Broken again?

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Re: Broken again?

Postby Rufian » Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:00 pm

wolfpacker wrote:
Rufian wrote:
JohnHC wrote:
Oh I'm not swayed by 1/2 inch here or there. I just prefer the inflatable because of it being more natural looking. I don't like the looks of a malleable, no offense. When I travel for work I like to use the pools, spas, or hot tubs and well at my age I'd prefer not to be the creepy old guy sporting a boner out there. Plus the greater risk of it wearing through the skin, whether because of misuse, having the wrong size or whatever doesn't look to be very appealing. I know some is misinformation but I've seen the pictures of it happening and have never heard of that issue with the inflatables. If something happens with the inflatable that isn't an infection, you can leave it be, but if the malleable bendy part breaks or it wears through there's no option but surgery to remove it then you really are a wet noodle, with the inflatable there is some firmness due to the cylinders, not ideal but it's there. But again they make perfect sense for some people, but for me not yet at least.

You played yourself then, the inflatable technology is not here yet which is why failures happen

the malleable can be concealed, but may harder with some clothes, price to pay for a working penis that wont fail like your did

You have weight whats important to you, using pools or spas or having a working penis

What I noticed is that if the inflatable fails in one patients, more than likely it will fail a second and third time and son, because the failure probably has more to with their anatomy itself

Inflatable: more likely for device to fail. Device can be replaced

Malleable: more likely to cause your tissue to fail. Tissue cannot be replaced

that's a big cope lol

your penis had already failed you before any implants (otherwise why get one?) and once implant went it, whether inflatable or malleable, your cavernosa was destroyed with no chances of going back

in both cases you were screwed from the start

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Re: Broken again?

Postby wolfpacker » Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:11 pm

Rufian wrote:
wolfpacker wrote:
Rufian wrote:
You played yourself then, the inflatable technology is not here yet which is why failures happen

the malleable can be concealed, but may harder with some clothes, price to pay for a working penis that wont fail like your did

You have weight whats important to you, using pools or spas or having a working penis

What I noticed is that if the inflatable fails in one patients, more than likely it will fail a second and third time and son, because the failure probably has more to with their anatomy itself

Inflatable: more likely for device to fail. Device can be replaced

Malleable: more likely to cause your tissue to fail. Tissue cannot be replaced

that's a big cope lol

your penis had already failed you before any implants (otherwise why get one?) and once implant went it, whether inflatable or malleable, your cavernosa was destroyed with no chances of going back

in both cases you were screwed from the start

Not talking about cavernosa failing... Talking about erosion through the glans mainly or maybe thinning of the tunica
Early 30s with ED for years from penis enlargement stretching and jelqing. Implant by Dr Eid on 24 June 2021 with a Titan 24cm with +1cm RTE on one side and -1cm cut off on the other side

My journal: viewtopic.php?t=17202

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Re: Broken again?

Postby JohnHC » Wed Mar 27, 2024 1:16 pm

Well update. Applied for financial assistance from the hospital to hopefully get them taken care of for the 2 prior surgeries and for this new revision, hope to hear positive news on that. My HR Benefits people are still after the insurance to give an explanation as to why they said it's covered and then deny it, still waiting on that info. Dr is still wanting to do the revision but of course his billing dept after getting hosed by insurance still wants payment upfront.
Also the Boston Scientific rep in my area who was at both of my surgeries called and we discussed everything in detail ( she takes very detailed notes during the surgery ) and wanted to know my intentions in all of this, that if the money issue was taken care of did I want to continue with having the revision? I was uhhh, yes of course. I wouldn't be going through all this contacting everyone raising a beef with everyone if I wasn't going to do the revision. I told her I want it fixed right so that I don't need to worry about another revision for at least the 12 to 15 years or so they tout as the life expectance of the device.
She's forwarding stuff on to Boston Scientific's insurance folks who deal with insurance to see if they can get insurance to honor their word when they gave everyone the ok for the surgery. So I'm hoping there's light ahead and that I can get this fixed properly once and for all.
AMS 700 CX 21cm x 12mm with 1.5cm RTE, MS pump, and Conceal Reservoir. Implanted on 4-12-2023 removed and replaced 6-22-23 with the same, 1st implant surgery had pinhole leak in left cylinder, second failure tubing at connector

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Re: Broken again?

