything very clearly. It’s tempting to go ahead and begin trying to pump, but for one, I should probably wait a bit longer till my penis swelling and scrotum bruising dissipate a little bit, and for two, it’s kinda hard to get a firm grasp on things due to the swelling, being underwater, and the pain that comes from the swollen scrotum. I won’t be able to see Karpman a week later like he usually tries to do with his patients, so he said that it would be really great if I could learn to inflate and deflate by myself before I see him on the 21st.

I do have a question about the pump. I had assumed, for whatever reason, that when implanted inside me the deflate button would face out away from my body, like how my bellybutton does. Instead, the button is situated so that it faces my right leg really. It doesn’t seem to be an issue, I can still grasp it okay, but is this normal? Are deflate buttons supposed to face straight out or are they supposed to be rotated to face our right side?

The other thing that seems a bit odd is just where the pump is resting. It’s situated in the middle of my scrotum, but between my two testicles. My right testicle is very free and sitting very high and forward in my scrotum, then I’ve got the pump situated in the center middle of my scrotum, and then I’ve got my left testicle hanging very low and to the leftmost back of my scrotum. I don’t know if this is an issue, but I was imaging both my testicles would be in front of my pump, instead one of them is in front, and the other is behind. Is this normal? I’ve been pulling down on my pump as Karpman told me too, and while it can sorta move around pretty freely, I can’t seem to pull it down anymore as the tubing won’t seem to let it hang any lower. Probably should ask Karpman about this at some point.

The last question I have is, how did you guys situate your partially inflated penises when you’re going out and about? Karpman told me to use my underwear and pants to hold it pointing up against my body when I go out. This is hard to do and uncomfortable because of the dramatic downwards hang when my penis is partially inflated. It feels like I’m really bending against the curve to do face it upwards, and I keep worrying I’m going to break the damn thing. But I don’t even know if that’s a realistic concern or not.

All in all, I’m feeling a lot more hopeful and positive. Pulling my semi inflated penis out in front of me, I’m measuring at about 5.5 inches right now, so I feel confident that fully pumped and with some cycling I’ll be able to reach at least six inches.

Definitely can’t wait for the swelling to go down and I can begin pumping. Mostly I just wanna deflate so I can walk around normally haha!
20 years old. Severe ED for the past 5 years due to scar tissue.
Tried shockwave therapy in Greece, and PRP shot from Dr. Goldstein in San Diego. Both with no results.
Implanted with a AMS LGX 18cm + 2 RTEs, performed by Dr. Edward Karpman - 10/8/2019

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby merrix » Sat Oct 12, 2019 8:02 pm

WindWizard wrote:DAY 4

Figured it was time for an update! All in all, I think things are going well and I feel much better about the future. Thank you to all who have advocated I remain patient, I think that’s the hardest but also most important thing to do following implant surgery. Also thank you so much guys for sharing your various tips and tricks to managing pain and urination. I feel like I have both these things well under control, and thank you for all the encouragement and hope. It’s really helped me get thru the moments of doubt and fear.

Pain is very minimal now. I haven’t needed any more narcotics and have simply been using ibuprofen as recommended by Dr. Karpman to aid in reducing inflammation. In terms of appearance, my penis is very swollen, but there is virtually no bruising on my penis. The curvature downwards is still there and dramatic, and my head still is pointing more leftwards, but until I start cycling I don’t really know what to do about that. My scrotum is a lot more purple. But it’s not terribly bruised or swollen. I’ve seen worse haha. Hoping this swelling will begin to die down soon, Karpman said Friday and Saturday should be the worst of it.

Feeling much better about the pump as well. Again, Karpman was right, once I hopped into a hot bath, I was able to identify all the components of my pump on day 3. I’ve done it again today and I can feel everything very clearly. It’s tempting to go ahead and begin trying to pump, but for one, I should probably wait a bit longer till my penis swelling and scrotum bruising dissipate a little bit, and for two, it’s kinda hard to get a firm grasp on things due to the swelling, being underwater, and the pain that comes from the swollen scrotum. I won’t be able to see Karpman a week later like he usually tries to do with his patients, so he said that it would be really great if I could learn to inflate and deflate by myself before I see him on the 21st.

I do have a question about the pump. I had assumed, for whatever reason, that when implanted inside me the deflate button would face out away from my body, like how my bellybutton does. Instead, the button is situated so that it faces my right leg really. It doesn’t seem to be an issue, I can still grasp it okay, but is this normal? Are deflate buttons supposed to face straight out or are they supposed to be rotated to face our right side?

