Well I did it! Today

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby Donnie1954 » Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:11 pm

Thanks Jim and Rod,
Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated. I'll use this discussion board for future updates. I'm excited about joining the 'bionic brotherhood '.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby Donnie1954 » Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:18 pm

Why a second implant. I'm having a AMS 700 put in Monday October 3rd.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby beachbum » Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:53 am

Day 18: Just a quick update. First some replys. I agree that when all else has faied then the implant is the way to go. But you need to be aware that sometimes it doesn't work or other issues can come up. Like I said I would recommend it but know all you can. Know that you may lose length but remember that 5" working dick beats the hell out of 7" limp one.

Ddbryan1972, I wish you all the best of luck. Will be thinking about you tomorrow. Read a lot of the post here on the forum and you have a good idea of what to expect. I think that will help you out in the long run. Did me.

I want to thank everyone for their comments.
OK. The pain/discomfort is all but gone. Get a twinge every once in awhile but other than that nothing. Sitting us almost a non issue. Some cloths still a little uncomfortable at times but nothing to worry about. The swelling is way down. The balls are about half again their normal size. Pubic pad still up but not as bad. Bruising is fading everyday. Just a few places left. Can position the penis in any direction I want, up, down,right, left, with out any pain. As I said before I was able to pump at day 10. Didn't do a lot but did pump. Over the next couple of days only pump once or twice. But the last 3 days or so been going at quite often. Not pump all the way and not to where there is much pain. Been leaving it up for30 to 40 min at a time. Also pump in the shower, in the morning, and at night. Really like in the morning, get to walk around with a nice Woody while having morning coffee LOL :D . Sometimes I will leave it fully deflated sometimes just a pump or two. Still trying to pull down on the pump to get it lower in the sack but i I think it is stiched and wont move. I go back to the Dr Thursday and will ask him.

Tried to get some kind of measurement yesterday with it pumped as much as I could without a lot of pain and I got 5 3/4L, 4 5/8G. Not very big either way but still early. Before surgery I was able to strech to 7" so I've lost some but my Dr said it would take some time to get to full length and girth.

So as of this time I can honestly say that I am very happy with almost everything. The pump location and size are my only concern. BUT if thats the way they will be from now on, I can live with it and still be very happy because as I said before IT WORKS. It gets hard and stays hard.
Mentally I'm feeling really good. I feel that I can tell a difference in my attitude about other things. I don't seem to be depressed as much. Depressed might not be the right word. Maybe down would be better. Just knowing that I have gotten this fixed make me feel better. Not that I worried about it all the time but it was there. Now that worry is no longer there and thst feel good.
So thats about it for now. Will update again in a few days. Good luck to all who have upcoming surgeries. I hope all the best.
71. ED for about 10+ years to one extent or another. Implanted 9/14/2016 AMS CX 18+3 Fl/ Ky

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Postby merrix » Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:06 pm

My sincerest congratulations on your successful (it seems) surgery.

Couldn't help smile for myself as I read through your whole thread just now. Great story in itself and very well told.
I think it is fair to say that as you describe things in terms of pain and the way you are already cycling the implant - the chances are very much in your favor that your doc has done a great job and that you can loo forward to a well working implant.
Congrats again!

I also want to tell you that from my point of view, your thread is the kind that really helps people. Well balanced and very detailed. I also like your neutral tone in advising others. Just describe your situation as it is in as much detail as possible, and let others judge what to make of it.

I wish you all the best in the future. With the implant as well as life in general.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby beachbum » Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:51 am

3 week+: A short update. 23 days out and things are really doing well. Went to see my Dr yesterday for a check up and first "official " inflation. He was very happy with the turn out. Put in his notes that the initial cycle resulted in a straight and long erection. Told me how to pump and what to hold a when doing it. I did tell him that I had already cycled it a few times and he was OK with that. I asked him about the pump because I thought it may be too high but he said it's right where it needs to be. Asked about regaining the lost length but he was not very positive about that. But that is something that only time will tell.

Physically everything seems to be doing just great. Almost no pain at all. The only pain is when I pump it up hard then I can feel the cylinders expanding in both girth and some length. Bruising is gone except for a spot on the side of the gland and thats close to being gone. Swelling is still there but slowly goine down. It's not bad but I know it's there. The tips go half to 3/4 into the gland when pumped seems to give good support. I have good sensitivity in the gland it self. A little numbness in the base of the shaft but I think that is to be expected with all the trauma that it went through. Over all I'm very pleased with how its turning out.

Mentally I'm pleased. When it's pumped up it is straight and very hard. And as far as I'm concerned looks great. Not huge, girth or length but, but still very nice and I like that.
Now am I out of my mind crazy happy with it, no. If i want an erection I have to find the pump, get ahold of the tubes or block to keep it from moving around and pump for a minute or two and hope it doesn't slip and smack into one of my balls. Then when done find the release button and squeeze the shaft to let it down.
Now am I happy with it, yes. If i want an erection I have to find the pump, get ahold of the tubes or block to keep it from moving around and pump for a minute or two and hope it doesn't slip and smack into one of my balls. Then when done find the release button and squeeze the shaft to let it down.
To me it all depends on how you look at it. The same thing that makes it not ideal is what makes it great. Is it natural, no but in my case and I'm sure in every case of those who get the implant that whats normal and natural before the implant was a limp dick. Thats why we go through all of this.
For me I think this was one of the best decision I've made in a while. As i I have said earlier due to my wife's non interest in sex as of now, I may only get to use it solo. That could change and we can only hope. But if that's the case, just the feeling of well being that I have gotten from the knowledge of knowing that I can have an erection and have sex when ever the opportunity comes has made the decision well worth it. I just don't feel broken anymore.

