What does it feel like to have an implant?

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby daridima » Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:14 am

Lost Sheep wrote:
daridima wrote:Hi I had the surgery 2 days ago, the penis is really very red and swollen, and it hurts, the doctor on the phone says everything is normal, you who had the surgery before me, is it true? How much better afterwards?

I hurt for several days and ached for another week or two. Your pain tolerance may vary.

After three weeks, I felt 98% normal.

The doctor who operated on me left the prosthesis 50% swollen, and it should stay that way for 6 weeks. I don't know if all doctors do this, the doctor says it's to form the canals for the prosthesis well.
43 years old, operated on 03 February 2023, Rigicon Infla 10 AX three-component prosthesis (model extendable by approx. 20%). Operated in Istanbul by Prof. DR. Karaman with penescrotal incision.

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby daridima » Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:21 am

Lost Sheep wrote:
toddhd wrote:I've had ED most of my life, since I was a teen certainly. Not much has worked for me. I recently was turned onto injections of Trimix, and the resulting erection, for me, was life changing. I've never in my life really understood what it feels like to feel "like a man". I see other men get excited, and get an erection, and "go for it" sexually, as if it were as natural and easy as breathing. For me, I can be horny as all hell and have a naked beautiful woman in front of me and ready to go... however my penis will be completely flaccid. It's just very emasculating. When they injected me with Trimix, I had an actual "firm as hell" erection for the first time in my life, and also for the first time, I felt complete. I felt like man should feel. It's all I want.

All that being said, I realize that for some, the Trimix will stop working at some point. And when that happens, it seems as if an implant is the only other option.

Implants scare me. As I said, that feeling of blood rushing to my penis and making me engorged is what felt so damn good to me. But what if that part of the equation was gone? What if I had an erection, but there was no feeling of "fullness" or swelling?

That's my question. What does it feel like? Do you still get the excitement of an erection? Is there a feeling of fullness still, or does it feel... fake? Do you still orgasm and does it feel similar? Have you noticed that anything about your sex life feels better or improves as a result? Do you feel satisfied with your sex life, or is the erection really mostly for your spouse?

I hope these questions don't insult anyone. It's just an extreme and irreversible (to my knowledge) way to go, so I'd like to understand it better before I get to the point where I need to consider it.

Yours is a new take on a question asked many many times. But your new approach shows insight and sensitivity.

My history is not unlike yours, but in my youth I was able to achieve erections easily (though by the time I was old enough to get a partner, ED had progressed to the point I rarely gave a full and adequate sexual experience to my partner. So, I understand the emasculated feeling.

With an implant, the feeling of blood pulsing and rushing into my penis is gone. But the feeling of fullness and stretching is quite as strong as it ever was, even in my erectile heyday. Yep, my implant feels "firm as hell" and full.

The spontaneity of my erection coming by itself, of course, is gone. Once when a girlfriend woke me from a deep sleep with fellatio I found myself erect and in her mouth when I woke up. (It is a GREAT way to awaken!) That cannot happen with an implant unless I went to sleep inflated.

The excitment of an erection (for me) was always tied to the urgency of "quick, before it melts!" to get penetration before the erection would collapse. "Use it or lose it." was a window of opportunity that was only a minute or two (or less than a minute sometimes).

My orgasms are exactly the same as they were before with one exception. The pulses/spasms of ejaculation were limited; when my natural erection began to fade I could not continue thrusting so the number of pulses of ejaculation quickly stopped. With the implant, I can continue thrusting and that continued stimulation allows more spasms/pulses of semen. That is a great improvement in performance and sensation from before my implant.

My current girlfriend (widowed) is not highly experienced, having had sex only with her husband and me, but she is quite enthusiastic and supportive. Our sex life is better than it ever could be without a reliable erection on my part.

I decided to get the implant when I did not have a girlfriend/lover. I hoped that I would be able to have penetrative sex (coitus) with a lover again after implant, though sex by fellatio and cunnilingus was still possible and satisfying. But I would be happy with my erection whether it ever got into another vagina or not. The feeling of being masculine is good. The weight of an erection out front is a boost to my ego, if nothing else.

The satisfaction and orgasms of my lover is at least as important to me as my own. So, even if I did not experience an improvement in my sexual satisfaction I am glad I got the implant.

There was a time I wondered if I were given the chance to have a penis capable of giving orgasms to my lovers at the cost of never having another orgasm of my own, I would have made the trade - perhaps to my later regret, but that was my thought process. There was a period of time in the months after implant when I was anorgasmic. It bothered my lover more than it did me. Of course, I knew I would orgasm eventually, maybe the next time, but she REALLY likes the validation that my ejaculation provides. There is a medical study that attempted to measure that and found a positive correlation..

There is a substantial difference, though, with orgasm by coitus and I find it better than fellatio or masturbation. My lover (by her testimony) prefers coital/vaginal orgasms to clitoral/cunnilingual orgasms but enjoys both (I habitually prepare her vagina by ensuring her vaginal lubrication is primed-that, by giving her orgasms clitorally.) But she does much prefer the coital activity. I have read somewhere that "An orgasm with a full vagina is far better than an orgasm without."

