Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby pockie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:47 am

Seeking wrote:This is very helpful stuff, thanks to all those who commented.

I think when you're young and relationships are that bit more neurotic, at least in the first couple of months, I'd certainly wait until you felt you'd reached an appropriate juncture in the relationship - there are so many things later on in relationships, whether it's funny habits that surface or whatever, that would be dealbreakers at the start but which are insignificant once you know someone. I certainly think I'd wait, not too long, but I certainly wouldn't be giving my science lecture on the first night together.

I agree with you. There's no need to try and give a science lesson the first night you're having sex. Give it a few months, if the relationship is going somewhere then it would be a good idea to let your partner know.

Otherwise, there's no reason to tell them.

It looks and feels like the real thing, other than the pump in the scrotum there's no way she could tell there's anything different.

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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby Funny9097 » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:05 pm

Avil and Pockie- how are orgasms?

Can you have sex and orgasm daily .. Or do you need to wait a few days in between? How much longer (or shorter) does it take you compared to before? If you have sex and orgasm and wait say an hour are you able to via sex a second time? Just wondering.. Thanks !

Anonymous 3

Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby Anonymous 3 » Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:58 pm

Funny9097 wrote:Avil and Pockie- how are orgasms?

Can you have sex and orgasm daily .. Or do you need to wait a few days in between? How much longer (or shorter) does it take you compared to before? If you have sex and orgasm and wait say an hour are you able to via sex a second time? Just wondering.. Thanks !

Most of those questions are really dependent on each person and you will find out for yourself how an erection on demand will affect you. In theory, you should be able to reach orgasm daily if you could before the implant. If you already have a short refractory period, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to orgasm within an hour. You can literally have intercourse for as long as you and/or your partner can stand it without losing your erection. Some men complain of loss of sensation which could affect your ability to orgasm. What the implant does do to affect orgasm is eliminate peformance anxiety which can interfere with orgasm, but all the other factors affecting orgasm remain the same eg medications, stress, relationship problems, alcohol and drug abuse etc.

Erection is only one of the components involved in the sexual experience. It is possible to have an orgasm without an erection. It is possible to ejaculate without an orgasm, it is possible to have an orgasm without ejaculation, it is possible to ejaculate without an erection. All the implant (done right) does is provide a very reliable erection. The orgasm and ejaculation responses are independent and will work as they did before.

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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby pockie » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:00 pm

Funny9097 wrote:Avil and Pockie- how are orgasms?

Can you have sex and orgasm daily .. Or do you need to wait a few days in between? How much longer (or shorter) does it take you compared to before? If you have sex and orgasm and wait say an hour are you able to via sex a second time? Just wondering.. Thanks !

I have a very strong sex drive. Some days I'll masturbate a few times per day, and would easily orgasm each time. I can orgasm within 30 seconds when masturbating, it's that quick.

When sex is concerned, it takes longer to orgasm, it has always been this way for me including pre-implant. I usually have sex 3 times with my girlfriend when she comes over,
and I'm able to orgasm each time. Don't know why it's different with sex, might be psychological/anxiety-related. On the other hand this is great thing since my girlfriend is
extremely happy I can last fairly long.

At times it does happen for the sensitivity to be low during sex, but it was the same way pre-implant as far as I remember.
It is a bit tricky tho, some positions have minimal sensitivity, while others can make you orgasm really quick during sex. Not sure how much the implant plays a role in this or if it is the same as pre-implant, since my pre-implant pre-ED sexual experience is limited. I think it is pretty much the same. You gotta learn what feels good and what doesn't.

Also, I'm only 3+ months post-OP. My surgeon said that in the first 6 to 8 months the sensitivity will increase due to something related to healing and nerves.

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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby Slayer1962 » Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:51 pm

I seem to be more sensitive after implant. I last longer because I don't have to be in a hurry to keep it up. Slowly but surely bang until I decide if I'm ready to orgasim . Before I would go like crazy to be sure I stayed up.

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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby charlesr » Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:34 pm

You know her well enough to have sex with her but not well enough to tell her about an implant?
Born 1951. Radical Robotic Prostatectomy on October 6, 2013. Bionic with Titan Touch with Bioflex Zero Degree 18cm w/ (1) rte Implant, Infrapubic, on July 13, 2015.

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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby Seeking » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:34 pm

I used to feel quite strongly about the issue of whether to tell the girl or not, leaning towards 'yes'; however, now I just think if a partner doesn't notice you have an implant, then telling her about it just becomes optional and far from an obligation. If you have both had sex using the implant and she's enjoyed it and hasn't noticed, I think it's irrelevant.

If a girl you were seeing had an operation to substitute her breasts with ultra-realistic replacements for medical reasons and you didn't notice, would you be annoyed/weirded out when she told you? I think I'd just be impressed more than anything that she was getting on with her life and had the confidence to even have sexual relations with someone again after what she'd been through.

If you give people an opportunity to give too much of a f*** where f***s don't need to be given, unfortunately they'll usually take that opportunity, and nowhere do those opportunities come more often than in the anxious, early stages of a relationship - I say just enjoy your time together and tell her when you feel comfortable.

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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby hardernharder » Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:27 pm

Seeking wrote:If you give people an opportunity to give too much of a f*** where f***s don't need to be given, unfortunately they'll usually take that opportunity, and nowhere do those opportunities come more often than in the anxious, early stages of a relationship - I say just enjoy your time together and tell her when you feel comfortable.

Well said!
Also people can tell about your implant to other people and next thing you know, the whole world knows about it. Besides, if you break up, she can go and tell your new girl friend about it specially if you haven't talked about it with your new girl friend. She can also use it against you and make fun of you in case of break up.
The implant is deeply in bedded in you to make you feel normal, natural, confident, sexual and complete, why not sharing those feelings with you partner by NOT TELL.ING HER.

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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby spotya » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:40 pm

Deer Seeking, not sure if i'm different than others, but my girl knew and was there when I had mine done with her approval.
That being said, if your girls grabs your balls, there is one extra in there. It feels like a round rock. It is very noticable if you are feeling your balls. She calls it her powerball. She loves it, I can go as long as she likes. She is 21 years younger than me and had no problem with it. I think if your girl told any of her girlfriends they might want to try it also, because it won't go down till you want it down. She
prefers it only pumped about 90%. I can pump it with one hand and she wouldn't know if I was trying to hide it. She just tells me to pump it up. Don't let anybody stop you from getting this done, I just wish I would have done it sooner.
55 years old, ED for 10 years from diabetes. tried pills, injections, and pumps.
Implanted by Dr. Douglas Miliam on June 5th 2014 Thank God, should have done
it sooner.

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Re: Casual Sex With A Penile Implant

Postby Seeking » Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:39 am

Thanks very much Spotya - when I hear about members being able to pump with one hand (and in sone cases even with their trousers still on) it certainly makes me excited.

Glad your relationship is going well - I'm under the impression that the majority of partners told were intrigued more than anything and in most cases like it.

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