AverageBloke's Implant Journal

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby AverageBloke » Mon Mar 28, 2022 2:02 am

Hi All,

Over the past year, my Peyronie's has been progressively worsening and affecting my erectile function. My Peyronie's symptoms are curvature, girth loss, narrowing and pain. I have decided to get a penile implant in order to stop this downward cycle of atrophy.

I have my penile implant surgery scheduled for the 6th of April 2022 with Dr Clavell in Houston, Texas.

Dr Clavell is a high volume implant surgeon who also specialises in Peyronie's Disease. He performs the no touch technique using a vertical penoscrotal incision. He can also do relief incisions, modelling & the scratch technique for people who suffer from Peyronie's in order to straighten the penis and regain lost length/girth. Dr Clavell requires his patients stay semi-inflated for the first 4-6 weeks after surgery.

You can watch some of his videos on his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/clavelluro

I will provide updates and share my experiences throughout this journal. I welcome everyone to contribute in order to teach myself and others about a penile implant.

Peyronie's Disease
Titan Touch 22cm - Dr Clavell 06/04/22

Posts: 177
Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:49 pm

Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby Endoftheline » Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:37 am

Wow youre so young! I wish you all the best and keep us updated. Ive heard nothing but stellar things about Clavell, trust youre in good hands
29 years old and suffered from ED for over 16 years
I had hard flaccid (Potentially Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction) , turned to long flaccid after priaprism incident.
implanted June 24 2022
24 cm XL Titan
L: 5.7 G: 5.0 (no arousal)
L:6.5 G:5.3 (aroused)

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Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby wolfpacker » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:13 am

I'm 32 and just 9 months out from getting my implant. Best decision of my life for sure. Mine was for ED not Peyronie's but I think you're making the right decision, and you're in good hands with Dr Clavell. Keep us updated!
Early 30s with ED for years from penis enlargement stretching and jelqing. Implant by Dr Eid on 24 June 2021 with a Titan 24cm with +1cm RTE on one side and -1cm cut off on the other side

My journal: viewtopic.php?t=17202

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Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby AverageBloke » Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:19 pm

Day 1 & 2 Update

I am officially a bionic male. I had my surgery done yesterday the HCA Medical Center in Houston, Texas. The hospital was world class along with the nurses and doctors. They are very welcoming, comforting and understanding. They helped me throughout the entire process. I was given three nurses, a pre-op, an op nurse and a post op nurse. My pre-op nurse took me to my room and prepared me for surgery. I was dressed in my hospital gown and then transported on a bed to the surgery waiting area. I met my op nurse, the anaesthesiologist and Dr Clavell. I had a conversation with all of them and was ready to go. The anaesthesiologist went through a screening process to ensure I could undergo anaesthesia. They then inserted some fluid into my IV bag and I was completely knocked out.

After surgery I woke up in my post-op room along with a post op nurse to help me. I was given some juice and crackers to eat. Dr Clavell came to see me and said the surgery went very well. The post op nurse waited with me till my anaesthesia wore off and I was able to pee. I walked around the post room for at least half an hour to gather myself and change back into some loose fitting clothes. I was then given a package by the nurse from the doctor. It was a Coloplast information package along with a sample pump. I also received some post op instructions. The post op nurse escorted me out of the hospital in a wheelchair to my Uber.

Once I got back to my apartment, Dr Clavell contacted me and we went through all the details. I measured 22cm and 21.5cm on each side. He inserted a 22cm Titan OTR with no RTE's. I was very happy with the result. He said the surgery went well and I should be able to deflate in 4-6 weeks. I'm going to try aim for three weeks. I've decided to stay in Houston until I'm able to deflate. I can not imagine flying back to Australia with 60-70% inflation.

Prior to the surgery, me and Dr Clavell had a lengthy discussion on how he was going to do the procedure. Since my case had curvature, narrowing and torsion. I wanted to know exactly how he was going to fix all of that. When I spoke to Dr Eid he said there was no way to fix the clockwise rotational torsion, he would only place an implant and lessen the curve. Dr Eid said that in his experience the torsion never goes away with an implant.

Dr Clavell suggested that we use a small plication at the left base to fix the torsion which would only shorten my penis by a quarter of an inch. I trusted his expert opinion because he deals with all complex Peyronie's cases which Dr Eid does not like to do extra work on.

What do you know? Dr Clavell fixed all my issues and the penis does not look smaller at all. If anything it is probably 1cm shorter due to the plication but this will come back with time through cycling.

