cycling stretch

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cycling stretch

Postby monkfroot » Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:33 am

For those of you who reference a "stretch" during first year cycling...where do you feel that sensation. I pumped a little more than normal and when did I felt a burning sensation in my glans and slight clear discharge (i dont have a UTI). I also feel a dull ache near the base/side of my shaft where my tubing appears to have some extra bulkiness/connector...

Also, does the formation of small capillary veins on the shaft mean anythingM

Just curious
Titan OTR implanted on 1/26/24. PE and Anxiety of varied degrees since age 19. Varicocele issues past 30 years. Type 2 Diabetic since 2013, pills didnt work, minimal reaction to shots, some VL, still had morning/overnight wood, but moderate quality.

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