So, yes, my implant is for her. And for me.

Good morning, I received practically the same implant as yours a few days ago, in terms of size and model, I would like to know, from you who have had it for years now, what is the size to date of your erect penis, in order to understand in my case what I should expect. Thank you very much
43 years old, operated on 03 February 2023, Rigicon Infla 10 AX three-component prosthesis (model extendable by approx. 20%). Operated in Istanbul by Prof. DR. Karaman with penescrotal incision.

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby daridima » Wed Feb 15, 2023 7:27 am

merrix wrote:
daridima wrote:
Hi I had the surgery 2 days ago, the penis is really very red and swollen, and it hurts, the doctor on the phone says everything is normal, you who had the surgery before me, is it true? How much better afterwards?

Two days is nothing.
I had bad pain for at least two weeks, even three.
Struggled to stand up for the first week.
My dick was swollen, my scrotum was swollen.
What you have to do now is just rest.
Don't touch anything, don't do anything unless your doctor tells you so.
Just accept that you are going to have a few weeks, even months, ahead of you with healing.
LS said above he was 98% normal after a few weeks.
I was not.
I would say I was 98% normal after a few months.
We're all different. Just be prepared for a rough recovery and everything better than that is a bonus.

I am Italian, but I had surgery in Istanbul with Prof. Dr. Karaman, in a truly fantastic clinic. That's because the cost in Italy of that surgery is really too high, and I did a lot of research on that particular doctor, and he had excellent references (scientific publications, books, and television appearances in addition to being a professor at the university on the subject) so I decided to go. I installed a Rigicon 10 AX, the same type of prosthesis as the AMS lgx, but with a quadruple layer and a lifetime warranty. The first few days I was in a lot of pain and was very swollen, but the Doctor had 'promised' me that his patients never have swelling or pain beyond 10 days, and I can assure you that this was the case! I had the operation on 3 February, and it's already been two or three days since I had the occasional cramp at most, and the discomfort from the stitches, but nothing more. If the first few days in the hotel I had had ice, they wouldn't even have been so annoying. So for now I can only be happy with my choice. I would also add, because I understand that each doctor has his own method, that Dr Karaman inflates the prosthesis 50% already in the operating room and leaves it 50% inflated for the whole 6 weeks, in order to better form the canals and have less pain when fully inflated, I don't think I've read other posts describing this method, but it seems to work well for now... I will update this diary of mine when the 6 weeks are up.
43 years old, operated on 03 February 2023, Rigicon Infla 10 AX three-component prosthesis (model extendable by approx. 20%). Operated in Istanbul by Prof. DR. Karaman with penescrotal incision.

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby HappyAgain » Wed Feb 15, 2023 10:32 am

I’m going to tell you my opinion. My first implant surgery was a week of pain and swelling, it was a botched surgery, I ended up with both ends being crossed over and a dick like the letter “C”, my revision was a walk in the park by a great surgeon named Dr. Carrion in Tampa, Florida. My results from my revision are incredible. I have on demand erections that will outlast any woman. My mental health and “male ego” are better than ever before. My wife loves it as well. Would I do it again? In a minute.

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby Frenchie » Wed Feb 15, 2023 10:46 am

daridima wrote:
merrix wrote:
daridima wrote:
Hi I had the surgery 2 days ago, the penis is really very red and swollen, and it hurts, the doctor on the phone says everything is normal, you who had the surgery before me, is it true? How much better afterwards?

Two days is nothing.
I had bad pain for at least two weeks, even three.
Struggled to stand up for the first week.
My dick was swollen, my scrotum was swollen.
What you have to do now is just rest.
Don't touch anything, don't do anything unless your doctor tells you so.
Just accept that you are going to have a few weeks, even months, ahead of you with healing.
LS said above he was 98% normal after a few weeks.
I was not.
I would say I was 98% normal after a few months.
We're all different. Just be prepared for a rough recovery and everything better than that is a bonus.

I am Italian, but I had surgery in Istanbul with Prof. Dr. Karaman, in a truly fantastic clinic. That's because the cost in Italy of that surgery is really too high, and I did a lot of research on that particular doctor, and he had excellent references (scientific publications, books, and television appearances in addition to being a professor at the university on the subject) so I decided to go. I installed a Rigicon 10 AX, the same type of prosthesis as the AMS lgx, but with a quadruple layer and a lifetime warranty. The first few days I was in a lot of pain and was very swollen, but the Doctor had 'promised' me that his patients never have swelling or pain beyond 10 days, and I can assure you that this was the case! I had the operation on 3 February, and it's already been two or three days since I had the occasional cramp at most, and the discomfort from the stitches, but nothing more. If the first few days in the hotel I had had ice, they wouldn't even have been so annoying. So for now I can only be happy with my choice. I would also add, because I understand that each doctor has his own method, that Dr Karaman inflates the prosthesis 50% already in the operating room and leaves it 50% inflated for the whole 6 weeks, in order to better form the canals and have less pain when fully inflated, I don't think I've read other posts describing this method, but it seems to work well for now... I will update this diary of mine when the 6 weeks are up.

