3.5 week follow up

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3.5 week follow up

Postby Sirsarcastic » Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:20 am

Good morning brothers

I wanted to wait until I was completely comfortable with the implant to update everyone but I've recieved many many PMs from potential implantees and fellow brothers on their curiosity about how I'm doing. So out of franktalk etiquette and because I want to help those who might go through the same experience here's a follow up.

Surgery went as expected. Dr. Brock lives up to his name. Very confident in what he does. He doesn't normally implant titans he really likes AMS but he did for me and I'm very glad he did.

Before surgery I explained to him where in particular my scar tissue was, it was alllll towards the glans. My chambers basically caved in towards the tips. After surgery, bedside, he said when he was operating "he was right!" and drew a picture what depicted what I had told him. He said he placed the cylinders and inflated and deflated to break that tissue. He really is a mastercraftsman.

Out of surgery I felt the soreness in the tips but it was the most reassuring feeling because that's what I was hoping for, it was a good feeling I hadn't felt blood there in a long time. I was concerned about length as I used to be quite lengthy pre peyronies, girth wasn't always my forte but man I had length. I showed him a couple of pictures before the surgery but I never told him a number, I wish I had. Befofe peyronies I was 7 3/4" and 8" on a good day. My girth was about 5.25". After peyronies I was lucky and only lost about 1". I was consistently 7-7.5".

Post op, especially with the swelling I thought I did not look anything like my erection. As I began to heal, I noticed the swelling going down and it started to look more familiar. He gave me 20cm +1 Titan. I would say he was a little more on the cautious side, but in fact it doesn't bother me because I know have revisions down the road and it gives me something to look forward to, getting back some length.

Surprisingly, the 21cm gives me more length than why I've seen here, but I do have a lot of glans engorgement. Flaccid I'm at about 6" and aroused about 6.5" - 6.75". Im really not hung up much on thee dimensions, I know what I got is what I got and after my experience I'm more than happy to be able to just go about my day without thinking about my ED. Which leads me to my psychological state.

Psychologically, I'm fantastic. Orgasms are so important for the brain and being able to achieve them helps a lot. Knowing that I can be intimate with my girlfriend whenever we'd like has really brought me back to myself. This whole experience was not about improving myself, but trying to get back to who I am. ED really took a toll on my work, school, social, physical and mental aspects. I feel everyday I'm closer and closer to who I am. It's been such a blessing because that was what I hoped for but I didn't expect it to be the case as much as it is.

As for sex,I haven't tested it out yet, but I'm waiting atleast a few months till the soreness in the shaft and glans is gone. Me and my girlfriend right now are just enjoying reconnecting in all other aspects of our lives. Before I really distanced myself but at the same time I was honest with her, she knew the operation was coming up and I told her the peyronies was hurting physically and mentally so we avoided a lot of emotional connection because it would just remind me of the ED. She completely understood and yesterday was the second day we spent together and she couldn't be happier seeing me smile and smother her with love. I told her get used to it, you may have forgot but it's just me but 2 years ago :)

I have to say, there are so many variables and I think this experience can go SO different for everyone. But I think knowing this is last resort and appreciating it and the decent outcome and focusing on the positive is a huge factor. The recovery can be brutal mentally and physically. Especially when you don't know how the outcome will be. At first I couldn't orgasm, it was painful and it still is. But Things are continuing to improve and I'm already very happy with how clear my mind is. I wish you all the best and if you have any questions feel free to PM. I'll continue to follow up in a couple of weeks with hopefully better and better news.

