Erection Quality: Injections vs. Implants

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Erection Quality: Injections vs. Implants

Postby Cigar56 » Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:09 am

Hi guys,

For those of you who moved up from injections to an implant, how would you rate the erection quality of both? How did an erection from a well-executed injection match what you are experiencing now with an implant? On the erection quality, what are the pros and cons?

I've tried everything -- pills, injections pumps -- and now I am at the final frontier.

Anonymous 3

Re: Erection Quality: Injections vs. Implants

Postby Anonymous 3 » Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:09 pm

If you are just interested in erection quality, then from my experience while the injections were still working as they should, erections are pretty much the same in hardness. I lost length after the surgery due to many years of ED, cancer treatment, etc but girth stayed pretty much the same.

But there is more to consider than just erection quality

On the pro side for injections, my orgasms were very intense, and erections were hard and lasted for more than enough time for good sex.
On the con side for injections,
-there was little spontaneity. By the time you both decided it was the right time you had to stop, collect up all the gear, prepare the injection, give the injection, and then wait for it to take effect. hardly spontaneous.
-the alprostadil in both the Tri-mix and just by itself produced an aching penis for quite a while after the injection and sex was over. Sometimes it was quite uncomfortable. It was dose dependent for me. The more I injected, the more it hurt. On the other hand, if I injected too little I had less pain but an unreliable erection.
-scarring is a possibility with long term injections. I injected for years but luckily managed to escape that.

BUT injections did work well for me for quite a while.

On the pro side for implant:
-once all the healing is over and you have mastered a pumping technique that works for you, inflating your penis takes less than a minute or so, retaining spontaneity.
-ALWAYS a hard penis. Unless it is broken, the implant does not fail. Bonus-you can pump it up to whatever hardness you like to make you both comfortable
-after you achieve orgasm your penis does not go flaccid so you and your partner can keep going for as long as you both want.
-no more performance anxiety once you get it into your head that your erection cannot fail. Result-increased self confidence, better self esteem and all that equals better sex for you both.

Con side for implant:
-highly invasive procedure with a recovery period in line with other major surgeries.
-some risk of infection usually resulting in deplantation of the IPP
-there is no chance of ever recovering natural erections after implant.
-other events such as erosion, migration of components happen but rarely, resulting in further surgeries (usually minor unless there is infection)

I am sure there are other things pro and con for both treatments. Surveys show that most men using injections eventually give them up after a while for a variety of reasons. I persisted for years as my wife was very reluctant for me to have the surgery. She finally relented and I wish I could have done it a lot sooner. It is so great not to have to go through the injection thing any more, or the disappointment, or embarrassment etc etc. Just my two bits worth.

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Re: Erection Quality: Injections vs. Implants

Postby Cigar56 » Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:55 pm

Hi Watsup,

Thanks for the detailed response! I have been injecting for less than a year and am still learning. Although my wife has a very low sex drive, she is supporting my desire to move up to an implant if that's what I want to do. I'm 60 now, and plan to stay with injections the next two years before seriously considering implant surgery. I figure by then I will have given injections a fair shot (no pun intended!).

My reactions to some of your comments.

-- You are right, injections require some planning vs. the "always on" status of implants.
-- I like the idea of maintaining an erection as long as I want. But that is mitigated because of my wife's low drive.
-- I am pretty adventurous so I am not frightened by the dangers of the surgery.
-- Injections are a pain sometimes because of having to manage the medicine by keeping it fresh, making sure you have syringes, etc. If I was single I would choose an implant over injections any day.
-- But injections do work. I have had erections with super impressive girth and length. And I agree totally with this comment you made: "On the pro side for injections, my orgasms were very intense, and erections were hard and lasted for more than enough time for good sex."
-- I am still working with my urologist for the perfect medication formula for me. I have heard lots of guys say they can inject, and stay erect straight through ejaculation for another hour or so. That's implant-like performance, and that's where I want to be.

Thanks again for your comments, Watsup.