The other thing that seems a bit odd is just where the pump is resting. It’s situated in the middle of my scrotum, but between my two testicles. My right testicle is very free and sitting very high and forward in my scrotum, then I’ve got the pump situated in the center middle of my scrotum, and then I’ve got my left testicle hanging very low and to the leftmost back of my scrotum. I don’t know if this is an issue, but I was imaging both my testicles would be in front of my pump, instead one of them is in front, and the other is behind. Is this normal? I’ve been pulling down on my pump as Karpman told me too, and while it can sorta move around pretty freely, I can’t seem to pull it down anymore as the tubing won’t seem to let it hang any lower. Probably should ask Karpman about this at some point.

The last question I have is, how did you guys situate your partially inflated penises when you’re going out and about? Karpman told me to use my underwear and pants to hold it pointing up against my body when I go out. This is hard to do and uncomfortable because of the dramatic downwards hang when my penis is partially inflated. It feels like I’m really bending against the curve to do face it upwards, and I keep worrying I’m going to break the damn thing. But I don’t even know if that’s a realistic concern or not.

All in all, I’m feeling a lot more hopeful and positive. Pulling my semi inflated penis out in front of me, I’m measuring at about 5.5 inches right now, so I feel confident that fully pumped and with some cycling I’ll be able to reach at least six inches.

Definitely can’t wait for the swelling to go down and I can begin pumping. Mostly I just wanna deflate so I can walk around normally haha!

You're doing great. 4 days... It's nothing. You are healing very fast and you haven't seen the good stuff yet.
As to your questions:

Deflate valve positioning: I guess all docs try to get it pointing straight forward. But since they cannot fix it to something, I think we all can understand that there is some margin of error included in the process. If it would be pointing 90 degrees to the side, I personally don't see any problem with that. All that matters is that it is easy to access. And in some way, you could argue it will be even easier when it points to the side, since that would follow the anatomy of the hand better when you are going to press it.
I also want to point out two things:
One - just because it points to the side now, does not mean it will do so when you are 100% healed. Things are still swollen after 4 days, and when the swelling disappears, things will change down there. Just wait and see. You haven't seen the end product yet.
Two - do you really know for sure it points to the side? Again, at 4 days it is not so easy to feel everything and as long as you haven't actually used the deflate button, you are not 100% sure that is what you are feeling.

Next question regarding the pump placement itself:
Of course, in a perfect world you would not have one testicle hanging in front of your pump and one behind. But - and this is a big bloody but - you are 4 days out. You don't know yet where your pump is going to finally settle down. You still have swelling which will disappear over the near future and then things will change.
So keep waiting and give time a chance to do its job.
The important thing however, in my opinion, is the height of the pump. You absolutely don't want it too high. Some horror pictures and stories here on FT have shown pumps sitting basically on the shaft of the penis, or way up the perinneal area. That sucks and that lilmits basic functions (sex and sitting down). You want the pump at roughly the same height as your testicles, which you seem to have. So that's great. Now just wait and see if your minor issue will resolve by time, which I think it will. If not, once swelling is gone, assess the situation again and discuss with Karpman.

Where do you place/point your dick when going out before you can deflate it?
The only way is up my friend... I think you should just follow Karpman's advice. I have always given the advice here on FT to keep the dick pointing up for as long as possible after surgery. I just think it is the best way because you let things heal in way that hopefully helps maximizing your future angle. At the very least, you know you don't force things to reduce the angle.
I had an angle pointing basically to 1 o'clock early on after surgery. As soon as I started to force my dick down in my tight underwear and tight suit pants daytime, my angle changed to a 2 o'clock. Not a big deal and maybe there wasn't even any causality bwtween the two, but if I could turn the clock back, that's probably the only thing I would do differently. Keep it up as long as it will not naturally hang down. Never force it downwards. In my case, that probably would have meant I would have had to keep it pointing up for a couple of months. That would have sucked.
But - we must remember we are aiming for long term optimization here. Not what is practical for a few shitty weeks in the early days.
So keep your dick up. Just bear with it. It sucks. It is uncomfortable, it limits clothes options. And if your dick is long enough to reach your pants' waistline (which mine did), it sucks even more. But again, let it suck for a few weeks. You want to maximize the outcome of this and have an amazing dick for another 50 years. Forget the coming month. Take all the shit you need. You'll be happy later.