Postby iwantanewone » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:00 pm

I replied to you before! I think you need to become more forceful!! I would speak to your doctor… you don’t mention his name…. 3 in a year??? Not acceptable. If he does enough business with ams they will work with him to get everything covered as well as the hospital can contribute as well. It would not be acceptable to me!! Perhaps you should consider a new surgeon! A letter from an attorney goes along way!! I would not pay this 3rd time and I would have a total replacement and it would be covered but I am very demanding and I have a good relationship with my doctors in all areas of my health… “the squeaky wheel….”
Good luck and put up a good fight!!

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Re: Broken again?

Postby JohnHC » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:05 am

iwantanewone wrote:I replied to you before! I think you need to become more forceful!! I would speak to your doctor… you don’t mention his name…. 3 in a year??? Not acceptable. If he does enough business with ams they will work with him to get everything covered as well as the hospital can contribute as well. It would not be acceptable to me!! Perhaps you should consider a new surgeon! A letter from an attorney goes along way!! I would not pay this 3rd time and I would have a total replacement and it would be covered but I am very demanding and I have a good relationship with my doctors in all areas of my health… “the squeaky wheel….”
Good luck and put up a good fight!!

Unfortunately I'm one of those who like to see the good in everyone and try to do the right thing. I'm trying to get it sorted out with everyone - the Dr himself is great and I highly respect him, Boston Scientific isn't a problem as they will provide the replacement device for free per the warranty, the hospital however is not being cooperative at all. I believe if the Dr has his way he would have already had this fixed already at no charge but the billing dept has other ideas. I've given information I got from Boston Scientific to my HR to try to get the insurance to correct this mess and am waiting to hear back, however the hospital has sent the bill to collections and personally I've through being the nice guy. If I don't get a response back from insurance about this very soon, then yes I'm going to a lawyer and yes I'll be asking for lawyer fees, payment for the past surgeries, payment for upcoming needed surgery, pain and suffering for all of this, the pain and suffering/loss of companionship for my wife, plus whatever punitive damages I can get. They'll have to make a really sweet deal before I'll settle once I get a lawyer involved. Like I've said my Dr and Boston Scientific have been great, it's the bureaucracies that have been jerks.
AMS 700 CX 21cm x 12mm with 1.5cm RTE, MS pump, and Conceal Reservoir. Implanted on 4-12-2023 removed and replaced 6-22-23 with the same, 1st implant surgery had pinhole leak in left cylinder, second failure tubing at connector

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Re: Broken again?

Postby Tmansdorfer » Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:18 am

If you find a lawyer that will take the case let me know who because after all my issues I contacted about 20 and all sayd that they wouldn’t take the case because medical malpractice cases are hard to win and cost a lot to fight

iwantanewone wrote:I replied to you before! I think you need to become more forceful!! I would speak to your doctor… you don’t mention his name…. 3 in a year??? Not acceptable. If he does enough business with ams they will work with him to get everything covered as well as the hospital can contribute as well. It would not be acceptable to me!! Perhaps you should consider a new surgeon! A letter from an attorney goes along way!! I would not pay this 3rd time and I would have a total replacement and it would be covered but I am very demanding and I have a good relationship with my doctors in all areas of my health… “the squeaky wheel….”
Good luck and put up a good fight!!

Unfortunately I'm one of those who like to see the good in everyone and try to do the right thing. I'm trying to get it sorted out with everyone - the Dr himself is great and I highly respect him, Boston Scientific isn't a problem as they will provide the replacement device for free per the warranty, the hospital however is not being cooperative at all. I believe if the Dr has his way he would have already had this fixed already at no charge but the billing dept has other ideas. I've given information I got from Boston Scientific to my HR to try to get the insurance to correct this mess and am waiting to hear back, however the hospital has sent the bill to collections and personally I've through being the nice guy. If I don't get a response back from insurance about this very soon, then yes I'm going to a lawyer and yes I'll be asking for lawyer fees, payment for the past surgeries, payment for upcoming needed surgery, pain and suffering for all of this, the pain and suffering/loss of companionship for my wife, plus whatever punitive damages I can get. They'll have to make a really sweet deal before I'll settle once I get a lawyer involved. Like I've said my Dr and Boston Scientific have been great, it's the bureaucracies that have been jerks.[/quote]
39 01/24/19 USC Dr Doumanian LGX 15cm 3, lGX 18 +2, revision 6-20 18+3 pump failure, revision 8-20 left cylinder in scrotum, 1-21 removed infection switched to dr Doyle, Boyd 10.05.21 a 15+3 cx,revision 01,23,24 with switch to LGX 15+6 fat pad removal.

