Young guy dating

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Young guy dating

Postby Juerhareb » Mon Apr 08, 2024 6:53 pm

I am already almost 3 week postop and everything is going (too) well. No swelling or brusing since day 1. Right now, I am almost perfect, although I still masturbate gently and It with some discomfort. I also have strange sensations/slight pain when aroused. But that's all.

Right now, besides a possible infection, my main worry is what to do when dating. I clearly can inflate it previously to a enough level for penetration and get It into my pants. Additionally I am able to pump It easily, I do not feel that rock hard pump as others usually claim. So that is not a problem. The main issue comes with the pump concealment. What do other young guys usually do? Tell the girls not to touch your balls? When do you say this? Say nothing and If they ask tell them dont worry, its a medical issue?
Tell them everthng before? How?

Ready to read your ideas. However, I am already sure that this has been a great decision, my life is going to change a lot.
Last edited by Juerhareb on Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Late twenties. ED since very early twenties. Unable to have sex.
Implanted 20-03-2024 AMS LGX 21+3 cm. Dr Juan Ignacio Martínez Salamanca (Spain).

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby ED2013 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:14 pm

Happy for you! You’re gonna have lots of fun. Don’t worry about the girls. Enjoy yourself.

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby beachbum1 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:31 pm

I'm probably the last person to giving you advice on using your implant and dating. But if it were me, I wouldn't say anything unless asked. Then tell the truth, you have an implant. Frankly be proud that you did some that made YOUR life better. To me, lying, or making up some excuse is about the same as saying your ashamed that you improved an unpreventable condition. It's not your fault you developed ED, but you did something about it. And if your date can't accept that, then you probably don't need her.
Enjoy your new toy.
Had to join again as beachbum1. Was and am beachbum but chat has blocked me from a few members
First implanted AMS 700 CX 18+3, in Sept of 2016. Replacement AMS 700 CX 21+2 in August 2023

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby Rider1400 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:55 pm

If it’s a one night stand, who cares what she thinks. Once she gets a rock hard dick that can go as long as she wants she will love it and probably come back for more. If it’s someone you want a relationship with and you’re taking your time then I personally would be honest and upfront. An experienced woman would most likely be interested to say the least and if she’s totally turned off by it than it’s not a person you need to waste time on anyway. Overthinking this a lot!
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby Franklin22 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:30 pm

I had around 6 different girls in a pretty short time with the implant. I wouldn’t tell the girls about the implant period. If she feels your ball sack, tell her afterwards you had an accident and had to get a little work done on your ball sack.
I dated the same girl I’m still seeing for 3 months then told her about an accident I had and didn’t have a choice. I also told her about my special abilities and she loves the fact I’m implanted.
Find you a good one you feel comfortable with you can see a future. You will know when the time is right. I was worried about all the same stuff, but in the end it has worked out perfect.
42 distal corporal fibrosis., Have used viagra, Cialis, and injections. Implanted 7-12-23 apart of the #Clavellnation
22 cm

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby Red5150 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:02 pm

You’ve been through the worst part, now you’re almost at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You will figure it out, you can read countless stories on here about what people have done, putting in a few pumps, excusing themselves to the bathroom going down on the girl first etc. etc., but part of the fun is figuring out for yourself. What works best for you. Trust me, it will not be an issue especially when you fuck their lights out.

I’ve been implanted about a year and 4 months and got a pretty decent body count and none knew. Even the ones rimming, sucking balls etc. I’ve had a few ask me if I was taking viagra after we had sex for 2-3 hours but none knew. To those who asked, I told him what the deal was, and the only reply I got was let’s go again.

If you do get one of those types who can’t accept that they are not the 110% full author of your prolific erection, then you go through the show and tell of how you can still get aroused by such a beautiful woman, such as her. Take her hand put it on your shaft, have her feel the tubes, show her how your glans/head still swells and gets aroused when you are excited by a woman like her.

Tell her you embarked on this life altering journey alone in the hopes of one day you were lucky enough to meet such an amazing woman as her, that you did not have to worry about dealing with the bad hand you been dealt, and instead you could focus all the time and energy on her pleasure. This if she’s only a 9-10 on your hotness scale and you want to repeat bang her again.

Good luck , have fun
51 single , implanted December 2022 by Dr. Laurence Levine, Chicago, IL. Coloplast Titan 22 cm + 1 cm RTE. Started playing with Tri-mix and lead to my demise.

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby Juerhareb » Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:39 am

Thanks to all of you for your answers. Maybe I am overthinking all this but It is my main issue. Mainly with women Who are Friends of Friends and might tell my condition... You are being really helpful.
Late twenties. ED since very early twenties. Unable to have sex.
Implanted 20-03-2024 AMS LGX 21+3 cm. Dr Juan Ignacio Martínez Salamanca (Spain).

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby newhope » Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:48 am

Franklin22 wrote:I had around 6 different girls in a pretty short time with the implant. I wouldn’t tell the girls about the implant period. If she feels your ball sack, tell her afterwards you had an accident and had to get a little work done on your ball sack.
I dated the same girl I’m still seeing for 3 months then told her about an accident I had and didn’t have a choice. I also told her about my special abilities and she loves the fact I’m implanted.
Find you a good one you feel comfortable with you can see a future. You will know when the time is right. I was worried about all the same stuff, but in the end it has worked out perfect.

hey frank where do you find so many girls in a short time frame ? :D just curious
LGX 18 + 1, 90 cc. 2023/12
Pre-OP VED length: 5.5". Post-OP: 4". At 3 months post-op: 5".
Cycling with a lot of pain for the first 5 months, now improving
If you have a motorcycle or a bike stop using it (ED with motorcycle accident).

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby Franklin22 » Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:16 am

Mostly bumble. But a couple in real life :)
42 distal corporal fibrosis., Have used viagra, Cialis, and injections. Implanted 7-12-23 apart of the #Clavellnation
22 cm

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Re: Young guy dating

Postby easymoney » Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:12 am

Don't overthink it .. why would a woman in your bed care how you achieved an erection one way or the other? Even if your a quick cummer the fact that you stay hard and continue will be something she will brag to her friends about. Trust me women talk about who and what and how of their sex life just like men do .. lol

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