Last one, length.
I an almost assure you that if you are 5.5 inches now at a semi-inflated state, you WILL be at least 6 inches in a few months when you have done your cycling as instructed by your doc. No worries whatsoever. I am roughly 1 inch longer now than I was 4 days after surgery. Be patient. All seems to going exactly according to plan.

Take care.
Listen to Karpman.
Do as he says.
Accept some discomfort and some hassle for a few weeks.
Look forward to having a 100% reliable dick which lasts longer than other men's dicks do.
Look forward to never worry about your dick going down (or never going up).
Loos forward to all the creative things you will be able to do in the future. Only imagination sets the limits. Never the dick again.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Location: Atlanta, GA USA

Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby Greg1956 » Sun Oct 13, 2019 9:18 am

As Merrix said, listen to Karpman. Doctors have been through all of this and are doing their best to help you. I think you should be very encouraged by 5.5” this early after surgery.

One thing I want to mention is about pointing your penis up or down. My doctor wanted me to keep mine pointed up the four weeks until my activation appointment. After that he said to do what felt comfortable. Because of my job as a nude model for college art classes and individual artists I was self conscious about my flaccid appearance sticking out too far and looking like I was getting a hardon. I also had an issue with poses where I had to lay on my back and my penis pointed to the ceiling. To solve those concerns I began wearing tighter underwear with my penis pointing down. Within a couple of months I had a very natural hang, my penis laid flat against my body when I was reclining, and I maintained the same erection angle I had previously.

It is very interesting how different doctors have different recovery protocols and give varying advice, but we all seem to end up where we should be. I could not be happier with my results. So, just keep doing what Karoman says and you should soon be one happy man. You will be able to get it up whenever you want to and keep it up for as long as you want to. One issue many men have is lasting long enough to give women time to orgasm and that will not be any problem for you.
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:53 am

Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby WindWizard » Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:46 am

Update Time!

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a while. Life has been difficult lately (for reasons unrelated to the implant) and things have been slipping my mind.

But so far things implant wise seem to be going fairly well. I first inflated as much as I could on Sunday the 13t, still a few days before the one week mark. It was very painful, largely due to the pain in the scrotum when pinching the skin to inflate, but there’s certainly a lot of aching in the head of the penis when I’m inflated. I’ve made sure to be cycling daily since then. Hot baths are absolutely the way to go, it’s seemingly the only way things loosen up down their enough for me to pump up. I’m wondering how long my scrotum will remain stiff and swollen, and when I’ll be able to start pumping up when dry.

The first day I pumped up felt wonderful, despite the pain. It brought me a lot of joy to be able to lay in the tub and look down at a nice hard firm erection that would reliably last as long as I wanted. It brought me a lot of joy. Every day since then pumping has gotten easier. The scrotum has been less bruised and painful and the pump has felt even looser and the components more defined, making pumping and deflating even easier.

Daily pain is much better. The worst it ever gets is when I wake up in the morning and my penis is quite sore feeling. Other than that, I’m able to walk, sit, stand and move without pain or discomfort. When deflated, there is very minimal pain or discomfort throughout the day, except when I wake up in the morning. I’ve been keeping the implant deflated for the most part now, it hurts to cram into pants when it’s partially inflated. One thing I’m wondering about is sleeping with it, whether I should do that deflated or partially inflated. I’ve been sleeping with it deflated. Because when it’s partially inflated I don’t like the way the sheets and blankets on top of my penis bend it either forward or backwards depending on how I position it. I just keep worrying it’s putting too much stress on the cylinders, but maybe I’m worrying about nothing. When you all first started pumping, did you try to leave it partially inflated throughout your day when you could, or did you just fully deflate whenever you weren’t cycling?

Sensation remains great, certainly no difference from when I was first implanted, just as Karpman said it would be. I’m also surprised as how much the implant really feels like me. It feels like my penis down there, and it doesn’t feel artificial, which is fantastic. In terms of pain, swelling, healing, sensation and early pump activation, in my case 5 days after implant surgery, I can really agree with Karpman that the infrapubic approach seems to have some real benefits.

Two things I’m a bit disappointed in.