Dr Clavell is truly a World Class Surgeon and I recommend him for anyone with complex Peyronie's cases. The surgery and hospital costed me 20k USD altogether. In comparison to Dr Eid who quoted me a much higher price and could not fix the torsion. I still respect Dr Eid as a world class surgeon but he does not like to do extra work, he only likes to place implants. So if you have Peyronie's I ultimately recommend you go see Dr Clavell. He is very understanding and goes through all the benefits and risks. He is capable of doing full penile reconstructions, relief incisions, grafting, modelling, scratch technique and plication.

I asked Dr Clavell to place my pump behind my balls and tubing deep in my scrotum. I also asked him to bury the reservoir as deep as possible and I'm very happy with the placement.

The pictures speak for themselves.

Before Surgery Picture #1: https://ibb.co/CwDJcHv

Before Surgery Picture #2: https://ibb.co/j87tSv2

After Surgery Picture #1: https://ibb.co/nmVWmXC

After Surgery Picture #2: https://ibb.co/my961S4
Peyronie's Disease
Titan Touch 22cm - Dr Clavell 06/04/22

Posts: 468
Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:20 pm

Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby MARKOS2018 » Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:29 pm

Congrats on a great outcome! Now you need patience to heal.

Best to you!
Titan implanted by Dr Eid Due to Peyronies, Implant was the only option for me.

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Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby oldbeek » Thu Apr 07, 2022 3:43 pm

WOW! That is a good price if it includes hospital cost also. In and out in one day. My implant was kept 80-90% pumped up for 4 weeks. The pain was almost unbearable. Dr would not give me anything more than Tylenol after the first week. I had some oxytocin's from an earlier back surgery that got me through. Used baby sock with a toilet paper roll over that to keep anything from touching it. Just loose shirt touching it and I would go through the roof.
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05, 4-18,, .07 1/19,.05 4/19, .03 11-21, .04 11-23, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20

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Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby Tokyo_123 » Sat Apr 09, 2022 1:17 am

AverageBloke wrote:Day 1 & 2 Update
He said the surgery went well and I should be able to deflate in 4-6 weeks. I'm going to try aim for three weeks. I've decided to stay in Houston until I'm able to deflate. I can not imagine flying back to Australia with 60-70% inflation.

Thank you for your post. Staying for four to six weeks in Houston is a long time. Are you staying in a hotel? Renting a car? To me, these expenses can really add up.

Venous Leakage (which I believe caused by my overuse of the Bathmate VED)

Dr. Clavell, August, 2022. Titan One-Touch, 24cm XL cylinders and trimmed off 0.5cm

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Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby westerntown » Sat Apr 09, 2022 2:06 pm

Hey avgbloke,

From one average bloke to another, this condition fucking sucks at our ages, and I hope this implant brings you the peace that you both want and deserve. I too want to get an implant, but I am still apprehensive at the idea.

Would you be willing to join a discord some of us young men on the site created so that we can exchange ideas quicker. The idea is that we can be there for you in this recovery, available to talk or text whenever you need, and you can be there for us as a role model for a young taking the leap first. Discord is an app that completely preserves anonymity!

Please let me know if you’d be interested avgbloke
Late 2020, penile injury. Hard flaccid like symptoms since. Flaccid Hourglassing. always turtled. Sever loss of rigidity. Unable to have penetrative sex with girlfriend. Cialis does not help. 21yo, Ca

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Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby AverageBloke » Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:51 pm

Day 3 & 4 Update

Was given the all clear to take my bandages off after 48 hours and have a shower. I have some bruising near the bottom of my shaft but the doc said it all looks normal. I've been having pain which I'm managing with Tylenol. It really is uncomfortable having an erect penis all day but I'll have to just tough it out for four weeks. I can definitely feel the implant already stretching my penis.

At the moment I'm just relaxing in my hotel room doing some work on my laptop, watching tv and laying in bed. I do walk around the apartment and clean sometimes to get exercise.

I feel some discomfort around the reservoir in my abdomen/pelvic area especially when I sneeze. Yesterday I tried stifling my sneeze and it gave me even more reservoir discomfort. I read online stifling your sneeze causes the internal pressure to increase by 5-20x. Do you guys think I caused any damage to my implant or reservoir by stifling my sneeze? Or am I just being paranoid?

Also here is an updated photo with no bandages:

Peyronie's Disease
Titan Touch 22cm - Dr Clavell 06/04/22

Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:51 pm

Re: AverageBloke's Implant Journal

Postby Figarot » Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:12 pm

Hi, looks great !!
What were your measurements before and what are now ?
29 yo, mild to moderate erectile disfunction

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