who to tell or not?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: who to tell or not?

Postby 3rd-Nut » Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:22 pm

I think those who have had a prostatectomy would only have to say that they needed to have some scar tissue removed that resulted from that operation which was causing some problems. I doubt that very few people would ask for further details.
PC 2006, AMS 700 LGX implanted 18+3, 2012, Dr. Paolone in Madison, WI- Married 47 yrs.

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Re: who to tell or not?

Postby dirtman1993 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:51 am

I have talked to others about my implant and another couple viewed my surgery and photos of my erection. After viewing and learning, he got his implant with Dr. Kramer and is a rabbit again. They are both very happy. Not sure what the difference is between this and breast reconstruction. It is medical procedure and I have no problem telling or showing anyone who needs help.

Guys, man up and help others as there many out there. If you have a friend who had prostate surgery, talk to him about options as he may not be able to have an erection again. Tell him about dr. Kramer and all the videos on YouTube. Help him as guys lie about there penis and we have been since school.
Implanted March 2nd by Dr. Kramer with AMS/LGX. Had a problem lower left (scar tissue) and he placed a larger (thicker) implant as you can here on the YouTube video. Got all back, ED over 10 years before Implant.

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Re: who to tell or not?

Postby andrew1959nj » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:56 am

I'm going through the same thing when my partner told her adult daughter that I was scheduling surgery having had two unrelated surgeries already this year. Several years ago the same daughter found my trimix in the freezer and asked her mother, Is that some kind of cock medicine? LOL
60 years old. MS and Severe ED 10+ years. Pills and injections never worked well. Implanted 5/16/2019 by Dr. Sadeghi. Titan 20cm + 2cm RTE.


Re: who to tell or not?

Postby Larry10625 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:10 am

DaveKell wrote:I've said many times on this forum I'm completely against the idea of hiding the fact that you have an implant. When I say that I'm specifically talking about if you are bedding a woman for the first time and are terrified she'll discover something is amiss with your ball sack. Of course, us married guys will never face that unless one of us strays outside our marriage. That won't be me. I simply see no benefit in putting that stress on yourself to hide the fact you are now bionic. It's as if you want to replace the previous stress of ED with the need to hide your implant from discovery. I've imagined myself in this position, back with any number of the women I slept with before I was married. I'd have had no hesitation to say "hey let me show this phenomenal bionic apparatus in my dick!". The fact that you are now going to be capable of outlasting any other guy she knows is worth being up front about it.

I speak at seminars with urologists to men seeking help for their ED plague. When I signed on to do it my wife said "how are we going to explain to our (adult) kids where we're going?". I told her not to worry, I took care of it with a detailed email to all 3 of them. My daughter later said she thought it was a joke, owing to my reputation for a twisted sense of humor. My oldest son said he wondered why his parents seemed so happy of late. None of them were traumatized or scarred with the new knowledge. I've told almost all of my friends I'm still in touch with and in so doing learned one of them recently had an RP surgery and was worried about not being able to have sex anymore. I've counseled him through about a dozen phone calls now and he's looking into an implant. Same story with a brother in law. I'm convinced we all know at least a few guys who could benefit from us being forthright with our story, we just don't know who they are yet. I mean, when was the last time one of your friends said "ya know Bob, I just haven't been able to get it up for a long time and my marriage is suffering because of it"? Statistically, if we have at least 5 friends, one of them might have an issue. And Bob is never going to know about your restored sexuality until you bring it up.

Atta boy Dave. If we were women who survived breast cancer and got a breast implant, there would be flags, banners, balloons, streamers, TV cameras, parades, etc. but, a guy who has overcome ED is kinda expected to remain silent. Not me. I sat my family down and told them the whole story so I didn't have to worry about what lie I told. I explain to them that doctor Brock was going to fix my "tiny penis" as Floridabionic would say. Unfortunately, I had to wait 6 months because I went into septic shock and then my "tiny penis" got worse when Dr. Brock decided that saving me from cardiac arrest was a little more important then the vanity of preserving the space with a malleable implant and the vanity of temporarily losing 3cm. See, I am quite happy (as is my wife) with my outcome even if Dr. Floridabionic disagrees. So Dave, I guess we will be in a very small group of ED survivors shouting our joy from any mountain top, anywhere. :)



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Re: who to tell or not?

Postby Happy Toy » Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:14 am

I too have a friend who had prostate surgery about a year ago, and will be seeing him in a few weeks and plain on bringing the subject up. If he is open to more information I will tell and even show him as much as he wants to know/see :o . I am very blessed that I have not had some of the life changing problems like prostate cancer, etc. that some of my other brothers here have had. My only problem is that my dick just would not stay hard. Sometimes I feel like a wuss compared to what some of you have gone through, so I want to share what I have now with anyone that wants to find a solution, whatever the cause, to their ED problems. I think that is what this great site is for.
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 79yrs., married 56 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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Re: who to tell or not?

Postby 3rd-Nut » Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:30 am

I did not have lie to anyone about what my operation was about. We are empty nesters and all kids live at 100-2000 miles away. On the day before the op I walked out the door, drove myself to the airport 50 miles away, got on the plane and flew to Madison, WI. Had the implant op by a great doctor. He kept me overnight and I stayed one night in a hotel, then flew home on the 4th day. This was the 1st of Dec. so we had no company until Christmas and I was well enough healed that no one noticed my discomfort. I flew back to Madison after 7 weeks and Dr. Paolone turned me loose with my new bionic penis.
I did tell the taxi driver that I had received a new bionic penis, he just stared at me and said, "What"?

So no one from home even knew I left town, let alone had operation. My mother and a brother and sister live near by but didn't know I was gone either time. So I have no reason to lie or even tell anyone unless I want to. I told one of my good friends that lives 1200 miles away, that I only see once every 10 years.

I have talked to 2 not real close friends that have had prostatectomies. One that I broached the subject with is in his mid-70's said he was not interested with sex with his wife because they were too old now and her back would not allow the strain.
The other one, I got started on using a pump to get him ready for an implant. But before I could talk to him about the implant, he came to me saying using the pump made him feel really horny and guilty ( apparently it was working) so he had stopped using it. I told him to have his wife help him with it. He said they had ended up with a divorced daughter and 3 kids now living with them in their small home with no privacy, so he was just giving it up.
So far I have struck out trying to help some one except for those I may have helped on this forum and others I have been on.
PC 2006, AMS 700 LGX implanted 18+3, 2012, Dr. Paolone in Madison, WI- Married 47 yrs.

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Re: who to tell or not?

Postby MK1965 » Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:12 am

My wife and also my 2 daughters know about my surgery and what it was for. All 3 of them are healthcare workers. My younger daughter had day off on my surgery day and stayed with her mother in waiting area while I was in surgery and they talked to doctor at the end of surgery.
I think it would be fulish to hide from them when we are in the same house most of the time. We are very open minded family.
For the rest, Family and friends, I sad I have surgery for hernia repair and to correct damages from RP. No one asked about specifics of the surgery.
IPP 9/5/18; TITAN OTR 18 +1cm RTE,Prostate Ca at 51 y/o; RARP 11/2/16, ED Post RP, Cialis, Viagra, VED,TRIMIX painful, BIMIX ineffective,lost 2+ inches of length after RP. Revision 12/2/20 by Dr Clavell, AMS 700 CX, L 21 R 21+1.5 RTE.

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