Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

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Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby GruffHunter » Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:42 pm

I'm pretty sure it's just a phase, but this whole implant really had me down today, in spite of the fact that the op went great.

My implant was Jan 7. I haven't inflated yet (Doc has that scheduled for Feb 26), so I havent seen or 'felt' a full erection yet, and I sure as hell havent fucked.

But here's what I *have* experienced:

6 weeks of not being able to do normal physical activity, and the growing fear that my dick is always going to be in the way of even simple things, like bending over and putting on socks. A cold dick. Leaking a bit much after peeing, and dry orgasms with cum leaking out 5 minutes later. Mechanics in my balls. A constant chubby. Hard Things in my dick that squeak and feel hard from the outside.

If I'm totally honest, given my current situation, if my choice was to have all this, or to not have it and never get hard again...I'd actually choose *not* to get the implant. It's hard to imagine that the episodic positive effect it will have will outweigh the 24/7 annoyance of its presence. Right now, I regret the decision.

I know that once I get to pumping it up, this may change. I hope so.

Sorry for the downer of a post, but reality isn't always rainbows and puppy dogs...
Gruff Hunter, 59, Titan (24 cm + 1 inch extenders) implanted by Dr Gross, 07 Jan 2017. Gay/open marriage, Chester, VT, USA

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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby Xomanow » Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:04 pm

It takes time to heal.....and after that, time to break in and to adapt.....I was having sex 6 weeks after my implant.....yes, there was pain, uncomfortableness, strangeness.....and all of the things that I had to get used the 6 month mark I was fine.....that was 2 years ago and the only time I think about being bionic is when I log in here.....the implant has given me a new lease on life.....there's no reason that it shouldn't do the same for you.....
Implanted Jan 4 2017 by Dr. Eid - 70 yo and single...ED gradually over 15 yrs...tired of pills, injections, cock rings....happy with my choice and results. Titan OTR - one 20cm cylinder - one 20cm+1 RTE...."got a rocket in my pocket"....

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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby AirWolf » Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:54 pm

I think all implantees will have one or more of the issues you have listed.

I certainly have experienced everything except the dry orgasm -- that's a bit concerning for sure and I would follow up with my doctor, but that may heal with time too. It took me two months before I was about 50% healed and four months before 95%. The first several weeks of having sex with the implant (weeks 6-10 or so) intercourse was *very* slow. But after 4 - 6 months I got back to having sex as vigorously as I wanted.

Some of the things you've mentioned definitely got better. A few things are now new normals -- for example, I am more aware of my flaccid penis than I ever was before, but that's a small price to pay for all I can do now. The tip of my penis is colder, but with sexual stimulation the head engorges and gets as warm and full as my natural erection did, or at least 90% of the natural one -- it is definitely more than good enough.

I remember at week 8 trying to go mountain biking. With each pedal stroke I could feel the pump moving between my balls and it was mildly uncomfortable -- I had to pedal with my knees spread apart. But by week 16 I don't feel the pump at all and I'm biking the same as before the implant.

I still dribble more than I'd like and usually put a tissue on the tip of my penis after peeing at night so it doesn't dribble onto my PJs. The few minor inconveniences are just new normals for me and again, totally worth it to me.

Here's hoping you heal well and enjoy this new life
ED since 35 with no known cause -- injections successful for over a decade with 10/1/30 and less than 20units but that became ineffective. Implanted penoscratally by Dr. Kramer of Baltimore on 9/13/17 with AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 0.5cm RTE at 47 years old

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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby LMCatman » Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:13 pm

Once you can fuck, you'll see...... IT'S WORTH IT!!
73 Years old. RP Oct 2010, No erections after, Botched Titan implant April, 2013, Successful Titan revision, April , 2014 by Dr. Paul Perito, Miami. Titan failure Feb 2017. Rev. by Dr Perito March 1st, 2017. Titan failure Nov 2020. New Titan January 2021

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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby kosh200 » Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:17 pm


Hanging out in Limbo is not fun. You are healed enough to feel normal, but not enough to continue with “ business as usual” sex. Without being able to test the waters, you are forced to wallow in fear and dread:,which lead to pessimism.

The day after I was activated, I almost ended up in the ER because the incision opened up real bad. Then, I needed another surgery to clean out the sac with antibiotics, a night in the hospital and a deflated ego.

Well, I am five months out and the best thing I can tell you is two-fold. Things will never be the same as when you were problem free. BUT- your reward is right around the corner. Good things are abound for you, my friend! A switch has turned on in my wife( and certainly myself) and we are excited for what the future holds!!

