What's so bad about my silicone girth injection?

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Re: What's so bad about my silicone girth injection?

Postby RichardTheFrog » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:15 pm

williamb wrote:instead of obsessing about size, I would rather have a healthy, good looking penis that was very sensitive and I enjoyed getting to use it frequently. I would not want a Big, sick looking slab of meat that I could not get maximum sensation from using and if it was freakish looking the girls may not want to use it.
Be careful, Richard.

None of that happened the first time. I've known guys who have had multiple treatments from this plastic surgeon. I probably won't do it, though.
Implanted by Dr. Andrew Kramer 2/22/17. 18 cm AMS LGX with 2 cm RTE's (total 20cm).

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Re: What's so bad about my silicone girth injection?

Postby TANGERINE » Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:51 pm


when kramer said "if the injection doc goes in 1mm too far, then he might pop the implant", that was his way of saying "no , don't do it," since no reasonable person would stray so close to complete implant destruction at the whim of a needle traveling just a millimeter off course (please look at a metric ruler and realize how small a millimeter really is).

I am really trying to see what the upside potential is for the silicone injection scenario, because based on what I know, the risk to benefit analysis here is way out of line , and logic would dictate that the risk precludes moving forward..

Because of this, your comments on Silicone after an implant have really gotten under my skin, so please enlighten me with your answer to the following question:

"Froggy, what are the two things that you want to accomplish through silicone girth injection?" In other words, what is it that is really driving you to consider it ??
"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."


Re: What's so bad about my silicone girth injection?

Postby PFracture » Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:41 am

TANGERINE wrote:Froggy, silicone injections into an implanted penis are a bad idea. Don’t do it.

All of us have learned that when faced with important life altering decisions, you must assess the “upside potential” and the “downside risk”

Upside potential for larger girth from silicone:
(a)“it will look more impressive in the locker room”
(b) “it MIGHT (not certain) lead to more frequent female orgasm”

Downside potential for silicone injection:
(A) “you might get an infection of the implant, then, in turn, because of the multiple silicone fragments in your penis, you will go months on IV antibiotics with the chance of loosing substantial length due to scarring, then, maybe, after three surgeries (all of your implant will be ripped out), your body might finally tolerate a new (albeit smaller) implant”
(B) “because of infection complications, you might never be able to get a replacement implant (see above)…that means a life with a stub of a dick and no sex ever”
(C) ten years from now, the silicone is hard and weird, and the woman complains that she feels like a bunch of rocks are penetrating her
(D) every 12 to 15 years, you will face getting new implants, those revisions will be more complicated in the setting of silicone, and you might be denied the chance to have that state of the art 21st century super girth implant that will be invented by then.

True, I do not have any scientific studies to prove any of the above. But I do know that, preoperatively, I was scared to death regarding the chance that I would get an implant infection. That is a terrible complication, and it means everything gets ripped out, and you can only pray that things might eventually be restored to some reasonable state.

Finally, do realize that your dick is not natural anymore. The fact that silicone was OK before no longer applies. The market value of your penile implant is something like $35,000; and it is imperative that you protect that investment from any harm.

My bottom line: “You are only as good as the consultants and advisors that you keep around you” When it comes to your Penis, Dr Kramer is the one who built it for you. If he says silicone injection is OK, then do it. BUT IF HE SAYS “DO NOT DO THAT” then you must, absolutely must, listen to him. Remember, you will be running to him to get you out of the mess, so he better be advising you early.

You have had a great surgical result, do not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by having some fringe cosmetic medicine injection doc infect your penis.

PS: I really had better things than to spend the time writing this reply, but I am trying to save you, a franktalk brother, from screwing everything up

solid.... solid advice.... couldn't second this more. :!: :!: :!:

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Re: What's so bad about my silicone girth injection?

Postby RichardTheFrog » Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:07 am

TANGERINE wrote:Froggy,

when kramer said "if the injection doc goes in 1mm too far, then he might pop the implant", that was his way of saying "no , don't do it," since no reasonable person would stray so close to complete implant destruction at the whim of a needle traveling just a millimeter off course (please look at a metric ruler and realize how small a millimeter really is).

I am really trying to see what the upside potential is for the silicone injection scenario, because based on what I know, the risk to benefit analysis here is way out of line , and logic would dictate that the risk precludes moving forward..

Because of this, your comments on Silicone after an implant have really gotten under my skin, so please enlighten me with your answer to the following question:

"Froggy, what are the two things that you want to accomplish through silicone girth injection?" In other words, what is it that is really driving you to consider it ??

Just to make it thicker. He said IF the needle comes that close. For all we know, it won't be anywhere near that close. The plastic surgeon said he's done this many times before.
Implanted by Dr. Andrew Kramer 2/22/17. 18 cm AMS LGX with 2 cm RTE's (total 20cm).

Activated 3/11/17. Best decision I've ever made.

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Re: What's so bad about my silicone girth injection?

Postby TANGERINE » Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:13 am

Just to make it thicker. He said IF the needle comes that close. For all we know, it won't be anywhere near that close. The plastic surgeon said he's done this many times before.

OK, we need to be rigorous from a philosopher's viewpoint. Philosophers will ask the questions:
"what justifies xyz ?"

so, lets ask the basic question: "what justifies a thicker penis ?"

please answer, because I really need to know, (also, this basic philosophical question touches on a concept that many of us are struggling with on this entire blog), Please, please answer.
"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

Posts: 411
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Re: What's so bad about my silicone girth injection?

Postby RichardTheFrog » Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:15 am

Just to make it thicker. He said IF the needle comes that close. For all we know, it won't be anywhere near that close. The plastic surgeon said he's done this many times before.

OK, we need to be rigorous from a philosopher's viewpoint. Philosophers will ask the questions:
"what justifies xyz ?"

so, lets ask the basic question: "what justifies a thicker penis ?"

please answer, because I really need to know, (also, this basic philosophical question touches on a concept that many of us are struggling with on this entire blog), Please, please answer.[/quote]

Because thicker dicks feel better to girls.

And, no, it does not feel rubbery.
Implanted by Dr. Andrew Kramer 2/22/17. 18 cm AMS LGX with 2 cm RTE's (total 20cm).

Activated 3/11/17. Best decision I've ever made.


Re: What's so bad about my silicone girth injection?

Postby PFracture » Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:52 am

RichardTheFrog wrote:
Just to make it thicker. He said IF the needle comes that close. For all we know, it won't be anywhere near that close. The plastic surgeon said he's done this many times before.

OK, we need to be rigorous from a philosopher's viewpoint. Philosophers will ask the questions:
"what justifies xyz ?"

so, lets ask the basic question: "what justifies a thicker penis ?"

please answer, because I really need to know, (also, this basic philosophical question touches on a concept that many of us are struggling with on this entire blog), Please, please answer.

Because thicker dicks feel better to ggirlfriendAnd, no, it does not feel rubbery.[/quote]

Being a super awesome lover in bed feels amazing too, for girls. have you tried that first?

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