One thing I’m dissatisfied with is size. Currently, when completely deflated, I’m measuring 5 inches exactly. So fairly large for a flaccid penis. I don’t mind this, the large package is rather nice. But when inflated (to the max I can get it anyways,) I’m only 5.5 inches. So pretty much exactly the length I was when I measured my partially inflated length post surgery. I’m pretty disappointed with the size I won’t lie. My erect size is quite a bit off from my trimex best of 6.2 inches. I’m really hoping that the expansion capabilities of the AMS will come into play here and stretch me out till I get back to around that length, as being 5.5 inches is disappointing to me after being larger in the VED and with trimex. I know guys say it takes month to really make those cycling gains, so the best I can do right now is cycle and be patient. Would really like it if my girth expands more too, and I’m hoping the leftward bend will straighten out over time.

Ultimately, I know I made the right decision, and I feel fairly satisfied with my results, but I would be very disappointed if I didn’t gain some notable length thru cycling.

The other thing I’m a bit annoyed about is the pump. The pump deflate button remains facing rightward. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but because my pump is in front of my left testicle the deflation block and pump are visible thru my scrotum giving it a lumpy awkward appearance as my left testicle hides behind the pump. Not sure what can be done about it, I’ll see what Karpman has to say regarding it soon enough.

Thanks all again for being here for me, and again, if anyone has a recommendation for whether I should leave it partially inflated as much as possible, or deflate completely, that would be great. Thanks guys!
20 years old. Severe ED for the past 5 years due to scar tissue.
Tried shockwave therapy in Greece, and PRP shot from Dr. Goldstein in San Diego. Both with no results.
Implanted with a AMS LGX 18cm + 2 RTEs, performed by Dr. Edward Karpman - 10/8/2019

Posts: 1736
Joined: Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:35 am
Location: Atlanta, GA USA

Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby Greg1956 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 6:37 am

I am happy to hear your recovery is going well. Regarding size, you are still very early in the process. Some doctors and implantees have reported growth happening up to two years after surgery.I know you want it now, but be patient and hopefully you will get the size you want.

You asked about whether to fully deflate or keep somewhat pumped. The AMS cylinders are a bit softer than Titan. With my AMS700LGX I like to pump about three times before getting dressed for the day. It doesn’t noticeably change my size but it does provide me with a more natural feeling.

You mentioned some pain in bed and waking up. Your penis is still adjusting to its new equipment. I was still sore at your stage but am fine now. The two times a day I cycle are both in bed. When I am just starting to come to in the morning I fully pump up and then doze off again. When I wake up it is just like having morning wood. When I go to bed, if my wife and I have sex it is pumped up for about an hour and on the days we don’t I pump it up and read for half an hour to an hour. It is rubbing against the sheet and there is no pain or irritation. It feels just like my natural hardons of the past.

I hope your recovery continues to go well. You will soon be ready to go for a test drive!!!
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby merrix » Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:06 am

Good to hear you're doing well.

Regarding your questions on which inflation level to sleep with, I think you should listen to what I have to say.
Of course, you should do what you believe is right, but at least consider what I have to say.

There is a huge difference between us old-timers (I have had my implant for 4 years, Greg for some time as well), and you.
I will tell you what Eid advised me, and why.
According to him, it is extremely important to let the reservoir stay full as much of the time as possible after surgery. If not, i.e. if the reservoir stays empty or half empty for too long time in the beginning, scar tissue will form around the reservoir and you will be faced with a bunch of problems. There will simply not be enough space for the reservoir to fill up to its full capacity because of the scar tissue. That will mean you will have a hard time to deflate completely and you will potentially have auto inflation problems.
You don't want that.
Hence, Eid's way is to have his patients start cycling super early. This way, they can get the best from two worlds. Let the reservoir stay empty for 22-23 hours per day, and start cycling early and frequent enough for scar tissue not to form around the deflated cylinders. Which would possibly negatively affect size.

If you think Eid has any clue what he is talking about (he does), then follow this advice. You have already gotten a super quick recovery thanks to Karpman's work. You are cycling very early on. Then do your cycling 2-3 times per day. But leave your reservoir full (i.e. your dick empty) in between, including when you sleep.

Later on, when you are totally healed - several months down the road from now at least - then you can consider whether you want to walk the earth (daytime) and sleep (night time) with your implant semi-filled for some reason. But not now. I am pretty sure this is good advice.
Regarding keeping it partially inflated later on, I wrote a post on that some time ago. Take a look at it.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 352
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:16 pm

Re: WindWizard’s (19m) Implant Journal

Postby LookingUp » Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:45 pm

You're beyond Brave for your years. Congrats. I look forward to the "christening" of your new found Life.

Best to you.

ED 26 years. 1995->Pills->Shots->Implant penoscrotal Implanted Feb2021, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal, 100cc reservoir. Looking forward to revision with a better Doctor.

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