Everyone can tell you to be patient, but in your present sitch- it’s easier to look at the doom and gloom. My advise to you is don’t look for the end result... look closer. Be excited for your activation. Be excited for your first solo but. Be excited (but keep the bar low) for your first time with your husband, be excited when you start to get used to it. Be excited when the sex is out of this world!!! The rest will fall into place and peeing a little won’t be so bad
45 years old. Diagnosed with Peyronies over 5 years ago. Successfully implanted on 9/6/18 with a Coloplast Titan 18 cm + 3 cm RTEs 4.5”-1st Activation, 6.25” three months of cycling. Dr. Levine. Chicago, Illinois

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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby Opie52 » Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:33 pm

The cold dick thing was seriously depressing and I didn’t think I would ever be happy with this until a week ago, now my tip is warm and everything is finally feeling better, it takes so much patience and time to heal. Hang in there. Oh and I got my length back also.
AMS 700 cx implanted on 9/14/18 in Iowa city, Iowa
42 years old peyronies disease

Lost Sheep
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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:08 pm

GruffHunter wrote:I'm pretty sure it's just a phase, but this whole implant really had me down today, in spite of the fact that the op went great.

My implant was Jan 7. I haven't inflated yet (Doc has that scheduled for Feb 26), so I havent seen or 'felt' a full erection yet, and I sure as hell havent fucked.

But here's what I *have* experienced:

6 weeks of not being able to do normal physical activity, and the growing fear that my dick is always going to be in the way of even simple things, like bending over and putting on socks. A cold dick. Leaking a bit much after peeing, and dry orgasms with cum leaking out 5 minutes later. Mechanics in my balls. A constant chubby. Hard Things in my dick that squeak and feel hard from the outside.

If I'm totally honest, given my current situation, if my choice was to have all this, or to not have it and never get hard again...I'd actually choose *not* to get the implant. It's hard to imagine that the episodic positive effect it will have will outweigh the 24/7 annoyance of its presence. Right now, I regret the decision.

I know that once I get to pumping it up, this may change. I hope so.

Sorry for the downer of a post, but reality isn't always rainbows and puppy dogs...

Do you still have the post-op partial inflation? Once that is over and done with, things are much more comfortable. As far as having an extra occupant in your scrotum, you get used to that, learn to move right (my biggest discomfort was in getting out of my car). The post-void dribble will lessen. I have no advice on the delayed semen. It may be an artifact of the partial inflation.

Once you are having the kind of sex of which you were totally incapable of before the operation, I expect you will have a change of heart. If not, please seek advice from your medical team and here. They need to know if anything went wrong and we need to know possible downsides. Future implantees will appreciate it.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby tomas1 » Mon Feb 18, 2019 4:33 pm

Damn, none of my business but why so long to cycling?
I was implanted on 1/22 and have had sex on 2/15 and 2/18.
I had no complications though, and have absolutely no pain.
I'm getting used to my chubby, but boxer briefs and lots of down time in PJ bottoms give me room to roam.

On a totally other tack, Both my testicles seem to be gone.
There seems to be mush in there.
Hopefully they are hiding someplace, but I don't seem to be able to find them.
I did take T shots and obviously am not going to reproduce, so I'm not concerned.
I'll bring that up to my non-communicative uro when I see him in April, I believe.

I hope thing look up when you are cycling.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby David_Webb » Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:30 pm


I definitely had a few days/weeks of feeling like I made a huge mistake and felt hopeless I had made an irreversible decision that will forever haunt me... it took a few months post surgery before I started to feel like I made the right decision.

As others will say it takes time to feel better and get comfortable with this decision. Doesn’t help right now but you are informed of all of the issues you need to watch out for and have the support of a great doctor and fellow brothers.

Hang in there man!
New Hampshire, 42, Diagnosed with ED early 20’s. VL Left side, Implanted 7-9-18, Dr. Gross, Titan OTR, 22cm +1 RTE, Penoscrotal.

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Re: Serious Buyer's Remorse today....

Postby George03 » Mon Feb 18, 2019 6:52 pm

I felt the same way for a while. First activation 1 month after surgery, hurt like hell for a while. Learned to pump better. First sex about 5 weeks after activation. Still discomfort at the time, not as much length or girth as I would like. Could pump all the way when using as too much discomfort. Got better along the way. Last month, 3 months after activation and 4 months after surgery, length and girth much better, not much discomfort at full pump when using for the intended purpose. Doc said length and girth would continue to expand for at least a year. Hang in there, and read this forum. For most, it is a long journey!
Prostate removal August 2017, AMS 700 LGX Implant August 2018 60's, generally good shape and health. PSA zero so far.

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