
The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Postby avlis26 » Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:35 pm

This is my first post here but wanted to say I have been reading a lot and this site has been excellent.. Thanks to all of you who have contributed posting your experiences.

I’m considering making the implant in the near future, but wanted to make a couple of couple of questions, especially for those are single (like me).

I’m suffering from ED for quite a few time now and had a lot of bad experiences with my ex-partner. I believe ED was the main cause for us to break up, as you know, ED leads us to many psychological disorders.

So my questions are:

I know it is better to be upfront with our partner and tell her the truth, and I plan to this if I run into a stable loving relationship, but I’m not sure if I would be willing to tell a girl that I have a implant for a casual sex. So, how do you guys handle these situations where the girl does not know you have an implant? How do you do to inflate the device without being noticed? Can you share some stories?

The other question I have is regarding the sex positions.. Are you guys able to do all the sex positions you were used to do when you had a natural erection?

Let me know your stories.. thanks!

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Re: Singles

Postby ED2013 » Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:34 pm

All positions are fine after you're fully healed. Don't worry what women will think. They will be seeing stars after your performance. You can always pump it up in the restroom. It gets hard as hell. Fully inflated, some women go wild for it, for others it's too hard lol. You'll be able to perform for hours.

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Re: Singles

Postby TEBozo » Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:44 pm

I am in relatively the same position. My wife became demented in 2007 and is now only 53 and has Alzheimer's. We had a great relationship for a long time and I have found myself with out a sex partner but still married and suffering from ED. So I am virtually single

I have taken the pills which work part of the time and the Trimix shots which cause fibrosis and are hit or miss. It really sucks. I have several single women who are very interested in a sexual relationship with me but I have shied away because I can't count on the pills or feel good about coordinating the timing or success of the injection. With a successful injection, I get hard but my penis is floppy, up and down, if you understand. Therefore I have, in the past, done the female on top and sort of slid her back and forth. Great for a female orgasm but I do not last very long and changing positions can be risky. LOL. Without a really hard stiff penis one is really restricted.

I have asked several on this board if they thought a woman could tell and their answers all were that only if she felt you scrotum and felt the pump. I do not know about your guys, but the women I have known aren't really into scrotums, they want something hard and deep in their vagina. Most of them will give you oral sex but they really want it inside.

If anyone has been "outed" by a single women, let us know, will you? And if you think a blow job will result in a discovery, speak up, too!?


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Re: Singles

Postby avlis26 » Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:56 pm

Thanks Guys!!

I met my Uro this week and I asked the same questions. We had a great conversation and he basically answered exactly the same as ED2013 did. He encouraged me a lot and most likely I’ll have my implant in April. All I can say is that I cannot wait to see the results.

TEBozo, i wish you luck

If anyone else has any other story / comments that would like share, I would be glad to hear..

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Re: Singles

Postby TEBozo » Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:02 pm

Thanks avlis26! where are you having your surgery, who is your physician , and what kind of implant? If you've already said this I apologize in advance. Please direct me to your post. And thanks for everyone for their participation in this forum. Nothing strikes at the heart of a man more than his lack of performance.

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Re: Singles

Postby rlm1818 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:31 pm

I've been married or in a relationship for almost all my adult life, but I was single, unattached and dating for a while before my implant and have been so ever since. So I have a bit of experience with dating with an implant (and dating without an implant and having severe ED).

I've told all the women I've had sex with about my implant, though in one case not until after we'd had sex the first time. I've only had positive responses. I was worried at first about revealing my implant, but now I don't really hesitate. But I'm selective about who I have sex with, and I'm sure there are some women who might be weirded out by it. If I thought she might be, I wouldn't say anything until after we had sex for a few times.

I think you could hide it most of the time. Personally I prefer not to, even though the actual impact on having sex is so incredibly minimal that its almost a non issue. That is, unless you have a woman who is so fascinated that she wants to make a big deal about it for a bit, which I have experienced. I think my pump is placed about as discreetly as it could be. My doc specifically placed it where "my girlfriends would never find it". He said that playfully but its pretty true. I've only had one woman ever discover the pump without me specifically showing her how to feel it. That woman was into serious ball play. If you find someone like that, there's no hiding the pump regardless of where it is. They might not know its a pump or an implant unless you tell them, but its not natural feeling. At least for the Titan OTR pump. I gather Titan now has a different shaped pump available. Otherwise, I've never had anyone who thinks my erection is anything but totally natural looking and feeling. The actual pump up, which I normally do in stages, is almost undetectable even when they know about it.

I had one woman who preferred that I only have a semi erection when she did oral on me. She did tell me after maybe 20 encounters that she thought (but wasn't certain) she could feel the cylinders in that state. It wasn't a deterrent at all. I'm sure she was right. But if she hadn't known about my implant would she have thought things felt so strange as to be weird or unappealing? I doubt it on both counts.

I have been meaning to write a more extensive note about my experience of being single, and maybe I'll get around to it soon. Happy to answer any questions though.
22cm Coloplast Titan OTR implanted Feb 2012 by Dr Francois Eid in NYC.
Initial implant experience here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1308

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Re: Singles

Postby TEBozo » Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:07 pm

Cannot tell you how helpful this post was. My sweet wife has been demented for going on 8 years and she is like a 3 year old. I'm 62 and have had ED for 5 years only with limited success with ED drugs and injections. Im starting to date and have only a "semi." Thanks

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Re: Singles

Postby jryancey44 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:42 am

Unless they are really looking that will not notice it, mine that has been the case, The titian is round about the size of one of your nuts feels the same.

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Re: Singles

Postby TEBozo » Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:43 am

jryancey44 wrote:Unless they are really looking that will not notice it, mine that has been the case, The titian is round about the size of one of your nuts feels the same.

And I assume the shaft just feels like an unusually hard penis? Which for my age.of 62 would be great.

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