Had surgery 19.04.2023

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Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby niall4473 » Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:13 am

Well, I went into hospital for my surgery on Wednesday, a little sooner than I expected, because somebody else cancelled (nerves?) and I am now the proud owner of a Rigicon Infla 10 device.
I certainly hope that this final, drastic step is more successful than all the other things whch my wife and I have tried over the last 11 years or so, because at the moment things are very messy, swollen, bruised and painful.
I have to go back for my post-op appointment in a fortnight at which point I can start to practice.
In the meantime I have to apply "traction" to the pump in my scrotum to prevent upward migration but things are too swollen just now to begin it, did other people find this?
Good luck to all.

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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby Buzzer » Fri Apr 21, 2023 8:23 am

I had my surgery on Tuesday 4-18-2023. Wow, I am in a lot of pain right now. I have been taking oxycodone and Tylenol. I also can barely touch the pump to pull it down. I was able to grab it and move it Left and right a little bit.

My surgery was Pensrcotal, and that incision looks like a relatively small incision. I have a lot of pain where they put the reservoir and the abdomen area above my penis. That is very, very sore and makes it very hard to stand up and sit down I cannot lay down in my bed, I am sleeping in my
lounge chair in the living room.

I have been using ice as best I can but the pain is not so much in my dick but everywhere else. If you want to call me on the phone I would love to talk. Email is a very poor method of communications and what I type can be handled on the phone in just seconds.
I will send you a PM with my phone number, you can call anytime because I am not going anywhere.

I live in Michigan which is the Eastern time zone

ED for 15 years, married 49 years, age 72, wife age 70. Tried VED and Trimix both failed. AMS CX 21 cm implant installed on 4-18-2023. There are no RTE's inserted. Dr. Yooni Blair University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby Buzzer » Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:05 am

Call me 734-627-7610 home or 734-627-1083 cell I have tried to send you PM but I am having a lot trouble doing that.
ED for 15 years, married 49 years, age 72, wife age 70. Tried VED and Trimix both failed. AMS CX 21 cm implant installed on 4-18-2023. There are no RTE's inserted. Dr. Yooni Blair University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby niall4473 » Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:15 am

Hi Buzzer,
sorry but telephoning would be prohibitively expensive for me from here in the UK, I hope that we both start to feel better soon, your description of your condition sounds like exactly how I feel except I have pain in my penis as well, the reason being that the implant has to be partially inflated during insertion in order to keep it straight, similar to putting an inner tube in a tyre, when the registrar tried to deflate it yesterday she was unable to do so because my scrotum was so swollen, so it will have to stay like that now until I go back.
Hopefully the healing process has started because my equipment is now more of a crimson colour than the dark purply-black that it was this morning.
Good luck!

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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby niall4473 » Mon Apr 24, 2023 8:44 am

Today is Monday 24th April, op +5.
Still very, very tender and painful, absolutely black and blue, penis and scrotum grossly swollen, only get relief from pain by going in bath, must be due to saline being lighter than water. I expect all the above is normal and to be expected.
Still unable to deflate cylinders as unable to apply any pressure to valve due to heavily swollen scrotum,
so every time I stand up I feel as if there is a brick inside my penis pulling down on it, will this feeling go or do I need to get used to it?

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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby Buzzer » Mon Apr 24, 2023 10:23 am

My pain has not subsided. I called the urologist this AM and informed her that my pain is now a 10, 7 days after surgery. It is so bad I almost start to cry as I sit at the table to try and eat I could not eat dinner last night because the pain moving from the chair to the table was too intense. I have had other surgeries, accidents, broken bones, back problems etc. None of these hurt as much as this. My penis is swollen, but not black and blue.My scrotum is inflamed and hard to touch. I have tried Ice over and over and then a heating pad, which actually helped more than the ice.

I am taking Tylenol at the max dose, I cannot take Advil or anything else because I am diabetic. I also have oxycodone but can only take that twice a day.

I am going to insist on a better pain med plan because this regimen I am on is not working.

Last night I slept in my bed nude with the heating pad and that helped most of all, but I still can't move much.

I will update you later after I get a better plan.

ED for 15 years, married 49 years, age 72, wife age 70. Tried VED and Trimix both failed. AMS CX 21 cm implant installed on 4-18-2023. There are no RTE's inserted. Dr. Yooni Blair University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby niall4473 » Mon Apr 24, 2023 7:44 pm

Let's hope this is worth it!

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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby JohnHC » Tue Apr 25, 2023 4:44 pm

My surgery was on April 12th 2023. Penoscrotal but instead of a up/down incision he cut across ( hip to hip ). Pretty much zero pain, I took one Tylenol/codeine pill before I left the hospital, 3 the next day and 1 the day after that. Like I said pain almost non existent but man the discomfort, my penis didn't swell much but my scrotum pretty much swole up to about the size of a softball. Really hard to point the penis up and very difficult to use the restroom with it that size. I had some bruising above the penis where the reservoir was placed, my scrotum very much so and my penis as well. But that all pretty much showed up towards the end of the day after and on the 2nd day swelling was full blown. I do have a high tolerance for pain ( I've had 4 back surgeries ) and that might account for some of it. I couldn't and still haven't been able to keep mine pointed up towards my belly, but it's just the way I'm built I guess. My followup visit is on May 1, 2023 and I have questions for my Dr about a few things.
AMS 700 CX 21cm x 12mm with 1.5cm RTE, MS pump, and Conceal Reservoir. Implanted on 4-12-2023 removed and replaced 6-22-23 with the same, 1st implant surgery had pinhole leak in left cylinder, second failure tubing at connector

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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby Buzzer » Wed Apr 26, 2023 7:35 am

Update 4-26--2023, went on a new pain killer plan on Tuesday. 1 oxycodone every 4 hours and 2 regular strength Tylenol every 5 hours. This is working much better.

I take blood thinners so I cannot take Motrin which would be better at the reducing the swelling. My doctor checked me for infection etc and all is well with the implant and stitches etc.

It sounds simple just take more Oxycodone, but because the industry abused the issuing of pain meds, if your doctor prescribed more pain meds the pharmacy would not fill it. Thank you federal government.

If you are planning on this surgery, get a pain relief plan ahead of the surgery and discuss this with your doctor now. I would not wish what I have gone through the first 7 days on anyone. Your biggest struggle will be severe inflammation, and for me it was really, really bad

ED for 15 years, married 49 years, age 72, wife age 70. Tried VED and Trimix both failed. AMS CX 21 cm implant installed on 4-18-2023. There are no RTE's inserted. Dr. Yooni Blair University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Old Guy
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Re: Had surgery 19.04.2023

Postby Old Guy » Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:05 am

Buzzer wrote:update, went on new pain killer plan on Tuesday. 1 oxycodone every 4 hour and 2 regular strength Tylenol every 5 hours. This is working much better.

It sounds simple just take more Oxycodone, but because the industry anused the issuing of pain meds, if your doctor prescribed more pain meds the pharmacy would not fill it. Thank you federal government.


Glad the new pain med routine is helping you. I was the same way after my implant, extreme pain. Doc gave me hydrocodone and tramadol, they didn't do squat for my pain just made me nauseous. Getting stronger drugs was a pain because it HAD to be written, no electronic submissions. Yes, thanks government.
After doc clears you to bathe, hot baths were my morning routine for a while to ease the soreness. If pain and soreness continue I found Aspercream would knock the pain down. One small dab smeared on the shaft helped greatly. Also a kids sock with the elastic cut off makes a nice cozy cover.
Hope you feel better soon!
Nov. 8, 2019
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