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Re: Broken again?

Postby JohnHC » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:17 pm

Tmansdorfer - mine would be different as it's mostly due to the insurance giving everyone involved misinformation and saying it was a covered procedure. So it wouldn't be medical malpractice, just insurance lying to us and not correcting their mistake until after the damage was done, not just once but twice in my case.
AMS 700 CX 21cm x 12mm with 1.5cm RTE, MS pump, and Conceal Reservoir. Implanted on 4-12-2023 removed and replaced 6-22-23 with the same, 1st implant surgery had pinhole leak in left cylinder, second failure tubing at connector

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Re: Broken again?

Postby Gt1956 » Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:34 pm

JohnHC wrote:Tmansdorfer - mine would be different as it's mostly due to the insurance giving everyone involved misinformation and saying it was a covered procedure. So it wouldn't be medical malpractice, just insurance lying to us and not correcting their mistake until after the damage was done, not just once but twice in my case.

Something like this is a swamp. Somewhere in the solution someone has to step up & either cough up some money or a few people have to work on the cheap.

I've read that drs that do charitable sugeries run the risk of paying malpractince insurance premiums on the charity work. Work that they did for free. Their policy sometimes requires a premium everytime they do a procedure no matter if the dr got paid or not.

And btw, an insurance company that are lying scumbags have not committed malpractice. They are just scumbags. They are only proving that money means more to them than ethics.

Good luck guys.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Broken again?

Postby Tmansdorfer » Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:00 pm

Yea I agree good luck and hopefully you get it taken care of soon, maybe the threat of telling the hospital you are getting legal council will change their minds.
39 01/24/19 USC Dr Doumanian LGX 15cm 3, lGX 18 +2, revision 6-20 18+3 pump failure, revision 8-20 left cylinder in scrotum, 1-21 removed infection switched to dr Doyle, Boyd 10.05.21 a 15+3 cx,revision 01,23,24 with switch to LGX 15+6 fat pad removal.

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Re: Broken again?

Postby oldbeek » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:26 pm

JohnHC wrote:Still awaiting surgery info from Dr's office. But I was feeling around down there and might have figured out what went wrong. I was trying to follow the tubing from the pump with my fingers, which is difficult due to the pump and the boys being in the way. But while feeling a long one of the lines I got to a spot that was wider than the tube and couldn't feel anything on the other side. So I'm thinking that that spot is a coupler or spot where they joined two sections of tubing and maybe it either came apart or broke right there. I'm not totally sure as the tubing is small and with everything else down there I'm not 100% sure that nothing else is connected to it ( those tubes and things there are a bit slippery and move quite a bit ). It would explain why it worked fine and then suddenly quit, if it's the tubing to the reservoir and it broke then the pump can't pull fluid from it and it all flooded out, then when deflating it just pushed whatever was left right out. Not a slow leak where you get that squishing sound, but just a massive failure where everything goes at once.
Just gotta tell him if that's the case then double up on the glue or whatever to make sure it can't happen again. I doubt they can just go in and flush the system and refill it since I'm sure bodily fluids have gotten in and compromised the integrity of the whole unit. I'll post an update when I know when surgery is and again after surgery when I find out what went wrong. Thanks guys

A bad connection is a surgeons error.You keep saying it is a defective implant. NO it is the surgeon!!!!. I personally requested a pre connected device. Less chance of a screw up. Even though I used the best implant surgeon in LA
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05, 4-18,, .07 1/19,.05 4/19, .03 11-21, .04 11-23, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20

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