Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

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Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby Captain1117 » Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:06 pm


I have read in several posts that both AMS and Coloplast are great implants.
Doe snayone know why then AMS dominates the marketshare strongly.

From Dr.Kramers website

"AMS vs. Coloplast

AMS was the first implant made and placed initially in 1973. This brand has enjoyed a “first to market” advantage. Currently, AMS still enjoys a majority in the world, especially globally- one possible reason is still the fact that this device was the first to be produced. Indeed, in the world today, roughly 70% of implants placed today are AMS (now Boston Scientific), and 30% are Coloplast Titan implants.

The pros and cons are much LESS important than who does your surgery- so in good hands, both devices are excellent treatment options. The success rate of both devices is roughly equivalent- so one device is not clearly better than the other, but rather they have both been successfully used."

Thoughts ?
" The greatest benefit of an implant is that a man stops thinking about ED."-Dr.Eid

48, healthy, straight, single.ED after turning 40. AMS LGX implanted by Dr.Yonah Krakowski in June 2023.

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby Gt1956 » Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:28 pm

I suspect that there're several reasons. Mainly, "first to market" staked out the broadest potential group of men. Coloplast was forced to market to the group that were marginally served by AMS. I feel & my surgeon pretty much agreed that Coloplast's share would be smaller if it wasn't for the name of their implant. What man isn't attracted to "Titan"? Even Dr. Kramer mentions in one of his videos that Titan is a great name.
In the back of my mind I wonder if some of the Titan failures aren't related to the patients insisting on a Titan when they don't fit the guidelines for that implant very well.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby Charlie2019 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:01 am

Gt1956 wrote:I suspect that there're several reasons. Mainly, "first to market" staked out the broadest potential group of men. Coloplast was forced to market to the group that were marginally served by AMS. I feel & my surgeon pretty much agreed that Coloplast's share would be smaller if it wasn't for the name of their implant. What man isn't attracted to "Titan"? Even Dr. Kramer mentions in one of his videos that Titan is a great name.
In the back of my mind I wonder if some of the Titan failures aren't related to the patients insisting on a Titan when they don't fit the guidelines for that implant very well.

Exactly... Here's a few more...
- inhibizone antibiotic coating,
- enhances length and girth,
- no dog ears
- no semi all the time
- easy pump
53 years old. 3 botched circumcisions starting at 3 years old. 2 botched reconstructive attempts, finally got the AMS LGX on Dec 14, 2017 in London Ontario by Dr. Gerry Brock. Great Dr. Love my implant

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby Captain1117 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:14 am

But then I read Dr Eid and Dr.Kramer mention cooloplast has lots of positives too.

" The greatest benefit of an implant is that a man stops thinking about ED."-Dr.Eid

48, healthy, straight, single.ED after turning 40. AMS LGX implanted by Dr.Yonah Krakowski in June 2023.

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby Gt1956 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:34 am

Captain1117 wrote:But then I read Dr Eid and Dr.Kramer mention cooloplast has lots of positives too.


Nowhere did my post say that they were bad. It was my statement that they are designed for men that fit a slightly different patient set of requirements. They are named to appeal to men's egos. Totally different. The name attracts men that might not fit the design criteria. Thus you have men clamoring for the Titan name that the implant isn't the best fit for.
Here is a different way to look at it. Of all of the body implants on the market. Joints, pacemakers and so on. The surgeon decides what make & model is best for the patient. Penile implants & breast implants are the only ones that I can think of where the patient gets much, if any, say in what they receive.
Another example. My wife has a girlfriend who's bf is convinced that he is hung & great in bed. The girl know otherwise on both counts. It's hard to think that this guy would accept any implant other than something named "Titan". Likely he is a very poor Titan patient.
He had prostate cancer last year. I need to see how he is doing.
My advice is to have an open mind discussion with your surgeon about which implant is best for you. He should be able to tell you what he thinks is best in your situation.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby Captain1117 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:47 am

I am not disagreeing with what you said. ..

If we assume that
1. Coloplast is more attractive to patients because of the name Titan
2. Surgeons decide what brand is a best option for a particular patient(and they are not biased)


We would see at least 50 50 market share or a little bit more in favour of Coloplast.

These two assumptions doesnt rexplain why Coloplast has 30 percent market share.
thats what I am trying to understand..
" The greatest benefit of an implant is that a man stops thinking about ED."-Dr.Eid

48, healthy, straight, single.ED after turning 40. AMS LGX implanted by Dr.Yonah Krakowski in June 2023.

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby DaveKell » Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:22 pm

I don't know if Coloplast has a program similar to what AMS has? There are roughly 140 guys like me nationwide who routinely speak at patient educational seminars with urologists about our ED treatment journey ending with an implant by AMS and the perceived benefits versus everything else. I've done seminars now for going on two years for the urologist who implanted me. I recently queried his office as to whether there was anything he'd like me to modify or add to my presentation. I was told "keep on doing what you're doing. We implanted four guys this week who heard you speak". Personally, the name Titan does nothing for my ego though that's what I am in bed now with an AMS implant. Plain old Working Dick suits me rather fine. Definite life changing procedure.
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby Gt1956 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:20 pm

Captain1117 wrote:I am not disagreeing with what you said. ..

If we assume that
1. Coloplast is more attractive to patients because of the name Titan
2. Surgeons decide what brand is a best option for a particular patient(and they are not biased) then

We would see at least 50 50 market share or a little bit more in favour of Coloplast.

