I need to rent another ball sack…

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I need to rent another ball sack…

Postby WhiteCane » Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:59 pm

To fill everyone in or remind others, I’ve got this ping pong size bulge going on in my left cylinder in my scrotum… Between that, the tubes, and the pump, and thing one and two, there’s no legroom… The left cylinder only goes to the bottom of my frenulum… I think it is impeding on the growth of the right cylinder… When I’m deflated, I am at about 230… When I am inflated, it plugs into my stomach… It measures the exact same hard and soft but there is definitely a difference in rigidity… It’s just how it sits. Anyway, I was finally able to make an appointment with Dr. Kramer… i’m going to see him next Wednesday… I don’t think it’s something that was his fault but I’m a little peeved that I just got this thing back in October… i’m on anti-rejection medicines and prednisone… I am immuno suppressed pretty fierce… The less I have to open my body to infection, the better… so, again I find myself choosing between my sex life or threatening my transplanted pancreas and kidney… not to mention, I’m sure the implant itself is under warranty but the surgery itself will not be covered… thank God for a good girlfriend, Family, and you guys my main support system… also, it’s not painful unless I’m cycling and it’s pressing against my scrotum… It’s rather annoying to have an already smaller than you are used to penis by a few inches and then only have 3 1/2 inches to use for penetration because of a giant ball on the left side LOL…
Implanted October 2019 Dr. Kramer lgx 18 cm +2 rear tips. Preop at 6.75 post op 5.25... awaiting revision… Implanted for possibility of having our first child.

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Re: I need to rent another ball sack…

Postby Tsanchez12369 » Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:32 pm

The cylinder is bulging and he didn’t get the cylinders 1/2 way into the glans? Is it a Titan or AMS? I hope Dr Kramer will cover his fees if the cylinders were not placed properly in the glans
Sept 11, 2018: excision, grafting (human cadever tissue) and implant. Doc is Dr Edward Karpman in Mountain View, surgery at El Camino Hospital, LOS Gatos CA. AMS 700 CX infrapubic 18 cm + 3 cm RTE. http://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php

Posts: 350
Joined: Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:10 pm

Re: I need to rent another ball sack…

Postby WhiteCane » Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:00 pm

I have an 18+ 2LGX… before this, I had 6.75 on stretch… which is roughly 17 cm… I don’t get how any of the MathWorks out but guys with similar size say they have about the same… judging by his videos and what the majority of people say, the guy is very very dedicated to getting the right size and I truly believe that… I think it’s the bulge kind of taking all the fluid that the cylinder usually would or something like that? I originally wanted a titan so I didn’t have to play the cycling game as long as with the LGX… My Viagra erections hit 6.75 but they were very rare in occurrence so I assumed there wasn’t any scar tissue or anything… It was just a safer practice because of my transplants and immunosuppression… Sorry if this is more information than you needed LOL…
Implanted October 2019 Dr. Kramer lgx 18 cm +2 rear tips. Preop at 6.75 post op 5.25... awaiting revision… Implanted for possibility of having our first child.

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