AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby Hillywilly » Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:10 pm

AI is pushing boundaries at an incredible pace. Tools like Deepmind's are already making discoveries that would've taken humans centuries ("Deepmind AI tool catapults materials science 800 years into the future" -

Imagine the vast potential if these tools—and even more powerful ones developed by OpenAI—were released to the public. The benefits are exciting:

Creative explosion: A surge of independent art, filmmaking, and game development.
Leveling the playing field: Smaller businesses could compete with industry giants.
However, negatives exist:

Deepfake dangers: The potential for even more convincing disinformation campaigns.
Cyber-threats: Increased potential for malicious hacking or creation of dangerous materials.
The real game-changer could be the release of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), which OpenAI suggests could be within a decade. The implications for IPPs, ED treatment, regeneration, and other fields could be mind-blowing. Think 800 years of medical advancement in a single year! But get ready, because this will undoubtedly challenge demolish current regulatory frameworks.

What are your thoughts, Bionic brothers? Are you excited by the possibilities? Worried about the risks?
33 HG deformity now Titan OTR 24cm XL + 1 cm RTE's Length 7.25in/ Girth 6in (midshaft) Dr. Hakky 4/4/23

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby swivel » Sun Mar 03, 2024 6:33 am

I sure hope so,

It's hard to look into the future but i hope that AI can speed up the research towards regrowing the erectile tissues etc.
Wake Forest has been working on it for a long time and i saw a very recent study from a university in Quebec i believe that also talks about Tissue Engineering for Penile Reconstruction.
-early 30's
-erectile and pelvic floor dysfunction

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby Buzzer » Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:54 am

I have my doubts that AI will address ED, it will likely lead to be used to control us and not help us. There is too much Money in extending treatment, not cures. The countless times cancer could have been eradicated a long time ago. But there is way too much money in treatment than curing.
There is a lot of conflicting motivations in medical treatment.

ED for 15 years, married 49 years, age 72, wife age 70. Tried VED and Trimix both failed. AMS CX 21 cm implant installed on 4-18-2023. There are no RTE's inserted. Dr. Yooni Blair University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby Rider1400 » Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:12 pm

May be progressing at a rapid pace but by the time it gets to ED issues it might help my grandkids or their kids. My grands are 8 so maybe in 40-50 years it could reach the ED market. Just my opinion.
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby Crazy_Horse » Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:38 pm

Rider1400 wrote:Just my opinion.

This entire blog is an aggregation of opinions. Are you used to getting screamed at when you make a simple assertion based on your individual judgement? It's OK. You're safe.

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby sparky123 » Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:35 pm

AGI will also change this board.

If the admins allow it, the Frank Talk discussion boards can be analyzed via AI to create a summary of any topic without having to dig through the archives or do a tedious set of searches. Google's notebookLM can do this now.
AMS 700 LGX December 2023.

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby CigareVolant » Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:43 pm

Buzzer wrote:I have my doubts that AI will address ED, it will likely lead to be used to control us and not help us.

Remote control implants could be a powerful method of control. "Do what I say or you'll never get hard again."
Implanted June, 2022 by Dr. Karpman. 22cm Titan with 1.5cm RTE.

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby Dent4ever » Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:02 pm

Haven't been on here for awhile but I agree with Hilly. Why wouldn't AI be able to costruct or conceptionalize sy "nasa grade" equipment that just does NOT break all the time. I realize a lot of men on this board leave satisfied and go on with their lives but if a doc asked me "hey this will cost you an additional 100k but it WONT break in the foreseeable future" Id acquire the funds in any way possible. I think the current equipment is severely out dated and I feel the pain of every brother on here when they post "flat pump" or "reservoir leaked revision needed". it's healing time is not a week so to speak so its complete bull that they still use 1950s tech albeit with MUCH lower infection rate.. does that matter -of course. But a revision is a revision and it can't be understated what men go through psychologically w ed. Women just have NO idea.. even my gf who is very understanding just can't conceptualize it as I broke down the 3 piece inflatable to her.. she's very smart but this aint a boob job. Im 43 as of this date and im holding on to a semi functioning dick -not willing to give up on naturals yet as advised to me by Dr Trost who is a well renowned PD expert. He charges $0 fees for online consult -thats just a man who wants to help and make lives easier. I bet in the next 4-7 years we will see a 2 piece or at least a no reservoir implant , personally Im not a fan of the battery idea in my dick I just simply want it to last.
42 M. Mild peyronies like symptoms for well over a decade. Mostly related to PFS syndrome I believe. Seriously considering an Implant. Trying to mentally accept the situation, Pills barely work and trimix gel doesn't work, tried injections -hated it.

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby Hillywilly » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:03 am

Dent4ever wrote:Haven't been on here for awhile but I agree with Hilly. Why wouldn't AI be able to costruct or conceptionalize sy "nasa grade" equipment that just does NOT break all the time. I realize a lot of men on this board leave satisfied and go on with their lives but if a doc asked me "hey this will cost you an additional 100k but it WONT break in the foreseeable future" Id acquire the funds in any way possible. I think the current equipment is severely out dated and I feel the pain of every brother on here when they post "flat pump" or "reservoir leaked revision needed". it's healing time is not a week so to speak so its complete bull that they still use 1950s tech albeit with MUCH lower infection rate.. does that matter -of course. But a revision is a revision and it can't be understated what men go through psychologically w ed. Women just have NO idea.. even my gf who is very understanding just can't conceptualize it as I broke down the 3 piece inflatable to her.. she's very smart but this aint a boob job. Im 43 as of this date and im holding on to a semi functioning dick -not willing to give up on naturals yet as advised to me by Dr Trost who is a well renowned PD expert. He charges $0 fees for online consult -thats just a man who wants to help and make lives easier. I bet in the next 4-7 years we will see a 2 piece or at least a no reservoir implant , personally Im not a fan of the battery idea in my dick I just simply want it to last.

Musk's BCI allows patients to control computers with just willing the action by thought alone, no reason it couldn't allow for a patient to control an implant as well. This "Q-Star" OpenAi is rumored to have that is basically AGI (According to Elon Musks lawsuit) will be vastly superior than humans at inventing things like implants, spaceships, nanotechnology, fusion energy, discovering new physics, etc. in a decade or two medicine of today will be looked at the way we look back now at dentistry in the 11th century.
33 HG deformity now Titan OTR 24cm XL + 1 cm RTE's Length 7.25in/ Girth 6in (midshaft) Dr. Hakky 4/4/23

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Re: AGI will replace IPP researchers and doctors

Postby Dent4ever » Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:23 pm

That's some good info right there and good hope for the future:)
42 M. Mild peyronies like symptoms for well over a decade. Mostly related to PFS syndrome I believe. Seriously considering an Implant. Trying to mentally accept the situation, Pills barely work and trimix gel doesn't work, tried injections -hated it.

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