P.S.: For guys who wonder why I am putting myself through all of this when my wife has a low sex drive: I do the injections, and am considering an implant, for me moreso than her. I will love my wife and stay with her to the end of my life, even if our sexual desires are at relatively opposite ends of the spectrum.
I've tried everything -- pills, injections pumps -- and now I am at the final frontier.

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Re: Erection Quality: Injections vs. Implants

Postby dsawan » Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:44 am

Anonymous 3 wrote:If you are just interested in erection quality, then from my experience while the injections were still working as they should, erections are pretty much the same in hardness. I lost length after the surgery due to many years of ED, cancer treatment, etc but girth stayed pretty much the same.

But there is more to consider than just erection quality

On the pro side for injections, my orgasms were very intense, and erections were hard and lasted for more than enough time for good sex.
On the con side for injections,
-there was little spontaneity. By the time you both decided it was the right time you had to stop, collect up all the gear, prepare the injection, give the injection, and then wait for it to take effect. hardly spontaneous.
-the alprostadil in both the Tri-mix and just by itself produced an aching penis for quite a while after the injection and sex was over. Sometimes it was quite uncomfortable. It was dose dependent for me. The more I injected, the more it hurt. On the other hand, if I injected too little I had less pain but an unreliable erection.
-scarring is a possibility with long term injections. I injected for years but luckily managed to escape that.

BUT injections did work well for me for quite a while.

On the pro side for implant:
-once all the healing is over and you have mastered a pumping technique that works for you, inflating your penis takes less than a minute or so, retaining spontaneity.
-ALWAYS a hard penis. Unless it is broken, the implant does not fail. Bonus-you can pump it up to whatever hardness you like to make you both comfortable
-after you achieve orgasm your penis does not go flaccid so you and your partner can keep going for as long as you both want.
-no more performance anxiety once you get it into your head that your erection cannot fail. Result-increased self confidence, better self esteem and all that equals better sex for you both.

Con side for implant:
-highly invasive procedure with a recovery period in line with other major surgeries.
-some risk of infection usually resulting in deplantation of the IPP
-there is no chance of ever recovering natural erections after implant.
-other events such as erosion, migration of components happen but rarely, resulting in further surgeries (usually minor unless there is infection)

I am sure there are other things pro and con for both treatments. Surveys show that most men using injections eventually give them up after a while for a variety of reasons. I persisted for years as my wife was very reluctant for me to have the surgery. She finally relented and I wish I could have done it a lot sooner. It is so great not to have to go through the injection thing any more, or the disappointment, or embarrassment etc etc. Just my two bits worth.

When you use to use the higher dose of trimix(over dosing,then what your body required)It hurt?.Is having a implant,does it give you the same hardness,like when you were on Trimic at a highest does,without pain?

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Re: Erection Quality: Injections vs. Implants

Postby dsawan » Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:40 am

Anonymous 3 wrote:If you are just interested in erection quality, then from my experience while the injections were still working as they should, erections are pretty much the same in hardness. I lost length after the surgery due to many years of ED, cancer treatment, etc but girth stayed pretty much the same.

But there is more to consider than just erection quality

On the pro side for injections, my orgasms were very intense, and erections were hard and lasted for more than enough time for good sex.
On the con side for injections,
-there was little spontaneity. By the time you both decided it was the right time you had to stop, collect up all the gear, prepare the injection, give the injection, and then wait for it to take effect. hardly spontaneous.
-the alprostadil in both the Tri-mix and just by itself produced an aching penis for quite a while after the injection and sex was over. Sometimes it was quite uncomfortable. It was dose dependent for me. The more I injected, the more it hurt. On the other hand, if I injected too little I had less pain but an unreliable erection.
-scarring is a possibility with long term injections. I injected for years but luckily managed to escape that.

BUT injections did work well for me for quite a while.

