To tell friends or not about implant?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby ED2013 » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:52 pm

Friends, family, no. Only girlfriends. I don't think I'd ever discuss it with anybody else, unless they were dealing with ED themselves, then I would definitely tell them my experiences.

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby yankfan042249 » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:30 pm

Good question

I guess I have a big mouth and want to spread good news.
I actually only mentioned it to two close friends and one of my brothers.
I'm not embarrassed by it at all if anyone hears about it and asks me.
It's good news and I may be able to help others who have the problem..........

Just don't think it's anything to be embarrassed or ashamed about...

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby Chaz456 » Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:02 pm

I've started to bring it up to a couple of close friends. It seems like guys are not at all comfortable talking about it. Who knows, I probably would have been the same.
The difficult thing for me is explaining not being around.

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby TEBozo » Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:35 pm

Only men on this board and a friend who is scheduled for July

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby RogerM » Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:42 am

My sister drove me to the hospital & I stayed with her family for a few days after the operation so they know. I told my brother. I told a few close friends; even one person at work. I also told a couple of girlfriends.
61, Type II Diabetes and ED for 10 yrs.
Coloplast Titan OTR 22cm + (2) 1 cm RTEs on 3/13/14 by Dr. Bruce Garber at Hahnemann Univ. Hospital/Philadelphia, PA

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby ronnie63 » Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:27 pm

I have only told my younger brother as i think he ll be needed one soon,i will not tell any one else and it is my hope to be able to I/D with one hand while i keep my girl busy with the other if not, ill have to excuse myself and go to the bathroom

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby inthezone » Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:42 pm

I decided at the beginning that no one else needed that information.
Now that I've passed the year mark, everything seems so natural it doesn't occur me to tell anyone I have an implant.
However, I'm very open with mentioning to guys that are having problems that an implant is the ultimate solution.
As far as girlfriends, I know how to occupy her attention while I pump it up. And I pretty much only tell them the morning after.
Hasn't been a problem. I think there is still a stigma that our society labels anyone easily for capricious reasons, so I try to keep it discreet.
I have had a couple of 'double takes' in locker rooms and grocery stores, but I don't think they figure it out.
AMS 700 LGX Feb 2013.

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby proactive » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:23 pm

I have told two people besides my wife. Fishing buddies who I think may need them down the road because of medical issues they are having. Talked to one of the tech at the hospital that was a retired E-8. He was in his early 40s. We hit it off right away when we were waiting for the lemon flavored drink for my test to be digested. He said he was married to a 25 year old and he was having trouble keeping up. I did not say anything at that time, but when I realized that I was far enough in the machine that some of my hardware would be noticeable, I said thats how you keep up with 25 year olds. We both just laughed and I explained to him what it was. He said thanks. I may be needing one in a few years. He said he had a buddy who had his privates destroyed by an IED along with his legs. He said they gave him a penis from a cadaver. His buddy said it was bigger than the one God gave him so he was happy. I am sure they had to use an implant to make it functional. I dont tell people at work or anything, although I have caught my female boss looking at my crotch from time to time since I now have a nice package to carry around. First time I thought my zipper was down or something. LOL
50 yr old. 21cm Titan implanted on June 20th 2013

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby rschweiger » Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:06 pm

Yeah ive had no problem telling anyone.
when i got it almost 2 yrs ago at 41 everyone was concerned why i had to go to hospital and come home in pain and after a few days i told my mother and brothers, ive told a few close male friends. my children know(in the context of how different habits and meds can effect our bodies.)three girlfriends since have all known(no issues)last girl became my fiance'.
she knew on the first date.....yeah we knew waaay to much about eachother leaving that guess after battling ED and the hopelessness i felt from that im not shy about talking about it if it may help others in any way.(weather it helps my son stay away from certain things that will kill willy,or helps my daughters years down the road to understand if their man goes through it,its not them and just stand by his side,or just letting my family know indeed i was alright,wasnt leaving them and went to the hospital to just get fixed.and my fiance well it was in the sake of honesty and she was pretty happy )

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Re: To tell friends or not about implant?

Postby jryancey44 » Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:05 am

Yes I told my family and my close friends and since I a a show and tell guy on here to some complete strangers. Everyone I told have accepted as a normal thing no more the a ved or Viagra.

Show and tell guy Raleigh NC

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