I'll Happily Accept A Shorter, Rock-Hard Dick To Replace A Longer, Limp Noodle

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:56 am

Re: I'll Happily Accept A Shorter, Rock-Hard Dick To Replace A Longer, Limp Noodle

Postby Cigar56 » Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:11 pm

LuisFernandez wrote:i don't think so. this seems like a defeatist attitude to me. i think one should do whatever possible to have the best possible outcomes:

- use daily VED to keep bloodflow and stretch the penis
- use light traction so that if there is loss the gains from traction will offset them
- choose a high volume surgeon with plenty of testimonials of good slight oversize
- cycle as early as possible, go with a surgeon who will have you activating as early as 3 days after surgery
- cycle, cycle, and cycle daily
- choose a surgeon that slightly oversizes and uses the penoscrotal approach
- take daily cialis
- make sure you've tried injections for several months

Sure you "do whatever possible to have the best possible outcomes."

But what if "whatever possible" is not good enough? What then do you do?
I've tried everything -- pills, injections pumps -- and now I am at the final frontier.

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