Sex without pain/discomfort?

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Re: Sex without pain/discomfort?

Postby AirWolf » Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:22 pm

I was a few weeks after surgery when this thread started and wanted to reply once I could answer

The first few months after surgery were something like 80% discomfort 20% pleasure during sex . . . I was glad to have sex, but I was constantly aware of the cylinders and the orgasm was half pleasure half pain . . . so I could have intercourse, but it was slow and controlled, and once the orgasm started I had to stop moving cause it was a bit quite uncomfortable.

At about 16 weeks is when I could say that I can have sex without pain or discomfort. In about 45 minutes of sex there might be half a dozen moments of mild brief discomfort, but rarely any pain . . . and the orgasms are 100% pain free. I can have intercourse as hard and fast as I want now and the cum is more than I've had in over a decade and the orgasms are much stronger. Part of this is due to the hardness of the erection, but most is probably due to the reduced anxiety since I no longer have to worry about the erection quality or duration.

Note that I pump up to something like 60% for sex (about 30 pumps) . . . if I pump up too much, the internal pressure makes sex uncomfortable.60% is definitely good enough for sex, in fact, I could probably just do 25 (which I did for a while). For "growth" I pump up to about 45. If I'm too aggressive on pumping for growth I can irritate the penis head and make sex uncomfortable, so I know other brothers on here pump up aggressively and often but I've had to back off a bit. I've been increasing pumping by a pump or so every week which seems to be good and I am getting slight growth every few weeks (maybe 1/16th to 1/8th inch a month, or about 6mm). I haven't noticed any increase in girth yet.

ED since 35 with no known cause -- injections successful for over a decade with 10/1/30 and less than 20units but that became ineffective. Implanted penoscratally by Dr. Kramer of Baltimore on 9/13/17 with AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 0.5cm RTE at 47 years old

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