I give God the glory for a good outcome and blessing Dr. Brock with his wisdom and expertise and I'm praying for all of you to have the same.
23 years old, Canada. Diagnosed with severe peyronies 2 years ago. Corrected by Dr. Brock on Dec 14th 2017. Titan

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Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby DaveKell » Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:00 am

Glad to hear all of this. Especially the psychological effects ED has. I'm actually incredibly amazed at just how far my psyche was eroded by the self loathing and low self esteem issues ED brought into my life. I'm learning day by day just how walled off I became from my wife when the foundational bedrock of a marriage no longer existed. I'm making big strides in repairing the relationship but what helps the most is the newfound confidence I have in myself. The first major surgery I ever had was for spontaneous, massive internal bleeding from a rare birth defect on my small intestine that ruptured. I was told I had lost half of my blood volume by the time I got into emergency surgery. The surgery saved my life. The last surgery was the implant in July of last year. I consider that surgery to be as significant as the first one. I'm fully back now and life is full speed ahead.
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby defiant » Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:40 am

Sirsarcastic wrote:Good morning brothers

I wanted to wait until I was completely comfortable with the implant to update everyone but I've recieved many many PMs from potential implantees and fellow brothers on their curiosity about how I'm doing. So out of franktalk etiquette and because I want to help those who might go through the same experience here's a follow up.

Surgery went as expected. Dr. Brock lives up to his name. Very confident in what he does. He doesn't normally implant titans he really likes AMS but he did for me and I'm very glad he did.

Before surgery I explained to him where in particular my scar tissue was, it was alllll towards the glans. My chambers basically caved in towards the tips. After surgery, bedside, he said when he was operating "he was right!" and drew a picture what depicted what I had told him. He said he placed the cylinders and inflated and deflated to break that tissue. He really is a mastercraftsman.

Out of surgery I felt the soreness in the tips but it was the most reassuring feeling because that's what I was hoping for, it was a good feeling I hadn't felt blood there in a long time. I was concerned about length as I used to be quite lengthy pre peyronies, girth wasn't always my forte but man I had length. I showed him a couple of pictures before the surgery but I never told him a number, I wish I had. Befofe peyronies I was 7 3/4" and 8" on a good day. My girth was about 5.25". After peyronies I was lucky and only lost about 1". I was consistently 7-7.5".

Post op, especially with the swelling I thought I did not look anything like my erection. As I began to heal, I noticed the swelling going down and it started to look more familiar. He gave me 20cm +1 Titan. I would say he was a little more on the cautious side, but in fact it doesn't bother me because I know have revisions down the road and it gives me something to look forward to, getting back some length.

Surprisingly, the 21cm gives me more length than why I've seen here, but I do have a lot of glans engorgement. Flaccid I'm at about 6" and aroused about 6.5" - 6.75". Im really not hung up much on thee dimensions, I know what I got is what I got and after my experience I'm more than happy to be able to just go about my day without thinking about my ED. Which leads me to my psychological state.

Psychologically, I'm fantastic. Orgasms are so important for the brain and being able to achieve them helps a lot. Knowing that I can be intimate with my girlfriend whenever we'd like has really brought me back to myself. This whole experience was not about improving myself, but trying to get back to who I am. ED really took a toll on my work, school, social, physical and mental aspects. I feel everyday I'm closer and closer to who I am. It's been such a blessing because that was what I hoped for but I didn't expect it to be the case as much as it is.

As for sex,I haven't tested it out yet, but I'm waiting atleast a few months till the soreness in the shaft and glans is gone. Me and my girlfriend right now are just enjoying reconnecting in all other aspects of our lives. Before I really distanced myself but at the same time I was honest with her, she knew the operation was coming up and I told her the peyronies was hurting physically and mentally so we avoided a lot of emotional connection because it would just remind me of the ED. She completely understood and yesterday was the second day we spent together and she couldn't be happier seeing me smile and smother her with love. I told her get used to it, you may have forgot but it's just me but 2 years ago :)

I have to say, there are so many variables and I think this experience can go SO different for everyone. But I think knowing this is last resort and appreciating it and the decent outcome and focusing on the positive is a huge factor. The recovery can be brutal mentally and physically. Especially when you don't know how the outcome will be. At first I couldn't orgasm, it was painful and it still is. But Things are continuing to improve and I'm already very happy with how clear my mind is. I wish you all the best and if you have any questions feel free to PM. I'll continue to follow up in a couple of weeks with hopefully better and better news.

I give God the glory for a good outcome and blessing Dr. Brock with his wisdom and expertise and I'm praying for all of you to have the same.

Brother, this is all just music to my ears, honestly. I could NOT be happier for you.

