My erections improve after deep dental cleaning.

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My erections improve after deep dental cleaning.

Postby Rufian » Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:59 pm

I'm prone to gum disease, i keep it under control by getting periodontal cleanings every 3 months, I've noticed multiple times that my erections get stronger after the cleaning but if I don't keep up with my own cleaning, flossing, etc this improvement eventually goes away, this tells me there is a physical component to my problem

this is because gum disease can damage blood vessels in the penis, the bacteria can enter the blood stream, as the disease improves, so does blood vsupplu

I also have irritable bowel syndrome constipation guess what, there are papers showing a link between IBS and higher risk for sexual dysfunction, all I can think is due to the inflammation in the body caused by this condition, it may eventually cause inflammation that may damage the blood vessels in the penis

it the same reason why diabetes can cause ED, it damages the blood vessels, and although I had a coronary scan and all before and it was zero, I can see these conditions making erections harder due to inflammation

I still get erections when alone but they don't last long, but since there is also psychological component, it complicates the situation, I'm on the spectrum and prone to anxiety, depression, things that literally kill erections

So is a double whammy a physical component and a psychological one, this is why the pills don't work well for me anymore, they used to but its been 11 years of use now

I'm on trimix, it works but I feel like every time I use it, doesn't work as amazing as before as if my body is starting to get used to it so I don't know how long that's gonna last

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