How much did it cost in Turkey? Are you satisfied with result?
Venous like since I was 20 years old. Pills don't work too well. Thinking of implant in the future

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby Happy Toy » Wed Feb 15, 2023 11:10 am

toddhd, I love my implant! I am the same size as before the implant, my life long 5.5 x 5.5 inches. My flaccid length increased from less then an inch :x to over 4" :D , I REALLY love that! Is it the same as a natural erection? No, but it is sure better then no erection or a semi that you can only play with. If all else fails it is truly the answer.
PM me if you have ANY questions or would like to see pictures.
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 79yrs., married 56 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby daridima » Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:28 pm

HappyAgain wrote:I’m going to tell you my opinion. My first implant surgery was a week of pain and swelling, it was a botched surgery, I ended up with both ends being crossed over and a dick like the letter “C”, my revision was a walk in the park by a great surgeon named Dr. Carrion in Tampa, Florida. My results from my revision are incredible. I have on demand erections that will outlast any woman. My mental health and “male ego” are better than ever before. My wife loves it as well. Would I do it again? In a minute.

In this we agree, the quality of the doctor and the hospital are very important indeed. For example, if your penis formed a C at first inflation, then I imagine the implant remained deflated up to that point, or you would have noticed it immediately. My implant, according to this doctor's technique, is 50% inflated from the first moment until the end of 6 weeks, and my penis is straighter than before, and also for the size, considering that the implant is only 50%, I find them correct.
43 years old, operated on 03 February 2023, Rigicon Infla 10 AX three-component prosthesis (model extendable by approx. 20%). Operated in Istanbul by Prof. DR. Karaman with penescrotal incision.

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby daridima » Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:33 pm

Frenchie wrote:
daridima wrote:
merrix wrote:
How much did it cost in Turkey? Are you satisfied with result?

With the type of rigicon system I fitted (which stretches more than its basic length and widens like the AMS 700 lgx) and lifetime warranty I spent around 9000 euro including luxury hotel, driver, translator in my language, in short everything except the plane, paid a total of around 200 euro. I had also been offered the AMS 700 LGX by another clinic that used both AMS and Rigicon, and the AMS 700 LGX cost me about 200 euro less than Rigicon, only AMS had a 5-year warranty and triple layer, Rigicon a lifetime warranty, so I chose Rigicon (which is still an American brand).
43 years old, operated on 03 February 2023, Rigicon Infla 10 AX three-component prosthesis (model extendable by approx. 20%). Operated in Istanbul by Prof. DR. Karaman with penescrotal incision.

Lost Sheep
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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby Lost Sheep » Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:50 pm

daridima wrote:Good morning, I received practically the same implant as yours a few days ago, in terms of size and model, I would like to know, from you who have had it for years now, what is the size to date of your erect penis, in order to understand in my case what I should expect. Thank you very much

I was fortunate enough that I still had erections up to a year pre-op and continued getting erections inside a vacuum erection device (therapeutically, not for sex) until the implant. So, I lost no size.

My erection is 6", but that is not really relevant to you since a portion of the implant will be embedded in the depth of his pelvic crus and some flesh of the glans does extend past the end of the implant tips. This makes for a couple centimeters variation which makes comparisons pretty much worthless.

The important thing is to keep measuuring (my opinion) just to keep track, but do not obsess. I did gain about a quarter inch in usable, external penis length. But not due to the implant or anything associated with it. I lost some fat from my pubic mound (dropped almost 30 pounds in the years since implant).

Remember, size is not important. It is what you do with it. I recall one fellow decades ago who bragged, "I can do more trickes on 3 inches of penis than a monkey can on a mile rope." So, rigidiity is necessary, care for your partner's welfare important and technique more effective than size.
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
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Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: What does it feel like to have an implant?

Postby HappyAgain » Wed Feb 15, 2023 11:08 pm

[the first surgery was botched with both ends crossing over and being twisted. I went back to my dr at least 7-8 times before going to see one of the best in the business. Now my penis is straight, thick and a great toy for my wife.

HappyAgain wrote:I’m going to tell you my opinion. My first implant surgery was a week of pain and swelling, it was a botched surgery, I ended up with both ends being crossed over and a dick like the letter “C”, my revision was a walk in the park by a great surgeon named Dr. Carrion in Tampa, Florida. My results from my revision are incredible. I have on demand erections that will outlast any woman. My mental health and “male ego” are better than ever before. My wife loves it as well. Would I do it again? In a minute.

In this we agree, the quality of the doctor and the hospital are very important indeed. For example, if your penis formed a C at first inflation, then I imagine the implant remained deflated up to that point, or you would have noticed it immediately. My implant, according to this doctor's technique, is 50% inflated from the first moment until the end of 6 weeks, and my penis is straighter than before, and also for the size, considering that the implant is only 50%, I find them correct.[/quote]

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