These two assumptions doesnt rexplain why Coloplast has 30 percent market share.
thats what I am trying to understand..

Just for the sake of an example. Let's say that the Titan is perfect for 10% of the men in our society. Then you could easily come to the conclusion that the name is responsible for tripling their market share.
As I implied very early in my post. AMS likely did a complete study of men in order to develope an implant that fit the majority of men's bodies. That is what they brought to market. I highly doubt that they designed to fit 50%. Just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe they designed to fit slightly over the 70% market that they currently have. I'm not privy to that info. Just a guy the is working my own logic into the choices that need to be made in my case.
It looks to me like the LGX easily supports a 6" erection & up to maybe a 2" diameter. Erection length is dependant upon cuse depth. Girth is dependant upon my body. An honest memory of my glory days tells me that those numbers are about where I might of been.
I've been with my wife since our early teen's. I know that I used to hit her coil string. It hurt me but bashing her cervix didn't hurt her. Her gynecologist once told her that her cervix was fairly deep & he was surprised that she never had trouble getting pregnant.
I've tried to piece together as many things as I could in order to get to the point of being fairly confident of my best old size.
My surgeon told me that he only used AMS. He thinks that he might be the leading implanter in the Intermountain West. To get a Coloplast high volume guy would require me to travel about 800 miles. Yes, I'm taking a gamble but it looks like a fairly safe bet.
The only & the best advice that I can give fellow members is to measure your dick the correct way. Be honest with yourself & spend a lot of time thinking about the old days. Don't let visions of an 8" dick get in the way of reality.
I have seen two National penis studies that both put me in the 70th percentile on both length & girth. I always thought that I was only average at best. Please don't lie to yourself about your old self. It is my belief that is the quickest way to be unhappy with your implant. My surgeon was very quick to tell me that unrealistic memories are at the root of most surgery gripes. Don't be that guy.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby Waynetho » Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:39 pm

My doctor told me flat-out that with my dimensions, the Titan was not the choice for me and I would be getting an AMS CX. When I asked about the LGX, he said it had some issues over the CX and either didn't elaborate or I don't recall.

Now the odd thing is, my semi-erect size was about 5" BPL with a 4.5" girth before surgery but my doctor said no to a titan. About a month or so later I emailed Dr. Eid regarding some concerns I had and was thinking I might need a revision: 15cm CX implant, 15cm length, virtually no proximal penetration of rear-tips (0.9" + 0.25" depth under glans).

Dr. Eid was puzzled why my doctor chose the CX over the Titan, going as far as to ask me if I was particularly thin of stature (I was about 220 lb and 5.9" at time of surgery).

This tells me that every doctor's criteria for choosing Titan vs CX or LGX is different. Obviously Dr. Eid would have been inclined to use a Titan based on his questions to me. My doctor told me it wasn't a good fit for me.
62yo, married 41 yrs. Urolift (x4) 8/12/19. AMS 700CX 15cm (no RTE) penoscrotal 10/28/19, Frisco, TX. PD 1995/ED 2011. Cialis helped but hinged. (1995)L:6/G:5.5+, (2019)Pre-op L:5/G:4.5, (2/2020)L:6.0/G:5.0

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Re: Why AMS continues to have 70 percent market share?

Postby TANGERINE » Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:08 pm

The reason that AMS is market leader is nicely stated by charlie2019 who writes:
AMS market leader:
Here's some more reasons...
- inhibizone antibiotic coating,
- enhances length and girth,
- no dog ears
- no semi all the time
- easy pump

But , in contrast, The reason that really experienced surgeons use the titan is that it has larger girth, and men (and occasionally their partners) really want the girth.

Here is a quote from lknron (he has a beautiful young 35 year old wife):
Lknron writes:
Regarding Renee my wife, She expressed the much appreciated change in girth and hardness. That was straight from a woman's mouth. No pun intended. LOL

The "change" was compared to his original dick. Apparently, she craved something with wider girth. Others have stated similar desires to me --- they really like the thickness.

But, do consider that Penis girth is a double edge sword. If your woman is postmenopausal, or has a really small vagina, the titan will be too much for her. Sex will hurt, and you (and her) may wish you had the AMS. Likely, the AMS will be comfortable for all women. The Titan will please some in a "oh my god" fashion, but the AMS might be described as "Oh my, that is a perfect fit"

I remember quite well a testimonial written by a doctor named doctor ben. He stated:

doctor named ben .. testimonial here on franktalk in 2010 see below for the url),

"women like hardness, hardness, hardness, and then girth".

SO, the good news is that both titan and AMS can get hard enough to please even the most demanding judging woman.

So the GOOD NEWS is that women will like both the Titan and the AMS. In fact , there was a scientific survey comparing partner satisfaction between AMS CX and Titan coloplast, and the results showed no significant difference . However, I believe that study was limited, I think , since they only asked long term partners who had no comparison with the other brand.

In my dreams, the best study would be as follows:
Four bionic men (two of them coloplast and two of them AMS)
100 women (differing age groups)

All 100 women sleep with the four guys and then they answer a survey regarding if they liked the coloplast penis or the AMS penis better. Alas, for obvious reasons, this study aint going to get done. (though I volunteer as one of the subjects if anyone is listening)

For me, I really like my titan because it is a beast of a sex machine. That being said, Charlie2019 does say it well as quoted above regarding the positives of AMS.

SUMMARY: a key to happiness is "wanting what you got rather than getting what you want"

"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

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