On the pro side for implant:
-once all the healing is over and you have mastered a pumping technique that works for you, inflating your penis takes less than a minute or so, retaining spontaneity.
-ALWAYS a hard penis. Unless it is broken, the implant does not fail. Bonus-you can pump it up to whatever hardness you like to make you both comfortable
-after you achieve orgasm your penis does not go flaccid so you and your partner can keep going for as long as you both want.
-no more performance anxiety once you get it into your head that your erection cannot fail. Result-increased self confidence, better self esteem and all that equals better sex for you both.

Con side for implant:
-highly invasive procedure with a recovery period in line with other major surgeries.
-some risk of infection usually resulting in deplantation of the IPP
-there is no chance of ever recovering natural erections after implant.
-other events such as erosion, migration of components happen but rarely, resulting in further surgeries (usually minor unless there is infection)

I am sure there are other things pro and con for both treatments. Surveys show that most men using injections eventually give them up after a while for a variety of reasons. I persisted for years as my wife was very reluctant for me to have the surgery. She finally relented and I wish I could have done it a lot sooner. It is so great not to have to go through the injection thing any more, or the disappointment, or embarrassment etc etc. Just my two bits worth.

Can you pump the implant to make it hard as you want.Will the implant keep getting harder after 39 or 40 pumps?

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Re: Erection Quality: Injections vs. Implants

Postby AmansinCali » Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:56 am


The goal of each of these methods is the same, to be able to penetrate your mate and last to completion. Each of these methods have their place, we all know the natural progression, oral meds, injections, then implants.

I will throw an opinion out there and it is only my opinion because it happened to me. Too many guys start using oral meds "to make it better" long before they really need the meds. The problem this creates is the oral meds fail you at a much younger age. It starts by having the best sex you have ever had until you become dependent on them, you know the rest of the story.

Cigar, you pose your question by addressing "those of you who moved up from injections to implant", by far this is the normal progression, some go directly from oral meds to injections but it is not the most common route.

Don't worry about the erection quality between methods, they are all great until they stop working for you. Implants on the other hand never fail, yes, there are some mechanical failures but they are rare. You read a lot about mechanical failures of implants on FT because this is where men go to get advice, don't let that scare you.

Probably the best example of the quality of erection with an implant can be told by my wife's outburst in the surgeon's office a couple days after we started having sex with the 6 week old implant, the PA asked point blank, "So how is it going?" and my normally reserved wife when talking about sex blurted out, "It' great, I can't tell the difference."

To this day, my wife says she can't tell the difference between before and after implant, but the real difference is we are enjoying sex a hell of a lot more because we are both relaxed, not under pressure to perform, not rushing because we don't know how long the erection will last and can offer each other outstanding sex that can't be more natural. We are both experiencing much stronger orgasms than before and my wife's only complaint is that I make her cum too fast, but when she cums hard it makes me cum within a matter of strokes. Perfect.

Bottom line is, if you need an implant don't fear it, if other methods are working for you, great, but enjoy knowing the implant route will always be available to you and you will have an erection that works perfectly, every time.
Last edited by AmansinCali on Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Used Viagra & Cialis until lost vision in one eye due to AION, therefore can never use pills again, then tri-mix 1 1/2 years until unreliable. Implanted 9/20/22 at 77 years old by Dr. Yafi, UC Irvine. Married 55 years wife 76. 20cm Coloplast Titan.

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Happy Toy
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Re: Erection Quality: Injections vs. Implants

Postby Happy Toy » Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:35 pm

I used Trimix injections for 12 years. For the first 11 years they, the injections, worked great and over those years, increased my girth by over and inch, from 5.5" to 6.5+", I really liked the feel of that in my hand, see picture. But I lost the "gained" girth with my implant, not sure why, but back to my 5.5" which is fine. I love my implant for many reasons and wished I had known about it and done it years ago.
pre-implant girth.jpg
pre-implant girth.jpg (243.04 KiB) Viewed 360 times
pre-implant 3.jpg
pre-implant 3.jpg (106.09 KiB) Viewed 360 times
DSCN1518.JPG (114.57 KiB) Viewed 360 times
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 79yrs., married 56 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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