Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

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Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby Mark1974 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:59 pm

So I guess my question is in the topic heading
Born 6/15/74. I have substantial venous leak with fairly severe hour-glassing, but no hard plaques. My urologist is world-acknowledged expert Dr. Laurence Levine who performed a Doppler Ultrasound. I have surgery for an AMS IPP scheduled 12/9/24

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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby ThailandBound » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:25 pm

My GF is the polar opposite. I did wonder how’d she react to the new me. I was shy to pump up in front of her the first few times.

Now, she can’t keep her hands off of it. Even out in public, under the table, she’ll reach down and give it a squeeze. During blowjobs, she’ll reach down and start pumping (i have to finish 2 handed for max hardness).

It really can be a playful thing for all, with the right partner. Most guys report their staying power has their partners coming back for more.

I’m sure there’s exceptions. I love mine.
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby Old Guy » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:45 pm

Have to say my wife thought I was crazy when I first talked about getting implanted. She didn't know what to think about it. My question to her was can you give up the intimate times we share? She hung with me through the whole procedure. The day after my surgery she told me she had been looking at info about implants. I'm guessing the female side of it.
Anyway, she will always say she is glad I had it done. We still have a good sex life at our age.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:01 pm

I can recall only two members reporting continuing (pre- and post- op) opposition from their partners. All others (to my recollection) who have reported have found support from their partners. Some did experience some reluctance pre-surgery, but with frank discussions with their partners, those have found support. Clearly, in a committed relationship, the support of one's partner is important. Practically, support during recovery is very helpful. For the quality of the relationship, trust and transparency are invaluable.

This question has been asked several times in the past, but not too very recently. Here are a couple of threads. There are more and I recommend cruising through a few years of past threads for likely-looking titles.


Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby Jage64 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:08 pm

"repulsed" is a pretty strong word. I've never heard of anybody would was repulsed, maybe curious, disappointed, concerned, confused...but not repulsed.

For my wife, it's taken a little time to dial in the right rigidity. The first time we did it after surgery I pumped up as hard and long as I possibly could to introduce her to the new (old) me. I had visions of her nearly unconscious due to orgasmic bliss and then dropping to her knees to beg me for more.... nope.

The first few times it was uncomfortable for her, my new dick hit places in a different manner than my old dick did. We learned that her on top to control the location and movement was the best while we got this guy dialed in, so that's what we did for the first month or two.

Since then, we both know the right rigidity and have adjusted some movements to feel better for her. I can now do things I couldn't do before, and I also don't do things I used to do, all so she has as much fun as I do.

So no, nowhere close to "repulsed".
Last edited by Jage64 on Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2/22/23 AMS 700 CX 21cm + 1.5cm RTEs. 58 yrs old, wife of 37 yrs. Penoscrotal. 100ml Conceal reservoir. Dr. Clavell. Pills failing and went right to implant, skipped the injections. 12 mos. later: 7 1/2" x 5 3/4"

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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby Time2Change » Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:06 pm

My wife was skeptical before I got the implant.

That was because she doubted it would make our sex life better.

But it didn't take her long after we started having sex with my bionic dick to decide she likes it.
55; ED for 23 years; Coloplast Titan implant on 10/26/20; Dr. Martin Gross; Happy to share my experiences in private messages

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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby beachbum1 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:30 pm

My wife was very much against it originally. Thought it a total and complete waste of time and money. Day of surgery she was very quite and sullen. Wouldn't speak of it, and was not supportive during the healing process. Dont get me wrong, she did nothing to slow the process, it was more of a mental attitude. All of that came from the fact that she had lost any and all interest in sex, so the implant was totally unnessary. For a long time I would just inflate when along. Went nude when ever I could but not inflated. Finally said the heck with it and inflated around. Still do ever morning and night. Anyway 4 or 5 months ago the implant failed. Said I was getting it replaced. Wife still says it's a waste ot time and money. Told her it was for me not her. She has been much more supportive with this one. Better attitude. Still no sex but better attitude. Joke about once in awhile. If I bring it up or something up about implants the conversation isnt quickly changed as before. I guess she's accepting it and not condemning it as before. Probably still preferred I hadn't gotten it, but accepting that I did. That's something. As far as Im concerned the implant is for me and if someone else doesnt like it or is turned off, repulsed, well then thats their issue.
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First implanted AMS 700 CX 18+3, in Sept of 2016. Replacement AMS 700 CX 21+2 in August 2023

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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby dg_moore » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:02 pm

When I got my Titan in 2008 my wife had not even the s!ightest interest. Nothing has changed since then, and we have never used it. (See my signature)
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby Gt1956 » Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:36 am

My wife suggested an implant before I did. In fact she suggested it stronger the second time she brought the subject up. Watching a YouTube video of an implant surgery mellowed her a lot. She would pester our dr for Viagra samples. The day of the surgery all she could think about was me dieing on the table. Said she didn't want to go through with it.

She was out of town & sent me a text message on when the hell would I be cleared to use it. I had to drive 450 miles to show her that it worked just fine.

At first she was slow to fondle it. She got past that. I doubt she'll ever pump it. But never say never.

No, she was never repulsed by it. Might not of liked the visual during recovery but never said anything about it. Its still my dick. Still looks like my dick did. Works like my dick used to. She says shes been using that same pogo stick for 50+ years. I guess shes happy at the amusement park. What more can a man ask for? I hope I answered your question.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Any spouses/ gf's seem repulsed by IPP?

Postby Journeyman » Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:49 pm

I remember my wife saying, as she did pedaling motion with her hand, ..." So what do you do ? Crank it up ?" :lol: She was great through the whole process. I just sprung it on her one day ... " I'm gonna get an implant " I said . We had never discussed it before. She didn't know anything about implants and I wasn't sure how receptive she'd be . We went a decade without any meaningful sex and being older now , I wasn't sure if she was still interested in it . Would she be receptive to the idea ? Would I have an implant and a wife with zero sex drive ? I didn't know. What I DID KNOW was I had to do it for my mental health. To end my depression. To feel like a man again . I told her I was flying to Houston to have Dr. Clavell do the surgery. Without me asking , She scheduled 4 days off work to go with me . She knew I'd need help . She booked the flights, hotel and rental car . When I was laid up in the hotel room , she'd get me whatever I needed. It would of been so difficult and overwhelming to do all this shit by myself. I realized that this woman really does love me even though it felt as if we had drifted apart in the previous decade of celibacy. If anything the surgery saved our relationship and rekindled a romance I wasn't sure was still there . We have date nights again . Do overnights out of town for a night of dinner , drinks and passion . Life is great again and repulsed about the implant she isn't. In fact she loves my new always hard , adjustable erection. We rediscovered our passion and love for each other.
54 - Coloplast Titan 22cm , Implanted by Dr. Clavell in April 2023

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