Forgive me but I’m not familiar with your history with ED just yet but I can see that you’re a young lad. So may I ask for a brief synopsis as to how you came to this point?

I myself am 34 and I have been dealing with ED in some form for 13 years or so and I’ve come to the stage where my mental state is constantly under siege. So to hear that you are feeling so much better is just incredible.

Your size will increase and you sound like you have more than enough length in the first place whereas I am much girthier than I am long. About 5.75-6” erect. And losing length is something that scares me but at the same time, losing that fear and stress would more than make up for it.

Could I ask you a couple of questions?

How does your penis now compare to your natural erections, if you can remember them?

Also, how do you feel and what have you been told about future revisions, being so young.

Thanks man! It’s all uphill from here, God willing.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby Greg1956 » Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:05 am

Congratulations and best wishes on your continued recovery. It is great that you and your girlfriend are connecting in other ways so you will have a strong foundation when the sex starts.

I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby Sirsarcastic » Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:06 am

I used to be very healthy and functional. About 2 years ago, I had morning wood and rolled over in bed and I guess (maybe) because of my length I snapped my penis near the base, it made a pop sound and ever since then it was downhill. I got peyronies and it spread throughout the entire shaft and my penis was numb and I mean completelyyy numb for a while but that resolved. (It was more from no blood, panic and scar tissue then nerve damage) The head was completely pale and grey.

I knew early on I was going to need an implant. Although I was very very persistent to get it to function without one but to no avail. To answer your question, it's hard to tell now I mean I'm only 3 weeks post op some people don't even activate by then. But I can tell you that it's definitely an improvement from right before surgery. And in fact it feels much closer and reminds me of my penis before ED, like when I was younger. When I had sex I wasn't one to think of my penis I was very focused on the loving and the connection and it reminds of me that a lot. I'm also regaining a lot of sensitivity in my glans.

Dr. Brock does not seem to be concerned about future revisions much. What he has told me was that the devices are improving every year and lasting longer and longer and I should expect between 10 -15 years at best and sometimes as little as 3-5 but those are uncommon and unfortunate. How I thought of it was, for as long as I've had erections and sex drive is as long as the implant should last. Say about 13 year a old. So imagine the time form when i was 13 till now.
23 years old, Canada. Diagnosed with severe peyronies 2 years ago. Corrected by Dr. Brock on Dec 14th 2017. Titan

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Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby Genesis » Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:36 pm

That's a very encouraging story Sirsarcastic! You seem to be doing very well emotionally and physically, especially only being 3.5 weeks post op.

Don't be hesitant to share, your story gives us hope. Can't wait to hear your follow up.
Mid 30's
Never had an erection suitable for sex
Tried Pills, Pump, and Shots with no success
Implanted with a Titan One Touch on March 9th 2018 by Dr. Carrion in Tampa.
18cm with 1.5 and 2cm RTE's. 125cc Reservoir with 90cc filled.

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Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby geophd » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:08 pm

Thank you for the update Sirsarcastic. Peyronie's is terrible so it is good to hear a happy ending. Unfortunately, I think many men with Peyronie's never consider an implant and doctors never suggest it, truly tragic. I really hope you will continue to update through use of the implant. I have a few questions about your Peyronie's/ED/implant:

-Were you able to achieve erections with pills at any time over the last 2 years?
-Do you know where your scar tissue was located? ie. dorsally, ventrally, septal?
-Where is your pump located? i.e. behind/infront
-Did you have curvature/indents and how did the implant affect these deformities?

Thanks again and congratulations. Life is good.
Peyronie's: 6 months, indents cause loss of 0.5 inches of girth, fibrosis growing, caused ED.
ED: 10mg Cialis daily, getting headaches, not interested in VED/injections.
Considering implant to avoid a lifetime of cialis and to correct deformity.


Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby Larry10625 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:23 pm

Sirsarcastic wrote:Good morning brothers

I wanted to wait until I was completely comfortable with the implant to update everyone but I've recieved many many PMs from potential implantees and fellow brothers on their curiosity about how I'm doing. So out of franktalk etiquette and because I want to help those who might go through the same experience here's a follow up.