Again thanks for the replys and comments. And thanks to merrix for you kind words. I have followed your journey for awhile and it gave a lot of insight as to what was to come and what to look for thorugh this possess.
And once again to all of those who are waiting to have it done Best of Luck and Best Wishes for a fast, good, recovery and results.

Thats about it for now. Will post another update in a few days.
71. ED for about 10+ years to one extent or another. Implanted 9/14/2016 AMS CX 18+3 Fl/ Ky

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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby beachbum » Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:13 pm

Well it's just shy of 6 weeks now. Everything is going very well. Swelling is gone for the most part. No bruising at all. Been cycling now sence day 10. Cycle at least twice a day for around an hour or so. More often when I can. And leave it pumped up sometimes for a couple of hours. Pumped it up to where it started to burn/hurt and measured. 4 3/4 girth and 6 1/4 length hard pressed to the bone. About 3/4" less than pre surgery. But 1/2"gain sence day 14. But something I realized is that before surgery I was measuring hard pressed streached and now just measuring pumped not streached. If I pull on the gland I can get another 1/2". So actually I'm not that far off from per surgery which was 7" pressed.
So over all I'm extremely happy with my implant. Yes there are a couple of minor things I would like different but nothing that I'm going to worry about. For me it has been the right thing to do. I love walking around nude with an erection when ever I want. Sitting watching tv and having an erection. Get up in the morning, pump it up and enjoy my coffee with a morning erection.
My wife is still not interested in using it but I have cough her looking in the morning when I have deflated to about 20%. Just hard enough to stand out a little. :evil: ;) . So maybe theres still hope. I have to say that I have gotten use to it a lot faster than I thought I would. There are many times I don't think about it at all. Other times I just know it's there but about it. Every once in awhile I need to reposition my penis for a little more comfort. Other times it's good no matter where it is. It deflates nicely and can wear even the skimpiest of underwear or swimwear. But also it will back fill nicely and look fuller but not erect and I like that.
So thats about it for now. Like I said things are going well and I'm very pleased so far.
71. ED for about 10+ years to one extent or another. Implanted 9/14/2016 AMS CX 18+3 Fl/ Ky

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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby jonbaldbg » Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:03 am

Has your wife considered taking hormones, or would she consider it? My wife is not highly sexual. She's never been assertive but has normally been willing and she enjoys a good orgasm (hers). At one point years ago she sort of lost interest and responsiveness. She told me, I just don't have the feelings inside that I used to. She consulted her gynecologist and she prescribed some topical hormone cream. I don't remember if she used that long, but I don't think she still does. She did start taking a mild amount of hormone pills and that has kept her orgasmic and probably has helped her feel better in other ways too.
62 years old. ED for years. High BP and meds have done me in. AMS 700 CX /3.0 cm RTE Implanted by Andrew Kramer on 10/12/16. Involved revision to relocate tubes and pump performed 12/29/16 by Dr. Knoll of Nashville, TN.

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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby beachbum » Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:55 am

No she hasn't and I'm not sure that she would consider it. But then again it hasn't ever been brought up. Before my implant there was no reason to. She was not real happy that I got it. She was/is afraid that I'm going to use it with someone else. But I told her that I got the implant for me first and us second. And I'm not going to go out on her. So now things have to settle down and then we can work on it.
But as I have said before, even if we never use it together and I have to use it solo it was still the best decision I've made for myself. It's just a great feeling to pump it up and walk around house or sit and watch tv or be on the computer and look down and see a nice stiff erectionwhen ever I want.
71. ED for about 10+ years to one extent or another. Implanted 9/14/2016 AMS CX 18+3 Fl/ Ky

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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby David_R » Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:02 am

beachbum wrote:But as I have said before, even if we never use it together and I have to use it solo it was still the best decision I've made for myself. It's just a great feeling to pump it up and walk around house or sit and watch tv or be on the computer and look down and see a nice stiff erectionwhen ever I want.

I have shared that ED causes a lack of feeling complete as a male. Example: There are no jokes about women who cannot lubricate, but there are plenty of jokes about guys who cannot get it up.

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Re: Well I did it! Today

Postby jonbaldbg » Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:48 pm

beachbum wrote:No she hasn't and I'm not sure that she would consider it. But then again it hasn't ever been brought up. Before my implant there was no reason to. She was not real happy that I got it. She was/is afraid that I'm going to use it with someone else. But I told her that I got the implant for me first and us second. And I'm not going to go out on her. So now things have to settle down and then we can work on it.
But as I have said before, even if we never use it together and I have to use it solo it was still the best decision I've made for myself. It's just a great feeling to pump it up and walk around house or sit and watch tv or be on the computer and look down and see a nice stiff erectionwhen ever I want.

Well, it sounds like there are some trust issues going on with her. The other thing is that the hormones will help her feel better too. They put things back into balance the way they were.

If she's not happy you got the implant it obviously means she's afraid you'll run around on her. That is where the relationship repair comes in. I hope you guys can work on that.
62 years old. ED for years. High BP and meds have done me in. AMS 700 CX /3.0 cm RTE Implanted by Andrew Kramer on 10/12/16. Involved revision to relocate tubes and pump performed 12/29/16 by Dr. Knoll of Nashville, TN.

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