Surgery went as expected. Dr. Brock lives up to his name. Very confident in what he does. He doesn't normally implant titans he really likes AMS but he did for me and I'm very glad he did.

Before surgery I explained to him where in particular my scar tissue was, it was alllll towards the glans. My chambers basically caved in towards the tips. After surgery, bedside, he said when he was operating "he was right!" and drew a picture what depicted what I had told him. He said he placed the cylinders and inflated and deflated to break that tissue. He really is a mastercraftsman.

Out of surgery I felt the soreness in the tips but it was the most reassuring feeling because that's what I was hoping for, it was a good feeling I hadn't felt blood there in a long time. I was concerned about length as I used to be quite lengthy pre peyronies, girth wasn't always my forte but man I had length. I showed him a couple of pictures before the surgery but I never told him a number, I wish I had. Befofe peyronies I was 7 3/4" and 8" on a good day. My girth was about 5.25". After peyronies I was lucky and only lost about 1". I was consistently 7-7.5".

Post op, especially with the swelling I thought I did not look anything like my erection. As I began to heal, I noticed the swelling going down and it started to look more familiar. He gave me 20cm +1 Titan. I would say he was a little more on the cautious side, but in fact it doesn't bother me because I know have revisions down the road and it gives me something to look forward to, getting back some length.

Surprisingly, the 21cm gives me more length than why I've seen here, but I do have a lot of glans engorgement. Flaccid I'm at about 6" and aroused about 6.5" - 6.75". Im really not hung up much on thee dimensions, I know what I got is what I got and after my experience I'm more than happy to be able to just go about my day without thinking about my ED. Which leads me to my psychological state.

Psychologically, I'm fantastic. Orgasms are so important for the brain and being able to achieve them helps a lot. Knowing that I can be intimate with my girlfriend whenever we'd like has really brought me back to myself. This whole experience was not about improving myself, but trying to get back to who I am. ED really took a toll on my work, school, social, physical and mental aspects. I feel everyday I'm closer and closer to who I am. It's been such a blessing because that was what I hoped for but I didn't expect it to be the case as much as it is.

As for sex,I haven't tested it out yet, but I'm waiting atleast a few months till the soreness in the shaft and glans is gone. Me and my girlfriend right now are just enjoying reconnecting in all other aspects of our lives. Before I really distanced myself but at the same time I was honest with her, she knew the operation was coming up and I told her the peyronies was hurting physically and mentally so we avoided a lot of emotional connection because it would just remind me of the ED. She completely understood and yesterday was the second day we spent together and she couldn't be happier seeing me smile and smother her with love. I told her get used to it, you may have forgot but it's just me but 2 years ago :)

I have to say, there are so many variables and I think this experience can go SO different for everyone. But I think knowing this is last resort and appreciating it and the decent outcome and focusing on the positive is a huge factor. The recovery can be brutal mentally and physically. Especially when you don't know how the outcome will be. At first I couldn't orgasm, it was painful and it still is. But Things are continuing to improve and I'm already very happy with how clear my mind is. I wish you all the best and if you have any questions feel free to PM. I'll continue to follow up in a couple of weeks with hopefully better and better news.

I give God the glory for a good outcome and blessing Dr. Brock with his wisdom and expertise and I'm praying for all of you to have the same.

Glad to hear you are doing well. I agree, Dr. Brock is a medical genius. I had lost faith in doctors and believed my mess between my legs was permanent. Thank god for Dr. Brock. :)


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Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby TANGERINE » Sat Jan 13, 2018 11:34 pm

I am super happy for you sir sarcastic ! While I was recovering, my surgeon reassured me by saying "you will feel better every single day" and by 3 or 4 months, "you will be back to normal."

Thrilled that you mustered the courage to go through the risk/pain/cost of the surgery. Such a difficult thing to face, but now you are on the other side ---- congrats !!!! and "Welcome to the Bionic Brotherhood"
"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

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Re: 3.5 week follow up

Postby antelope » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:59 pm

Well done! Happy, happy, happy!
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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